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Two Hats- Cloche and City Girl Cap


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I made a lot of hats this week. These two I think are going to be auctioned in a silent auction to benefit my nephews' preschool :)


The first is from the city girl cap pattern - which was AWESOME! by Celestial Seasonings. I found it error free, well written, and easy to follow!:cheer


I'm going to Link to the pics instead of posting them because I can't edit them small enough right now :( (I'm not on my computer)

So here is my city girl cap.


I also made a Cloche from my own idea. Here is the side view.


They are both in same color yarn.


Thanks for looking :)

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Thanks guys ! I appreciate the feedback.


And CraftConnie1 - go for it! The cap works up really quickly and nicely. I showed it to a friend who pulled out one that she bought at Urban Outfitters - she wouldn't say how much she paid... but I know it was much less than the cost of the yarn and the few hours that this hat took...


Go for it :cheer

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