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i can't find that pesky size 7 =(

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you know that 4.5mm hook between G and H? does ANYBODY make it besides susan bates?! i don't like that brand of hooks because they split the yarn due to their rigid rather than curvy shape. where can i get a size 7 hook?! i tried yarnforward.com but their shipping is ridiculous for one hook. =(

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Turn of the Century Hooks makes handmade wooden hooks. They also have this great sizing chart between the different brands. They say some hooks are not the size stated on the hook. According to their measurements the Boye G hook 4.25 mm is a 4.5mm.


Also, the Clover G hook is a 4.5 mm hook and is marked as such.


I found this very interesting. And giggled at myself for fretting so long that I didn't have a 4.5 mm, when I had 2 in my case all the time. I guess what really matters is your gauge and not necessarily the hook you use.

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I was in Joann's today, and their house brand, in the grey plastic (gawd, what an ugly color) has a size 7, 4.5mm hook. I almost picked on up, but I didn't have enough coupons, lol.


But, they do have them, and they are the sturdier plastic, like Baleen, not that brittle stuff like Crystalite. The shape was somewhere in between a Boye (my fave) and a Bates.

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Brittany makes a size 7 hook...I have 2 of them. Fancy Kitty also does a 7 but he calls them a G7. I highly recommend Fancy kitty for hooks. Ron makes beautiful hooks and gives great customer service. Fancy Kitty can be found on Esty. You can find sellers of Brittany hooks by either doing a Google search for online stores, or search Ebay. I usually check Ebay first for Brittany and if I can't find a Buy It Now in the size and price I want, I'll buy from an online retailer. I buy my Fancy Kitty hooks direct from the Etsy Store, but they can also be found on Ebay. I have almost 2 complete sets of Brittany hooks, and am working on getting a full set of Fancy Kitty hooks. Brittany also has 2 hooks, 10 3/4 (7 mm) and 10 7/8 (7.5 mm), that fill the gap between a K (6.5mm) and the L (8mm).

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