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Could someone please help on a stitch?



I am working on a 12" square entitled Peace, Love, & Understanding. It is located here. So here is where I am stuck - Round 3 of the heart. The picot as described in the pattern is different than I am used to so I tried to look it up and it is different than how it is explained in this pattern. So here's the question, can anybody explain this better to me than what is in the directions. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.

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6 answers to this question

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:cheer A bit of an odd explanation for a Picot so I suggest you just do it how you think, as long as you end up with the correct number of Picots and the correct number of stitches between.

If I get time later, I will try the pattern and see exactly what it means.

Back later.

Have fun.


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:cheer ...I suggest you just do it how you think, as long as you end up with the correct number of Picots and the correct number of stitches between...

Have fun.



I told Midds last night (we were on pm) that you'd probably answer her request for help! You're so good and helpful, Colleen! And you've taught me some things! It is so greatly appreciated!


I even told Midds just about the same thing you said. I told her just to insert the hook somewhere and make the picot, etc.:D As we've said before, great minds ...


I figured the instructions meant to insert the hook in the front loop of the sc that was made prior to the ch3 and the "vertical" thread to the left of that front loop to make the picot. But then you would have to insert the hook into that front loop coming down into it when normally, it would be the opposite. Or the instructions could mean the 2 vertical threads that are parallel. But I don't think so. Either way will work, I think.


I just wish the pattern had the square worked around the heart like some others I have done that had special centers. In this one you make the square and then attach the heart. I'm sure it can be done but do I want to figure it out...or could I figure it out? I just don't know! Would probably take me forever!


Usually, in instructions when it says "of st below" doesn't it mean "of st in row/rnd below"? I'm pretty sure that's not the case here, though.


Take care, Colleen!



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Hey Midds, glad you found a way that worked for you :)


I've only just seen the thread and am a bit late, but if anyone's still interested, I think I know what Bonnie's pattern means. Amie of NexStitch has a video of it here. I often do picots this way when they sit above other stitches, like when you have a shell with picots interspersed, for example; it makes the picot "sit" really nicely :)


And if anyone's really interested (does anyone but me actually *like* picots? :lol) Mrs Beeton's antique book uses a similar method to make a picot like the ones used in tatting -- just a loop of thread rather than the chain we normally use in crochet. They look neat and delicate and give a different look and -- if you're a picot-hater! -- are much easier than the usual ones. Here's how:


1. Work an sc, pull loop on hook out to desired size.

2. Remove hook and insert it from the top through the front loop of sc just made.

3. Yo, being careful not to yank on the free picot, and draw through a loop. One

loop now on hook again, carry on crocheting :-)


Of course it's not limited to sc, you can use the method with any stitch. You think the free picot will pull out, but once you have the new loop on your hook, it's quite secure.



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I've always liked picots that use the stitch below instead of the third chain from hook. It seems to lay out more.


I like picots, but sometimes they can be downright tedious. :)

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