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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hey there Jude ! How goes it today ?

I was busy! Did some ironing...then went to DS's office for a treatment on my back. It's something that acts up worse on some days than others...


It's been a week since I posted. Sorry to be MIA but I went into a weird funk. Had myself a nice little pity party and then a real good talking to. Put on my big girl (really big girl, aka parachute panties :rofl) and told myself to get over it. Spent late last night reading a weeks worth of posts from y'all and realized that I was not the only one who had a MDMD (Mother's Day Melt Down) :hug and compared to some of the problems others here are going thru, mine are insignificant. I missed you all :manyheart

We missed you, too, in case you thought we didn't notice! You're supposed to come HERE when you have a meltdown!:hug

Here are the photos from last week.


Round ripple baby afghan in JoAnn's Sensation Boucle yarn


Scarf knitted in feather and fan, Herrshcners Mohair yarn.


I will post this week's picture next. :hook

Beautiful work!!:clap

Thanks, Julie! It's really fun to read everyone's answers.

Mary - you didn't answer #1 - what's your fav thing to crochet?


The picture for this week is the completed Citrus Grove Nightmare. Put on your sunglasses it is bright! :yes


(Notice my tumbleweeds in the background) :D

That is terrific! :cheerYou know you could sell that for big bucks:yes...in fact any of your ghans would sell. You have a great touch!

And now: Huge hugs to you ladies! :hug :hug :hug I just went down to get the paper and mail and found a box for me from Julie. I am bowled over by the afghan, cards and gifts. I shed tears of happiness. The afghan is absolutely beautiful. I've helped make these for others, but never been the recipient before. It is awesome to have such good friends. I will treasure it always and I feel so loved. Thank you, thank you, thank you. :hug :hug :hug I'll take a picture in a bit. Right now I'm just going to wrap up in it and enjoy it. :manyheart

You so deserved it! Enjoy...:hug:manyheart

Jules was so good about organizing it all and so fast!

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Absolutely beautiful projects !!!


I'm sorry you also had a really crappy day this week . That's why I don't enjoy holidays -- makes normal ordinary problems that you try not to THINK about ,stick out like a sore thumb .


I think several of us may have some pretty sad family situations, so the best way to handle them is to move on .... we have to think of other things and not let them get us down . THEY WIN if we do that .


SO... I'm gonna keep you guys occupied so we don't have to dwell on things we have no control over and can't change .




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I'm glad the box arrived safely . I always worry when I send stuff out ,hoping it'll get where it's supposed to .

I hope it brightened your day and helped you realize how many people here really do care about you .

It might not MATCH too well in your room, but I told everyone make it bright to cheer her up,so they did !

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1-Favorite thing to crochet - AFGHANS - ALL TYPES

2-Do you like to read,and if so, what types of books ?EVERYTHING, FROM HISTORY TO FICTION - JUST NO SCI-FI

3-What other crafts do you enjoy ?COUNTED X-STITCH AND KNITTING

4-How many siblings do you have ?1 OLDER SISTER AND 2 YOUNGER BROTHERS

5-How many different states have you lived in ?3: NEW YORK (CITY), MISSOURI (ST.LOUIS AREA), NEW JERSEY




8-Do you collect anything ( not counting YARN ) ?CAT FIGURINES AND MUGS WITH DOG OR CATS ON THEM...NEED TO PRUNE MY MUG COLLECTION...:devil



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Well, off to hook a bit - my day has disappeared already!


Yankees are at home tonight, so a 7 PM game. I'll be back way before that!

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Hey Jude

Hope your back treatment did you some good . Sorry it is acting up on you again .

Thanks :hug it's sore right now, but that's normal - it's the next day when it really feels better.



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I'm with you, I'm not much of a Sci-Fi reader mbut I love Lost in space ... my favorite show when I was a kid ,and I STILL like it .


How did you like Missouri and how long did you live there ?


And wow, that Puerto Rico vacation sounds like it would have been beautiful !!! The water is all those shades of blue, isn't it ?

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Hello Housemates :clap


It's been a week since I posted. Sorry to be MIA but I went into a weird funk. Had myself a nice little pity party and then a real good talking to. Put on my big girl (really big girl, aka parachute panties :rofl) and told myself to get over it. Spent late last night reading a weeks worth of posts from y'all and realized that I was not the only one who had a MDMD (Mother's Day Melt Down) :hug and compared to some of the problems others here are going thru, mine are insignificant. I missed you all :manyheart


Here are the photos from last week.


Round ripple baby afghan in JoAnn's Sensation Boucle yarn


Scarf knitted in feather and fan, Herrshcners Mohair yarn.


