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I'm a Bad Crocheter

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I should be ashamed. :embar I used to crochet all the time. And then I learned how to knit and almost completely abandoned crochet. I feel so ashamed, like a terrible hypocrite when I defend crochet as being just as good as knitting on the knitting forums. I haven't had a crochet FO in months! :loser I need something to get me back in my crochet groove, but I don't know what to make. Something pretty and a little more complicated than plain sc. Some laciness. A hat? A pillow cover? Help me get my crochet groove back!


for the hat, keep in mind that i have big afro hair and the hat needs to balloon out to hold it.

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Hi Nikki ~ I read your blog about SF yarn. If you travel to SF again, try going to San Mateo which is a short drive (west) from the airport. There is a wonderful yarn shop there calledl Nine Rubies. Don't feel guilty about not crocheting..... I was the same way, mostly knitting for a few years. I've collected several patterns here and cannot wait to buy yarn for these projects. Love the round ripple afghan. So, browse through and get inspired. In the meantime, enjoy the knitting too.

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Someone did tell me about Nine Rubies. If we hadn't been so short on time, definitely would have gone. But we were in SF and wanted to go to Sonoma area, which is in the opposite direction, and we just ran out of time. If I go back, I will try to visit Nine Rubies. thanks!


Hi Nikki ~ I read your blog about SF yarn. If you travel to SF again, try going to San Mateo which is a short drive (west) from the airport. There is a wonderful yarn shop there calledl Nine Rubies. Don't feel guilty about not crocheting..... I was the same way, mostly knitting for a few years. I've collected several patterns here and cannot wait to buy yarn for these projects. Love the round ripple afghan. So, browse through and get inspired. In the meantime, enjoy the knitting too.
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I have to agree, knitting:knit, crocheting:hook, gardening:rose :roseor whatever.....do what feels right to you at the moment......this is a hobby, a form of relaxation! It shouldn't stress you out:thair ........you'll crochet again when it feels right to you!!!!:yes In the mean time stick around and have fun with us here......I think everyone of us goes through a little downtime from crocheting if we can, or we would probably burn ourselves out!:faint

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I know how you feel. I have been knitting a lot lately. My local Craft store has asked for crocheters and knitters to donate time to make helmet liners for the troops. They are supplying the yarn, they just want us to make them. I have been knitting the ones I have made. I think the finished fabric of the knit is smoother and would feel better under a helmet than the crochet ones. I have made 3 so far with another on the needles and one skein waiting to be knit. Anyways....there is my poor dragonfly afghan in progress and barely touched in the last month or so....I know I will get back to crocheting....but, right now I feel the need to help out the troops!


Don't feel guilty about the knitting...to me they are interchangable hobbies!

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I don't remember where I saw them, but I've seen some really neat "hybrid" patterns lately--sweaters that extensively use both crochet and knit. I'll have to go poke around, but this might be a good way to utilize both at the same time! Spending time with both kids keeps everyone happy :).

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Sometimes the best way to get your crochet groove back is to not make it feel like crocheting is something you HAVE to do. It should be something you want to do.

I was in a funk since the end of August and tried making myself crochet, but it didn't work that way. No patterns appealed to me. I couldn't even put colors together that I'd like. I'd start an afghan, get a couple rows into it and end up frogging it.

So, I decided to not try to force myself to crochet anymore. I took a break and wound up finding this forum. The greatest appeal to me was the Crochet-A-Longs and I joined the Ripple-Along.

I have to say that since then I've been actually enjoying crocheting more. It's fun to share with others what you're working on and getting to see how their finished creations look.

Don't feel like you have to crochet. Crochet when you want to. Your groove will come back. Just give it time.



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I totally have a book with great hats for hair like mine, actually. It's called Get Your Crochet On! Maybe I'll whip up something out of that!

That's a great book. I borrowed mine from the library, but it's definitely on my "to get" list.

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I am the total opposite. Was an avid knitter (started when I was 5), but taught my self to crochet last March (to finish a knitting project) and have picked up my needles maybe 5 times since. I absolutley adore crochet! I think it is much more versitle and lends more to my creativity. I think I have crocheted more items (and things I truly enjoyed doing) than I had knitted in 5 years. I definately consider myself a crochetier that knows how to knit! Do what you like though, and "Count it all Joy".

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There's nothing wrong with you mwedzi! Lots of us get a mojo on for one or the other and stay with it for a while. I learned to knit last year and have been mainly doing that since. I'm one of those strange souls who doesn't LIKE to have more than one project going at once or I would have a knitting one going now, too. When I knit, I miss crochet. When I crochet, I miss knitting. Maybe I need a hybrid pattern like pianoducky mentioned!

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