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Problems with Hershcner's Company !! PINKROSES

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Hey everyone.

I have a problem with Hershcner's ordering company

I had an order for$19.50-- they took out on May 4 -- 2007, for my order. On May 1--2007 They took out May 1st . $61.12.

I have e-mailed them and told them the problem being very nice and understanding to them.

I get a reply to send my address in. thinking I wauld get my $61.12 back. It is already Wedensday.

They didn't send me the check for that ,

I e-mailed them this afternoon . they said that $19.50 would be on my next bank statement

I am out of my $61.12.

I wrote them again being nice and they said they would send $19.50 again in my bank account.

I e-mailed them back saying, I wanted my $61.12 back. I also told them nicely that I had never been treated this badly by their company.

I told them that if they didn't send my $61.12 to me or put it back in my account that I would be forced to seek other action.:eek :eek

I told them I was trying to be nice to them about their mistake.

I am so mad and frustrated over this.:angry :angry

How would you all handle the next step. ?

I am thinking on calling the Better buisness thingy over this.

You try being nice and you get no where.:lol

I would like yals input and suggestions. pinkroses


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Hershners sends an authorization tht holds the money amount for 5 days ( I think)... and then they draft the next day but your bank won't release the funds until the 5 day hold is up....


.....I did have trouble with them overcharging my account by about 12.00 btu after a call it was back into my account with in....get this 5 business days.....


... so.... if it looks like there are duplicate charges it might just be a hold on the original authorization and then the withdraw....


...it is a bit upsetting if your using a debit card... it ties up money and is good to know in the future

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I've never had that problem with them but I did order a book from them and they sent the wrong book! so I called them (I like to talk to a live person) I told them that i loved the book thet sent me and that I wanted to keep but i wanted them to know what had happened also I wanted to order the book I had tried to order the first time--well the girl took all the info we found the book number online and she said they would send it right away--so I asked for the amount that would be charged on my debt card for it --she said nothing!! She said since it was their mistake that it would be on them!! Wow I eas just tilcked pink over that--but I really think that it was because I called instead of e-mailed-------You might get better results if you call and talk to someone about your problem--I believe you would get it straightened out that way. Just my opion tho' ---good luck!!

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Pinkroses, I'm having a very difficult time following your post to know exactly what your problem is. Perhaps Herrschner's is having the same difficulty.


It sounds to me as if they think they've done whatever they need to fix your problem.


I would definitely suggest calling them on the phone so you can explain the problem in person to someone.


And as someone else mentioned, if you are checking online statements very frequently, you may see a "hold for funds" and an actual charge. You may want to contact your bank as well to verify if funds were actually deducted from your account twice. If money was only actually deducted once, then one of the transactions you are seeing is a "hold for funds." This does not remove any funds from your account---it just reserves that amount of money so that it can't be spent with another company before they submit the actual charge. When you speak, be very clear with your bank that you are not asking for how many transactions there are on your account from Herrschner's. You're asking how much money was actually deducted from your account and when it was deducted.


I am very sure that Herrschner's will help you get this straightened out.

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Hi PinkRoses: I had a problem with them about 2 weeks ago, they had to credit me because they do not do back orders to canada. What they did to me was they charged me the full taxes on a 60.00 dollar order, when the actual order was only 11.00. So i called them and right away the girl saw the mistake and credited me the difference. When I called there I could hear all the people talking in the background taking orders.

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I see that I am not the only one. I have tried to explain it as simple as I could.

I e-mailed them again using their Help@ herschners.com.

I will see what happens tonight and tommorrow,

Thanks for the imput.

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I have an issue with Hershcner's as well. Several years (3-4) ago I ordered the Ultimate Sweater Machine from them. Paid with a check for the full amount. They sent the machine. All was well & good. Then I started getting invoices from them for the full amount plus shipping. I called & explained that I had paid with my order and had the cancelled check from the bank. They said they would take care of it. Couple months later I get another invoice plus interest. I sent the invoice back marked paid in full with a copy of the front & back of the check. To this day I still occassionally get an invoice with more interest and I keep sending copies of the cancelled check along with calls to them. Because of this, I can't order anything from them because they say I still owe them for the Sweater machine. I gave up on them and trying to straighten this out. If they ever decide to send me to collections, then my attorney will get involved because I've done everything in my power to get them mark my account as paid in full.



The weird part is, I don't get an invoice every month or even every other month....usually about once every 4-6 months I'll get an invoice. It's weird.

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Have you tried calling them?! I have always had really good luck if I ever had an issue, but I did call. It is just hard sometimes getting someone to understand what you need, in an email. Please call them. I am sure they can help you out.

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when it comes to money problems - don't bother emailing - pick up the phone. It's so much easier that way. Check your bank statement online and double check before you talk to them.

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I think if you go to your Herrschners account online you can find out whatthey are charging you $61.00 for. I recently received an order from them that was damaged because of improper packaging and they are sending me replacements for the order. This just happened yesterday but I have never been overcharged for items. I guess I have been lucky. I do order a great deal from them and even bid on their auction items.

I hope you can get this resolved. I agree that talking to a "real" person is the best way to get satisfaction.

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Wow. I've never had issues with Herrchners. They have always been prompt and friendly. I have to agree with the others. Call. Don't e-mail. Nothing ever gets resolved via computer. Voice to voice always works better. Good luck.



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