I will post this week's picture next. :hook


Love that RR!

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Hello again,


The picture for this week is the completed Citrus Grove Nightmare. Put on your sunglasses it is bright! :yes


(Notice my tumbleweeds in the background) :D


Ooh, is that one of those that you weave strands in a mesh? If so you are a very patient crocheter. :clap

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Whose biography have you found most interesting ? Mary Shelly, author of Frankenstein. Although I didn't find her an appealing or sympathetic person, her life was certainly interesting.


How many bookmarks do you have ? Approx. 300. There are many old advertising ones, (a pickle shaped one comes to mind), fancy ribbon types, metal ones shaped like shephard hooks with fancy dangles, antique paper ones about 100 years old, sterling silver~some set with gem stones, a microphone for NBC from the 30's, character ones like Smokey the Bear, M & M's , Pillsbury Doughboy, Harry Potter series, Lord of the Rings, it just goes on and on. Not to mention (which I am mentioning, so~dumb phrase) when I get beautiful greeting cards that I can't bear to part with, I recut them as bookmarks. Have crochet, needlepoint, beaded, handpainted, and some co-workers gave me foreign paper money to use. Some are quite lovely. I try to find unique bookmarks and match them to a book. A lovely, hand painted leather one in the shape of africa, made by a Masai warrior, of course, it is in a copy of Out of Africa. Luv them for various reasons.:manyheart


And yes, it was me in the Parachute Panty drawer. :devil


To all the ladies, thank you for the kind comments and support. This is such a special group. (originally typed grope :rofl now that would be special.)

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Diane-- as for the citrus afghan-- it looks like you did beautiful work on it,and I like green, but I gotta say I can't imagine the house those colors would match in !!!!


The receptionists gave me the colors. Said his house is very, very,very big and quite modern. Couches are in black, accents of hot yellow and lime green is his favorite color. (Still sounds like a nightmare to me).:eek

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did you guys get flooded in your area when the stors went through ?


and what 7 states did you live in ,which one did you like best ?


Andd what type SYRUP do you use on chocolate pancakes with chocolate chips ?


Yes and no. Part of my city was flooded (a couple of places still are) but my house is atop a high ridge so I stayed pretty dry.


Florida, Arkansas, Texas, California, Louisiana, South Carolina, Tennessee. When I was a kid I preferred Florida as an adult I prefer Tennessee.


I use very little syrup with chocolate chocolate pancakes and no butter. The old fashioned maple syrup is what I like. Yum.

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Ooh, is that one of those that you weave strands in a mesh? If so you are a very patient crocheter. :clap
Yes, it is a crocheted mesh base, and then 116 long crochet chains (250 chs.) are woven in. I have about 5 of these books. A woman in Australia developed the patterns. Some are based on Scottish and Irish clans. That's what got me started on them. My Scottish clan is Lindsey. Have made several of that pattern for family members. She also has some done up for colleges/football teams. They are fun to make and great as gifts for men.
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Wow, those bookmarks sound so NEAT !!

I never knew anyone who collected bookmarks,but that'd be a neat thing to collect and match up with all your books . I usually lose mine, I bet I have lost 100 f them -- most usually by leaving them in library books and forgetting til too late.someone else has nabbed them .





Sherri- yea, I bet kids would love Florida especially if you were close to a beach so you could swim .


I always thought Tennessee was beautiful -- I THINK the guy who wrote A Walk Across America ended up moving there ,so I figured it must be one of his favorite states or he wouldnt have ended up there .


We've been there to Smoky Mountains -- once as a kid, then once when our kids were small .

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Yes, it is a crocheted mesh base, and then 116 long crochet chains (250 chs.) are woven in. I have about 5 of these books. A woman in Australia developed the patterns. Some are based on Scottish and Irish clans. That's what got me started on them. My Scottish clan is Lindsey. Have made several of that pattern for family members. She also has some done up for colleges/football teams. They are fun to make and great as gifts for men.

That's neat, Diane.


Julie - A saki set is the small container and tiny cups that Japanese saki is served in. The main container is usually no taller about 5". Liquor sets very a lot but are quite a bit bigger than saki sets. They can be decanters and glasses for drinks like rum and whiskey or daintier decanters and glasses that are used for dessert liquors. The latter are the type I have collected several of. A tea set is the tea pot and tea cups used for serving tea. The ones I collect are usually from China or Japan. I have included pictures of a saki set and liquor set I found on line that are similar to what I collect. The tea set is one I recently picked up at Goodwill. I usually find mine at estate sales or antique stores. I'm quite picky about the ones I buy. One of my liquor sets is an old one from Italy in green glass with gold trim that I got from an estate sale. Another is Chinese, also in green glass with black/gray/white dragons on the sides. Saki sets and tea sets are usually porcelaine.





