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Handeze Gloves

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I suffer very sore hands and wrists when I crochet, and have heard through the grapevine about Handeze gloves.


Now I've just ordered myself a pair from ebay, and am wondering what everyone else's experience has been with them?


I can only get things like this from ebay, as they're not sold in Australia.


Any opinions would be great.

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I have a pair and they are just wonderful! I had horrible aches in my hands and they were just a Godsend. You might have to play around with your tension hand a little bit because they're very slippery.


I also found that I had to wash them quite often because they get icky from the oils and skin on the palm side. I just tossed them in the washing machine with a normal load and they were like brand new again.


After I switched to jimbo's hooks I found that I didn't need the handeze gloves anymore. I do wear them if I'm going to marathon crochet tho.


Enjoy them!

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Thanks RoseRed, I'm glad that you found them helpful, I hope they help me too. I can't really afford Jimbo's hooks (by the time you convert the US dollar to Aussie, then the postage, it's just too much for me), so the gloves will have to do.

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I'm sure you'll see the difference with the gloves right away. They just feel so good when they're on. I would leave them on after I was finished crocheting and I wouldn't get sore afterwards.

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I found them to be helpful when I'm working for a real long stretch of time on a project - my right hand in particular is not as tired after crocheting. Hope you find them to be just as helpful.

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I did not find that Handeze provide enough support when my wrists were really bad. This was about 7 years ago. I ended up using athletic tape, the kind of tape that athletes use to wrap their ankles. It sticks and yet comes off without ripping skin.


I wrapped my wrists in a figure 8 pattern each day for about a year. I found I could continue to crochet and use the mouse when my wrists were wrapped. Neither Handeze or a brace provided enough support.

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I use Handeze gloves and I love them! However, you still have to be careful and not overdo. My rule is that I take breaks every 15 minutes, so that I don't aggravate my tendonitis.

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I found some wrist support gloves at Wal-mart, in the athletic tape department with the ACE bandages and the like.


They have elastic supports at the wrist, and the support material around the hands. I really like them.


For days when my hands don't hurt so much, I have just elastic ACE wrist band things that help.

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Thanks for the alternate suggestions...


I finally got my gloves, but I'm a bit disappointed. The seller had a guage on the page that you could use to determine the size you needed, but the guage was wrong, so I think the gloves I have are a size too big. They are not a firm fit at all, and are actually quite uncomfortable to wear as a result...


Oh well, there's $40 down the drain.

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I use them all the time and they make such a difference. I had terrible hand and wrist pain from doing too much stitching/crochet/typing/mouse clicking and they were literally a God send. I'm in the UK and found them expensive but worth every penny. I do hope they help as pain can be a real dampner on creativity! Must find out what a Jimbo's hook is!?:D

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