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Disappearance: 36 Crochet and Knit Sites in 3 days time


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No kidding. Although this may be slightly off topic because only eight of them were crochet sites.


But seriously...36!!! sites are down in three days. What happened? A major hosting site went down? Or a domain registrar? (Something to do with the major Registerfly mess?)


Seriously, knitters and crocheters alike are gonna have a big old riot if some of those sites don't come back up! ;):D:lol


Case in point:


Crochet Me Yarn Harlot Crochet Garden Magknits


EDITED later to add: Crochet Me, Crochet Garden, and Magknits seem to be working now.


...to name a few... I have a more complete list of all the knitting and crochet sites I found down if you want to PM me.


Anybody have any insight? Or is it just me and they work fine for everyone else?

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Crochet Me works for me, but the others didn't. Crochet Garden has done this in the past, I think it's her host. The other two, don't know. I would venture to say it's a host problem, and they share the same host.

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Crochet me is the only one that works for me.


I have noticed that I get the unable to connect message a lot of late --- glad to know it is not my computer at fault.


But I was wondering if all of us who are having this trouble were using Firefox --- is this a problem with MAc and IE users as well?



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But I was wondering if all of us who are having this trouble were using Firefox --- is this a problem with MAc and IE users as well?




Yes, I'm having trouble posting comments when I use Firefox. So now I'm trying it on Windows Internet Explorer.

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Is it possible that their hosts are located somewhere within the storm going over the central states and they're experiencing outages? I was able to see Crochet Me and Yarn Harlet...


Maybe so. Crochet Me and Crochet Garden work now. Still can't get to Yarn Harlot or Magknits or quite a few others that stopped working (again, all hopefully temporarily).

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That's what I was thinking, Amie. With all this Lovely weather we've had this season, I've noticed that several sites I like have gone down when massive power failures are reported. I suspect they are hosted in the affected areas, and of course, getting power restored takes time and must needs go first to where people are in danger from the weather before businesses and such.

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Crochet Garden info: I checked into my host. Mine was a scheduled outage on my site through my host for some maintenance. The outage was scheduled for 12:01 AM, and expected to be back up by 4 AM but they ran into some glitches but looks like everything is back up. Kind of ironic though that this scheduled downtime happened simultaneously with all these other sites! (Maybe they all use same host as myself?!) lol


KniKnac: That last outage we had was quite a while ago, (that was annoying), and no host has 100% uptime... thank goodness it was only that time. That was about a year ago?? This, however, was a schedulated unrelated maintenance downtime.

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