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Mary - you didn't answer #1 - what's your fav thing to crochet?

Oops! :blush Definitely afghans! And I love to make scarves for quick projects.:yes



How long did you live in IOWA and what does it look like there ? Did you like it ?


and how many teapots do you think you have ?


what is the BIGGEST and SMALLEST ???

I was born in Iowa and my dad was transferred to Dallas when I was in the 9th grade - so I've been in Texas for a loooong time. :lol DH was raised in Fort Worth and we met in college.


How many teapots? :eek Most of them are packed away due to too much dusting. ;) I think I probably have about 50...my smallest is a pumpkin teapot about the size of a tennis ball and I can't think what the biggest is. :think


Sorry the last 2 pages of posts look like the Julie Show ...


Just trying to draw you guys out so you will YAK a lot ,then I can sit back and READ all the yakking .:D

We like the "Julie Show"...you always keep us thinking, sharing and laughing. :yes


Yes, it is a crocheted mesh base, and then 116 long crochet chains (250 chs.) are woven in. I have about 5 of these books. A woman in Australia developed the patterns. Some are based on Scottish and Irish clans. That's what got me started on them. My Scottish clan is Lindsey. Have made several of that pattern for family members. She also has some done up for colleges/football teams. They are fun to make and great as gifts for men.

It is such a beautiful pattern!


We've had buckets of rain, lightning and thunder, so I had to unplug my computer and may have to again. No severe stuff here though, thank goodness.

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Linda~love the tea/saki sets. My sister's middle granddaughter has been living in Japan, teaching English. She just sent my sister a beautiful tea set from there for Mother's Day. Sis also is a teapot collecter, but most of hers are more English looking.


The maillady was just here and I got a package. :cheer for packages. For those of you that are knitters and are interested in cable patterns, I would highly recommend this book. I bought it for myself, took it to Calif to show my sis, she loved it, so I gave it to her, came home and bought it for myself again. It has 20 cable patterns, written directions, as well as graph directions. Is spiral bound so lays flat, but has a cover that can be reversed into a stand, if you like it that way. Wonderful patterns and who can ever have enough patterns?




Oh, and my bookmark collection doesn't take up much space, if they aren't in a book, I keep them in a tackle box. :yes

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I will have to someday try them chocolate pancakes . We just dont have any fancy eating establishments here that would serve anything more exotic than fish sticks .

** WITH tartar sauce,may I add !




Linda-thanks for explaining all the different drink sets. Is saki tea, or some other beverage ?


I think when I read ... oh ,DANG IT ... what was that book ? It was real popular a couple years back -- they may have made a movie of it, not sure-- the one about the Geisha lady -- they may have mentioned Saki in that .




Thanks MARY for the compliments - I'm just a good YAKKER .. My dad says I've never met a stranger ,so I guess it's true - I talk to EVERYBODY ..


Funny thing is, I married someone who is total opposite. He RARELY EVER talks.




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Julie - Saki is a very potent Japanese rice wine. One little container can get several people quite drunk if it's drunk quickly. The cups are very small and it's meant to be sipped slowly.

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Mary - take care in those storms. Stay safe.


Here is a picture of the lovely afghan you ladies made me. I'm still just blown away by it. Also a picture of the other goodies that were in the box. And all the lovely cards that came with it are so heart-warming.

post-9295-135897530477_thumb.jpg The bag is the perfect size for carrying around my current thread project(s). There is a Crochet Lite hook, a set of circular knitting needles, sew in labels, 2 balls of cotton yarn, a puzzle book, "Three Cups of Tea" by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin, and "Shutter Island" by Dennis Lehane.


Again, thank you all so much. :hug :hug :hug I feel so overwhelmed by your love and generousity.


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So glad you liked your goodie box ! And yep, we have some of the kindest people in the world in our House .


Whenever any of you are feeling overwhelmed or like you are the only one going through a difficult time, check in here . I think you will find that someone else in here may be or have been in the same position at some point in their lives .


It's really odd how a total group of strangers can meet up in here and be able to lean on each other ,when we have never met .


Anyhow, I'm glad you liked the items I sent - I really had no clue what types of extras to send you, so just chose a few things.


I love those little totes- I have several myself - they are handy to toss in the car for Dr appts,things where you know you might be sitting awhile . Stick in a book or small crochet project and you are good to go .

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