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Starting again....

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Hey everyone,

I've been so busy. My daughter has a friend that she has known since 3rd grade. They are both almost 21. Her friend just had a baby Christmas Day and my daughter asked me if I was going to crochet something for her. :worried


I decided to make a dress that I found in a booket. I am making it a typical pink and white. I haven't crocheted in about 7 years. I made 4 scarves to get my fingers use to crocheting.:cheer

Wish me luck on remembering what to do. Like riding a bicycle, I think not:eek


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It is like riding a bike - I stopped for about 15 years and picked it right back up! I found it helped to have a stitch guide, like in the back of a magazine, there to kind of check myself. I was surprised - I pretty much remembered everything. Have fun, but be prepared - next, it'll be an afghan, then something else until you are hookin' every day!

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i took quite a big break with crocheting....i didn't really make anything the whole time i was in high school....and then i got back into it when i started in college.....it was great...now i can't stop!

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