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Is a blanket enough?

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I think the blanket would be enough. If you have extra yarn and time, then make a hat and booties to go with it. Or a little store bought gift is fine.


In this day of everyone giving store-bought, a well-crafted blanket in a great color will be appreciated greatly.



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I think just a blanket is good. There are some people out there who think "home made" is cheaping out. (I'm my opinion), often that is reinforced by people who hand-make gifts adding bought gifts making it seem like they don't think their gift was valuable. Besides, if a person is the sort to think I'm cheaping out by just giving them a blankie, I wouldn't want to go to the time to make them a baby blankie and would rather just buy generic store stuff for them.


Of course, if it was a good friend who I knew would love the stuff, I'd probably go overboard with gifties! :manyheart

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The blanket will be plenty! For a friend at work I made a blanket and with the extra yarn I made a little hat. She loved it because it was the only homemade things she had received. Sandy

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I asked my friend who's baby shower I went to and she said a blanket is plenty. Anything after that is nice, but don't feel obligated.

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A blanket is totally enough! But you might want to make sure that it is known that you made it not bought it. My mother made an afghan for someone as a housewarming gift, and it was so beautiful yet simple, that the woman assumed that it was "bought" and didn't really appreciate it until someone casually remarked that my mom made it and that she wanted one like it.

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