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Suggestions for a silent auction?

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My high school's foundation is holding a silent auction to raise money for college scholarships (most of the students are economically disadvantaged). I thought I might contribute something crocheted for the auction. Any suggestions? And would you use low-end, medium, or high-end yarn?

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Here is some examples of what I have done for auctions at my child's school.


Baby afghans. Done in TLC yarn. This year I made a pink and a blue one, along with sweaters and hats to match. They can be put into baby baskets, along with other baby items.


Full size Holiday afghan. Done in Christmas colored squares. Many different yarns.


Crocheting lessons-I taught a set of triplets (6th graders) how to crochet and then we made the flip-flops for each girl. I basically came to their house and worked for three hours.


A custom afghan. They buy the yarn and you crochet the afghan the way they want it. Basically, a certificate was issued and they called me after the auction.


You would be surprised how many people love the hand-crafted items that are donated to the auction.


The reason I got involved with donating is that I always have a project in my lap as I view a game. Someone asked me if I would mind making something for the auction, and of course, I loved to help out. And have been doing something ever since.


These are just some ideas that I have done myself. Others may have some other really neat ideas to try. Good luck.



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I'm making some afghans for the ACS Relay for Life fundraiser. There are three here I participate in and I"m using the Relay theme (purples and white), breast cancer (shades of pink with a pink ribbon applique) and Daffodil Days. I'm really excited and can't wait to get them done.



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My childrens' school just did a fund raiser auction .. I crocheted a 60" diameter 12 point round ripple .... the school said it alone raised over $200

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I think Fat Bottom Bag would be a nice change of pace for a silent auction .. it works up pretty quick and one skein of cotton yarn and some handles and you've got a nice bag IMO. :)


Women love purses .. and women are the largest attendees of these types of auctions. ;)

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I have done a lot of crocheting for school auctions. By knowing the school community you'll decide whether there is "big money" available or whether people are just looking for a good deal on a handmade item.


For my DD & DS's high school I usually make the "Great Big Granny Square" in school colors: Lion Homespun gold and Lion T&Q Chenille wine (need about 6 skeins each). This is an expensive donation, but they get a lot of $$$ for it.


For my DD's grade school I usually do smaller pieces. Last October I donated 8 scarves in various fun yarns some adult some child. Prior year I did an adult poncho and a child poncho as well as scarves. I have done several afghans, but I don't think in this silent auction they bring in as much as for the high school.



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Thanks SO much for all the suggestions! I especially like the idea of an afghan in the school colors (very pretty: deep red and grey) and a smaller item, maybe a fancy little bag to appeal to the ladies (or their husbands). This is one of the expensive-type auctions--it's along with a dinner that's $40 a plate (big money in the area where I grew up) black tie, etc.

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