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Priscilla's crochet closed?


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BUT.... do not fear, yet. I show that the domain name record doesn't expire until Feb 2008.... so hopefully it is just a temporary problem at her host... :)


Looks like she may have it parked for now, actually. Hmm.

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It seems that the main link page has expired.....BUT....if you know the name of the pattern you are looking for, you can find it that way.





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That stinks! I was buying her pattern sets when she was emailing them every month. My idiot hubby went and cleaned off the cd I had them saved on just cause he had reburned them to a dvd. Well fast forward a month and the dvd went to crud and I lost them all!! Was so mad. I had only printed out a handful of patterns. Love her work!

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Ahh, that's interesting. That's not the message I got last night at home, or the info that the host registrar showed. I guess Bravenet is the one who still has the domain registered 'til next year.... ah well. :( That's a shame, I liked that site.

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Okay, folks, get ready to dig. If you go to the root directory of the aol sites you can sift through the web pages individually.






It's not pretty and it's a little intimidating, but it is still there. (At least from these two sites she set up.)


Actually it's quite easy to access the files - just click and look at files ending with a .htm or .html. The files that end with .jpg are photo files that will be inside the .html pages.


I recommend that you go and look for the files you needed, because who knows when these 2 sites will go down as well.


Happy Hunting!

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