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Crochet Spool Caddy

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Sometimes, while doing my thing (crochet), the thread that I am working on gets in the way of my pleasure. The thread keeps clinging on to my clothes or underneath my legs that I have to pull the thread so hard. Thereby, my spool of thread goes tumbling and rolling on the floor. I thought of something to help me out on this problem. I asked hubby to make me a crochet spool caddy. I would like to share it with you. Here it is and I hope you get the idea.

Its size is 24”tall x 6 1/2 “wide and the spool holder (bottom) is 6 ¾” deep. There are two hooks on both ends (one facing left & the other facing right) of the top most board to serve as thread guide to keep it away from my body. It is made of ½ inch thick plywood and brushed with sanding sealer for natural wood color effect.


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OOOOOOH thank you so much for sharing that!! I think I have seen something like that at my fave thrift store.....with the little hooks tho. I even made a new folder = Cro Gagdets and saved the pics. lol

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you bet it will work for yarn too! if the wood isn't sanded very well, the yarn might stick on tiny bits of wood though. so better put a cardboard box for liner at the bottom bin.

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What a nifty idea!! He did a great job. If he wanted to go into business, I'm sure he'd get a ton of orders.

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thanks everyone for your comments! go ahead and make one for yourselves. the caddy's great help to us. you can make adjustments on the specs (the bottom box)depending on the size of the ball yarn or thread spool you regularly use.

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Last Tuesday night I told hubby that I took some pictures of the crochet spool caddy he made for me and I posted them here at the ‘Ville. I showed him the good comments you made.


He looked over the caddy and thought to himself. He said “I think I forgot something to put on it. I’m sure this will make it more user friendly to you.” He looked over his tool box, and voila! Look what he added to my caddy:


A back handle!






T’was a good thing he had an extra drawer pull among his hardware supplies. He said “Now, you can carry around this thingy without sweat!”

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