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Christmas CAL... anyone interested???


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Hi All,

I've been gone a while and have crocheted absolutely NOTHING! I'm sooo behind where I had hoped to be.

Just checking back in and wanted to post to say hey.

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this CAL is an awsome idea i am almost done with my MIL's afghan and i need two round rippels for my 2 nephews who right now are 10 months and 8 months, an afghan for my son who right now is 13 months. I also have patterns picked out for my two step-sisters, and i have never made my step-brother anything so I will have to add him to the list. (I am just thinking all this as I type it):blush my mother has been bothering me for a steelers afghan for a year now so i guess i better get started.:sigh wow i have alot to do and with a full size afghan taking me about 2 to 3 months each I better get on the ball. thanx for this CAL it's just want I needed to get moving.:kick

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I'm thinking that there is NO WAY I can get 7.5 afghans done in time for Xmas!!! I may change it to 2 afghans and 6 FBBs... those work up fast!

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I'm thinking that there is NO WAY I can get 7.5 afghans done in time for Xmas!!! I may change it to 2 afghans and 6 FBBs... those work up fast!


Take a deep breath, it is ONLY June, that still gives you several months to do the afghans.

NOW, think what patterns you want to do. With that, I may have a suggestion--MULTIPLE STRANDS!! :idea:clap

I lurk around the CAL section, reading posts, and over on another CAL they talk about a 3SUB (3 strand ugly blanket--tho, none of the picts that I've seen have been ugly, so the name DOES NOT give it justice):shrug :shrug and how FAST it works up. They are using scraps up doing theirs on the CAL, but, over on the van gogh's closet they are using 2 and 3 strands in a PLANNED pattern (1st color,2 strands ((or more)) all same color threads, after so many rounds, drop 1 of those strands and pick up next color, after so many drop the remaining strand of original and pick up 2nd thread of 2nd color, etc).

They are making GORGEOUS GORGEOUS GORGEOUS afghans on there.

I am SO :nworthy :nworthy

A few folks on these threads are making 1.5-2 'ghans a wk it seems. Fluffy plush 1's. So that may help to ease your anxiety. (I hope)


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Take a deep breath, it is ONLY June, that still gives you several months to do the afghans.


Thanks Sandy! :hug


But my #1 problem is that I work full time and go to grad school at night. That leaves me VERY little time to crochet. If I didn't have classes every evening, I could go home and relax and work a couple of hours on my projects each day. As it is, I might get a couple of hours per WEEK, definitely not enough to get that many afghans done. Luckily, I graduate in December, so if I can't pull it off THIS Christmas, I'll have plenty of time to work on afghans for the next one!!!! :clap

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Thanks Sandy! :hug


But my #1 problem is that I work full time and go to grad school at night. That leaves me VERY little time to crochet. If I didn't have classes every evening, I could go home and relax and work a couple of hours on my projects each day. As it is, I might get a couple of hours per WEEK, definitely not enough to get that many afghans done. Luckily, I graduate in December, so if I can't pull it off THIS Christmas, I'll have plenty of time to work on afghans for the next one!!!! :clap


AH!! that can be difficult. I've not tried those two styles, just know the folks doing them say they go quickly. W/ the multiple threads and larger hooks.

I wish you much luck w/ your classes. What, may I ask, are you studying?


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AH!! that can be difficult. I've not tried those two styles, just know the folks doing them say they go quickly. W/ the multiple threads and larger hooks.


I wish you much luck w/ your classes. What, may I ask, are you studying?





I'm a law student. I'll graduate in December and take the Texas Bar exam in February. Isn't it sad that the thing I'm looking forward to the most is having free time to crochet??? :clap


If you haven't tried the FBB yet, I suggest you do. They are a lot of fun and they work up so quickly. I have one in several colors and I get compliments on them everywhere I go!

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hey, as a newbie... what's a CAL, please? (and a ROAK and a stash) :) Thanks!


