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Crocheting up trouble....

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wow i can't believe that, i did notice that my michaels offers crochet classes but no knitting....hehe they do have classes to use those knitting circle thingies....can't remember what they are called...

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That was smart to get her name and schedule. I'd write a letter to both the store manager and whomever is in charge at headquarters (not customer service). That way, they know what's going on, even if they don't do anything about it. I've have several instances where writing complaint letters either got me a full refund (for a hotel stay) or a peace offering from the company. :mail

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i would crochet her a nice potholder and mail it to her:devil:devil:devil:devil:devil


what is it with people. how rude she was and i imagine still is:angry:angry you were far kinder than me my friend:yes:yes, i would not have been nice at all and told her how rude she was, not to mention ignorant. sorry you had to go thru that:eek:eek:eek

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  • 2 weeks later...

That is too bad. I can't get those darn Knitting needles to behave themselves. I prefer the crochet thing. I go to this LYS near me and they don't have anything for crochet really but 2 times a week they have a social knitting and crochet time. I am the only person that I have seen that does the crochet the other ladies knit but they are all very nice. I don't think I would go there if I felt like I was a wierdo. Everybody asked the shop owner questions, I was on my own because she was mainly a knitter. I have fun and this is relaxing because I have to leave there to go to work. I just wish she would sell more crochet hooks and books.

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I've never tried knitting, and I really don't ever intend to...mainly because of knitters like this. My main goal with crocheting, other than making all the wonderful things I make with it, is to help get it the recognition in deserves as the chances arise.


Personally, I wouldn't have even taken her flyer. I would have bought her a book on how to crochet and a new hook, then passed it off to her as I walked out the door. :devil

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WOW! you were awfully polite, I seriously dont think I could have kept my composure. that was so wrong of her. if she would have stopped it would have been one thing, but to keep ranting WOW.

I love thu that the lil old lady stopped you to completment the afghan thu, thats so sweet and she knew you needed a compliment right then and there.

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