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Syrina's "Shades of the Rainbow" scarf


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Syrina......................... a fuzzy closeup............ the scarf



(Please excuse the way Syrina looks today - she's not been feeling well lately and has stayed home from school the past 2 days)


The other day, Syrina "stole" one of my scarves out of the hat/glove/scarf box in the front hallway - meaning, she saw one she liked, picked it up, and walked away with it. :D I asked her if she'd like to borrow it for the day, and she nodded a yes at me (she's autistic and non-verbal, so a nod is a HUGE thing in terms of communication!!!).


Later that day, after she'd come home from school, I found it on her bedroom floor. I picked it up and was about to put it away when I had an idea. "You know," I said to her, "I could always MAKE you one like this. Would you like that?" Again, I got a nod - a very EMPHATIC nod, in fact.


So I tried to get her to give me some indication as to what color she liked (I kept pulling balls of yarn out of my stash and showing them to her), but she really looked like she couldn't care less. So I had the idea of making her a "rainbow" scarf. But I've got so many different shades of certain colors (mostly in the pink/red range and blue) that I figured I'd do every shade I had, but in order. (Speaking of which, that one really dark stripe - that's not black, that's a really REALLY dark blue. But I'm using the not-so-good camera, so I'm not getting the best pictures.)


The more I look at it, the more I'm thinking it needs something, but I can't decide what. Fringe, tassels, pom-poms... I dunno. But I think it needs SOMEthing. What do you think?

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I think it's lovely. I'm not much of a fringe or tassle person, so I like it the way it is. :shrug

If you really think it needs something, then some fringe might work.

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I like it the way it is. But you could do fringe in the same colors as the stripes so that it flows straight though. I'd do one side long fringe and the other short fringe so it is assymetrical

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