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I need to make 8 small and quick ( very small and very quick) gifts for the colleagues who sit in the same room as I do. Six of them have ponytails/plaits and so I thought of scrunchies for them. One's hair is too short to tie up, and the other has long hair which she always pins up elegantly . For these two I thought of coasters for their coffee mugs.

Now, (1) has anyone got better suggestions ?

(2) it is important that I give the same degree of gift to everyone (i.e. no gift should seem "better" ) so is it a bad idea to have 2 different items ?

(3) assuming I go with the scrunchies, what is your favourite scrunchie pattern ?

I have great faith in the good sense of Crochetville members, and I also know that you will not regard my query as too trivial to bother with, so I am waiting for your input.


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If all gifts must be equal, I would suggest you do coasters for all with each coaster could being different. Knowing office politics, the people who do not wear scrunchies may feel slighted by "only" getting coasters. They won't see that you put thought into an appropriate gift for them.

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if you chose to do the hair theme, you may make headbands for the two other ladies as well. Headbands are quick and easy to make. Plus they don't cost a lot of yarn.


If you want to go with the coasters, Robyn Chachula had a very creative idea of resin coasters in the current issue of Crochet today! magazine.

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I made several scrunchies for my niece for Christmas this year. She LOVED them and they each took maybe a half hour at most (depending on how distracted I got... :frog) If you're friendly with all of them, then I wouldn't worry about making different things for different people. Or, what you could do is make several of each and let them choose from a larger than needed selection.

I personally LOVE the idea of coasters for coffe mugs. I've been using an orphaned 3" granny in cotton for the last several years. It's big enough for my mug and was pretty quick. Also, CPC has MANY patterns, just make sure you use cotton yarn or thread as that absorbs water nicely and that's what a coaster is for....

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Thanks for taking the time to reply.

Laurie - you have put your finger on the very situation I want to avoid.

Shortylam - unfortunately, I don't have access to that magazine.

Rosered - bookmarks are an idea.

Addey - in an ideal world I would be equally friendly with all of them, but I am not. I am thinking over your suggestion of offering a choice.

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Is it necessary to make anything for these people if you're this concerned over pettiness. That kind of worry takes the joy right out of gift giving and my hands just refuse to do it- but that's me.

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I would do like someone else suggested. Crochet several little things and let them make a choice of what they would like to have. That is what I am going to do this year for some people that I work with. I am going to make several little things, like potholders, dish cloths and ornaments and let them make the choice.

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