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Thanks so much for the comments folks. I wasn't real excited last night about this ghan, I think because I so wanted it to be done. But, the more I look at the picture, the more I'm loving it



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Hello ladies all of your ghans look lovely, here is what I have done so far.


This is gonna be a big one, for my dads king size bed, so will be working on it for a while yet.






Have 4 more colours to add, and need 15 of each colour, gonna get 10 more balls of grey for the borders of the squares and the outer border (just to be on the safe side), need another ball of navy as well, will get them on tuesday.


They all need blocking and ends weaving in, will do that once I have at least 2 of each colours complete. Once blocked they will be 5" square.

That is going to be a VERY big afghan - I like the colors you've chosen. You're making great progress!


Originally Posted by Krystal16 viewpost.gif



Here's my Red, White & Blue! :cheer

That is so pretty !! I want to make a red/white/blue afghan too (granny squares

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Hello ladies all of your ghans look lovely, here is what I have done so far.


This is gonna be a big one, for my dads king size bed, so will be working on it for a while yet.






Have 4 more colours to add, and need 15 of each colour, gonna get 10 more balls of grey for the borders of the squares and the outer border (just to be on the safe side), need another ball of navy as well, will get them on tuesday.


They all need blocking and ends weaving in, will do that once I have at least 2 of each colours complete. Once blocked they will be 5" square.

That is going to be a VERY big afghan - I like the colors you've chosen. You're making great progress!


Originally Posted by Krystal16 viewpost.gif



Here's my Red, White & Blue! :cheer

That is so pretty !! I want to make a red/white/blue afghan too (granny squares I think) but it will be a while before I get around to that since I have other WIM's ahead of it

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Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I am now on square 10 (joining it as I type-well almost) and will probably get a few more completed today, as there is a bible conference at our church starting tonight (Dr John Whitcomb!). Also, I hate to admit this, but I sort of back-burnered the afghan for a while, to make fingerless gloves, but I want to finish this thing by July the 4th, so I need to get to work.

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Hello ladies all of your ghans look lovely, here is what I have done so far.


This is gonna be a big one, for my dads king size bed, so will be working on it for a while yet.






Have 4 more colours to add, and need 15 of each colour, gonna get 10 more balls of grey for the borders of the squares and the outer border (just to be on the safe side), need another ball of navy as well, will get them on tuesday.


They all need blocking and ends weaving in, will do that once I have at least 2 of each colours complete. Once blocked they will be 5" square.




Looks like it's going to be great!





Here's my Red, White & Blue! :cheer


You're almost finished!


Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I am now on square 10 (joining it as I type-well almost) and will probably get a few more completed today, as there is a bible conference at our church starting tonight (Dr John Whitcomb!). Also, I hate to admit this, but I sort of back-burnered the afghan for a while, to make fingerless gloves, but I want to finish this thing by July the 4th, so I need to get to work.



So nice to hear from you. Nothing like a deadline to get you motivated!

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I'm into the LAST motif. Unfortunately, I haven't been a good girl and working my ends in like I started to do, so I'll be spending a day with ends before I can get my border on. :( You'd think I wouldn't be in such a denial and leave it to the end like this! I've only got about 3 days of crocheting on it. :jumpyay

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I'm into the LAST motif. Unfortunately, I haven't been a good girl and working my ends in like I started to do, so I'll be spending a day with ends before I can get my border on. :( You'd think I wouldn't be in such a denial and leave it to the end like this! I've only got about 3 days of crocheting on it.

Yeah :cheer You are such a fast crocheter !! Sorry about working in all the ends, but in about 3 days you are going to have another beautiful completed afghan !! Whoo Hoo !!:clap


I had a rotten day yesterday (had to work and got frustrated with some shoddy work I see other people doing - or rather not doing) - then I met a friend for what I thought would be a quick dinner and instead ended up taking about 3 hours - I was so tired and ready to get home.


BUT...this morning I woke up revived I guess - I watched "The Starter Wife" which I had TiVoed and did completed 1 1/2 squares !! I won't get to work on it anymore until tonight but I plan on finishing that 1/2 a least so I can join the 1st strip (of 5).

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I'm happy to report that the baby afghan is finally done. Actually it was done a few days ago but I just got around to washing it and taking a photo today. My co-worker's baby shower is scheduled for the last week in July.



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I'm happy to report that the baby afghan is finally done. Actually it was done a few days ago but I just got around to washing it and taking a photo today. My co-worker's baby shower is scheduled for the last week in July.




Beautiful set Laurie



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Oh my goodness ! How beautiful - your co-worker is going to LOVE it!!!:manyheart

I love the pattern for the afghan - I don't think I've seen one like that before - very delicate !

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I'm very pleased with how it turned out especially since I had never made a sweater before. Since it stays hot for so long in Florida, I thought something light would be more appropriate.

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I finally started back on my "Lake Tahoe" Ripple after more than a week working on the Pineapples-in-the-Round. After using Caron's SS on that one I feel like I am crocheting with hemp or jute now using RH SS! It's amazing the difference in texture!

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I'm happy to report that the baby afghan is finally done. Actually it was done a few days ago but I just got around to washing it and taking a photo today. My co-worker's baby shower is scheduled for the last week in July.




It's just beautiful! I've never seen that pattern before. Congratulations on finishing such a perfect gift! :yay I'll get the first post updated. :)


I finally started back on my "Lake Tahoe" Ripple after more than a week working on the Pineapples-in-the-Round. After using Caron's SS on that one I feel like I am crocheting with hemp or jute now using RH SS! It's amazing the difference in texture!


I know just how you feel! I've made a few projects recently with Caron SS and am now working on an afghan with a yarn that feels so rough. I want to get it finished and move on to something else but I'm just not very motivated to work on it for more than a few stitches at a time.

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Last time I posted, I was at 61 squares. I've finished 4 more since then! I am so close I can almost taste it! :clap Go me...go me...






Go go go! :clap:cheer



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I got an entire row of squares done during the conference! AND we got three DVDs, so I'll be crocheting and watching those too.


Yay! Great feeling, isn't it!


Last time I posted, I was at 61 squares. I've finished 4 more since then! I am so close I can almost taste it! :clap Go me...go me...





And it tastes great, huh? :yay

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