Hi Dawn! and welcome to the Ville


a CAL is a Crochet ALong, a stash is your yarn that you have piled in every room of your house because you know at some point some day you will use it (or this will soon be the case, trust me these lovely ladies will rub off on you:eek) and ROAK i believe is a random act of kindness.... but someone can correct me on that if i'm wrong:manyheart


you may as well jump in and join some of the CAL's because they are addicting, once you do one you will do many.


also if you knit there are knitting groups on here too, and on those we have KAL (knit alongs) also addicting. :devil



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CAL= crochet a-long

RAOK - Random act of kindness

Stash- Your yarn accumalation? I think.



I want to join the CAL, I'm almost finished my granddaughters afghan and have 4 more to do. This would be great to help me finish.

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:bang I am SOOOOO unbelievably frustrated!!:thair I finally started working on this darned mended hearts afghan, and after 23 rows, countless frogging back and re-doing small sections, I thought I finally had it going pretty well... NOT! The rows are supposed to have 25 stitches in each panel... my top row only has 23!! I could puke...

I was so excited to be done with that first heart, I cut off all the little colors and then started the next section and THAT'S when I saw my mistake! >>:kick << what I am doing to myself this very minute...

Ok, back to row one...:cry

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I'm a law student. I'll graduate in December and take the Texas Bar exam in February. Isn't it sad that the thing I'm looking forward to the most is having free time to crochet??? :clap


If you haven't tried the FBB yet, I suggest you do. They are a lot of fun and they work up so quickly. I have one in several colors and I get compliments on them everywhere I go!



Congrats on the graduating....good luck on passing the bar....and you just want to make up lost time w/ the crocheting. lol

Though, w/ the FBB, I have to ask "what is it??" At 1st I was thinking the 3SUB (3 strand ugly blanket) where some call it "*****" but I'm thinking it's sumfin else.

I just started an afghan for my bf tonite that is 2 strands, "P" hook in the mixed colors of black and white. Is coming out w/ a optical illusion affect that I'm quite liking (and was not expecting for some reason, just was thinking it would be quick since i fubarred n forgot how close to his bday it was.....and that he likes those colors). The 2 strands is making it "plushy" or sort of cushion-y.


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I went to the store to get the yarn for my step sisters afghan and as i was standing there i realized i had no clue what colors or how many colors the pattern called for so i ended up getting the colors for my step brother and his fiance's afghan and that afghan drove me crazy last night. the wording was weird and i ended up with 8sc's on the short ends rather than the 7 sc's it called for. I told my husband there was no way i was taking it apart and that i would fix it on the next rnd by decreasing the stitches by one. the afghan is made in panels so at least with the other panels i know what to do. i still don't understand the wording but at least i know how many stitches there should be.


as for his afghan it is called Shady Glen from the big book of crochet afghans. i am using red heart super savers, camo, linen and aran.

i figured the camo part is for him and the two light colors are for his soon to be wife.

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FBB I believe is a "Fat Bottom Bag" I've seen quite a few of them on the show and tell under the accessories. Have yet to make one, but from the sounds, they are quick and easy and seem to get a lot of compliments.


I think i'm going to venture into the world of purses/ bags pretty soon, but since pattern reading can be tricky I think I'll work from my own design and see how it comes out. I'm thinking someone will want them... I hope:hook

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I finished the afghan for my MIL will post pics tomorrow and the first panel of the afghan for my step-brother will also post pics tomorrow, I don't think my step brothers afghan is going to be big enough though, i wanted somthing that would fit his 6 foot frame. so i will have to probably do some adjusting. lol

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:bang I am SOOOOO unbelievably frustrated!!:thair I finally started working on this darned mended hearts afghan, and after 23 rows, countless frogging back and re-doing small sections, I thought I finally had it going pretty well... NOT! The rows are supposed to have 25 stitches in each panel... my top row only has 23!! I could puke...

I was so excited to be done with that first heart, I cut off all the little colors and then started the next section and THAT'S when I saw my mistake! >>:kick << what I am doing to myself this very minute...

Ok, back to row one...:cry


I HATE it when that happens... ugh!!! good luck getting it all fixed!:hug

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Amanda, VERY NICE! Where did you get the pattern for this?


I have 3 hearts done in the first panel of the mended hearts ghan. I'm feeling much better now...lol!

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:hookHaven't quite finished this one for my granddaugher Amber (12). She's had 2 liver transplants and doing well now. Hopefully this weekend will be filled with crocheting and grandkids.

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