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in pain...

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ugh my wrists, hands, and fingers hurt so badly


i dont know why... i havent been doing much with my hands

-no more than usual writeing/typeing

-havent been crocheting much


awhile ago my wrist was so bad i had to wear a wrist brace (doctor said tendonitis and beginning of arthritis)

but that was only my right wrist...this time its my right and left (although right is worse)


:( im only 17, i shouldnt have to deal with this junk

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Blegh! I would suggest some gentle stretching and maybe some ice. Hopefully this is just one of those things that will go away soon. :sigh


Good luck and I hope you feel better soon.


Linda Y

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I have tendonitis that can severely act up and stop me from crocheting for a week at a time. But hey, it only requires some anti-inflammatories, wearing the braces until it gets better, and not doing what makes it act up. I know that sounds like a lot, but at least it's better than needing surgery. :) I had no real problems with my wrists until I heavily started using computers.


I think that tendonitis/carpal tunnel type symptoms are earlier in appearing now as the current generation reaching their high teens have been using computers and game systems since they were very small. Things don't tend to be designed to be very ergonomic for little hands. :(

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Oh you poor, poor baby :( I got arthritis at 14 and I know what it's like. No fun at all. Just make sure to take regular breaks. I got a great tip here on the 'Ville to use a heating pad to rest your sore joints and hook on during those breaks. It loosens the joints and warms the hook since the metal can wick all the heat out of your hands and make it worse. Hope that helps some :manyheart

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I've had arthritis and FMS for years (got FMS when I was 9) and one of my main problems is my wrist as well. Recently I've been wearing a brace most of the time because I haven't been able to do anything with my left hand for a few weeks. It hasn't been pleasant.

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i am sorry frog that you are hurting so bad, i know how hard it is to deal with chronic pain, and at 17 that realllly sucks, did the doc have any suggestions?? i suggest ice and heat alternativly 20 min on , also try wearing a brace, i agree with Lady_of_Roses, i am sure since you were little you have been using your hands and wrists far more than any of us did at your age. does it help when you stop writing and crocheting? what kind of hooks do you use? how do you crochet. knife style or spoon style?i use to crochet spoon style, but found it realllly irriatated me to crochet this way i use the knife method now, much better, also i love my wood hooks more than than anything, they are soo much nicer and easier to use. i love my jimbo ones but there are others you can buy that is not tooo expensive good luck honey:hug:hug:hug

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I can sypathize. My right wrist get super sore once in a while and even looks swollen now and again. I can't even hold a book to read at night anymore with my right fingers getting tingly. (I'm 24). I'm lucky, though, crocheting doesn't seem to bother me. I think the crocheting motion is so different than the typing/mouse motions, that it's almost like an exercise for me.


I am going to recommend wrist pads for your mouse and keyboard. I saw HUGE improvements after I started using them.


Good Luck!

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i hold my hook knife style (i think...)

and i hold my pencil in a weird way (yes thats a plastic hook in my hand)



doctor just told me to rest and use my brace


my wrists are at their best over the summer because i dont write much (due to no school), the weathers pretty dry, and its not cold out


i use aluminum hooks, always have.... i dont think wood would help me because i get the same problems from writeing

but i may try it, do you know of any wood hooks that are cut like susan bates?


I've had arthritis and FMS for years (got FMS when I was 9) and one of my main problems is my wrist as well. Recently I've been wearing a brace most of the time because I haven't been able to do anything with my left hand for a few weeks. It hasn't been pleasant.

whats FMS?


I am going to recommend wrist pads for your mouse and keyboard. I saw HUGE improvements after I started using them.

thanks but ive used them before...cant stand um

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clover bamboo hooks are cut like susan bates and they're easy to find, try knitting-warehouse.com or joann.com.


those google ads are starting to freak me out the way they appeal to whatever the post is about. it's like they're spying on us.

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I've suffered wrist and finger pain for years...I went to the doctor a year or so ago and after an MRI they found I had ganglions in the joints. They took them out and the pain was much better. I do have to wear a brace sometimes when the pain comes back, but it's worth while asking your doctor to investigate the possibility of these ganglions...

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frog, pm me your addy hon and i will send you a bamboo hook to see if you like it. if you do keep it as a gift, i cried when i could not use my wrists and hands to crochet after the car accident , my hands and wrists were in bad bad shape.thankfully after resting them for 2 months(omgosh almost went nuts) i was able to crochet again:manyheart:manyheart good luck and let me know sweetie if you would like to try the bamboo hook:manyheart

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frog, pm me your addy hon and i will send you a bamboo hook to see if you like it. if you do keep it as a gift, i cried when i could not use my wrists and hands to crochet after the car accident , my hands and wrists were in bad bad shape.thankfully after resting them for 2 months(omgosh almost went nuts) i was able to crochet again:manyheart:manyheart good luck and let me know sweetie if you would like to try the bamboo hook:manyheart


thanks for the offer but i'll just pick one up next time im at the store

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It's not always the repetitive motion that causes carpel tunnel syndrome. You can be born with bone structure that makes you more susceptible to CTS. I was about 13 or 14 when my hands and arms started to hurt, and it wasnt until I was about 21 when I went to a doctor and he told me I had carpel tunnel. I had the release surgery on my right hand in 1990 soon after getting diagnosed with carpel tunnel.


The neuro-surgeon who did my carpel tunnel surgery told me that I was the youngest CTS patient he'd ever had. That's probably changed by now.


Now I have MS, and it's starting to trigger pain in my arms that feels just like the pain from carpel tunnel. Sunday, my left hand was killing me all day. It wasnt just triggering carpel tunnel pain, which would be caused by irritation to the median nerve, but it's also irritating the ulnar nerve (the ulnar nerve goes to the pinky finger and half of the ring finger. The median nerve goes to the thumb, index, middle and half of the ring finger)


It's shocking just how painful nerve pain is. I'd almost forgotten what carpel tunnel pain felt like. I wonder if another surgery would help that pain. Probably not, because I'm pretty sure this pain is actually coming from my neck (referred pain...I have a lesion at C-4 in my neck) and not actually from the nerves in my arm.

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