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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Our wedding was simple , especially by today's standards .


My dress was pretty ,but not lots of frilly stuff on it - I'm not much of a frill type person,so the bottom was pretty plain. The top had some lace ,with a high neckline .


I changed my mind on colors about 87 times, but ended up going with pastels- so we had pink,blue and yellow .


We had 2 bridesmaids, we each only have 1 sister, both the same age and the same name, so we had them, then the little flower girl was from our church. she also had the same name.

Every female in my wedding was named Laurie except me .:lol


Their dresses were pretty plain too, light dotted swiss, with a ruffle type thing on the top.


They all had daisies in baskets, tinited pink,blue and yellow.


My bouquet was white daises with a pink, yellow and blue rose in the center .


Our cake was mostly white with tiny daises of the same color all along the edges .


We had 2 extremely aggravated mothers in the front row, and 2 resigned fathers ( whose ears were probably bleeding from listening to the unhappy mothers) .


Our pictures are hilarious-- the mothers both looked like they were in the Death Row line-up . NOT HAPPY .


It wasn't a HAVE TO marriage, it was a WANT TO .


We were young -- 19 . And I think our moms had other plans for us .

Mine wanted me to be a stewardess and fly the friendly skies .

How she thought I'd pull THAT off when I won't ride in a plane, I have no clue .

HIS mother just thought no girl on EARTH was quite up to the standards she had .

After all these years, we do not get along any better today than all those years ago . Such a waste .


Anyhow, we had a good wedding ,and were happy, even though the parents weren't !




She was right .... 33 years later ,and it's been wobbling for all these years .:lol:D:lol

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well. I wouldn't say it was simple..only my dress was.


Sorry Cindy- I didn't read your post properly - I just remembered you mentioning the word simple -- that's why I used it .


I bet it was beautiful . NOTHING with green in it can be anything else !

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Just a quick note to wish everyone a good day. Kim has an early doctor's appointment today, so it's going to be a rush to get everything in in the next hour and a half. I'll take pictures and make comments when we get back this afternoon. :hug To you all.

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Hey Jude- WOW,you know I need to go get me a hunk of cake now. That one sounded especially good .

That is one major flaw of this computer-- you can;t sneak a hunk of that cake home and hand it to me over this way !

Where's the transporter from Star Trek when you need it?!:lol

And your dress for your wedding sounds beautiful ! Did you have Christmas colors since it was close to then ?

No Christmas colors. Since my sister liked blue I let her pick out whatever she wanted to wear - the advantage of having one attendant;)

The dotted swiss fabric you spoke about reminded me of the white dress I wore for my Confirmation ceremony in church...my mom made that too - then when I needed a dress for another occasion later on, she dyed it blue:D We had to really improvise in those days.

And I was 2 weeks shy of 19 when we married...Phil was 22. My mom wasn't happy either...but she couldn't find anything to complain about after we got married (Dec '67). Esp since I NEVER voiced any complaints to her - if there were issues I talked to HIS mother:lol She was a gem.... my mom passed away in 1980...my MIL passed away just 3 years ago, so MIL was my anchor...my friend and someone I knew I could count on. I returned the favor after she became ill...I was very blessed.



Okay - enough heavy stuff.:P

I need to straighten up the kitchen then it's off to shop for lightweight clothes...


Happy hooking, everyone...no pic for me to post this week - I think I'll work on the RR lapghan and post a pic of that when it's done.


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Goodmorning Everyone!! no camera cord yet..Almost done with another baby dress.Made a curly bracelet for my almost 3yr so that it was yellow with blue flower same colors as Dora wears.Made a couple of granny squares,3d mother's day snowflake.Thought about making whole bunch of other things too :lol Son is doing well with his stitches in the lip.:lol atleast there fighting has stopped for yesterday :lol

Hope everyone has a good day!

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Hi, SHeila!

I'm happy to hear things are calm...:)


Jules - I got the name in your puzzle... You happened to pick an area I'm into:D


Well, I picked out 4 tops at Dress Barn - now to put them on again and see if I'm still happy with them!

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Hi Linda-- we'll talk more later when you get done with your busy list today !



Hey Jude- good for you for getting the name -- I like that type stuff too, so it was an easy one for me to come up with .

Hope you still like your new shirts once you got them home .


Hi Sheila- glad things are calming down at your house !

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We are home, but I've got a few more things to do before I can really chat. Doctor's visit went well. They just recently switched doctors so this was the first time I'd met her. She's nice and we got along well. The previous one just switched to a location farther away from where we live. We're lucky that just about all Kim's doctors and the hospital are within a mile or two of the house. Makes it nice. :manyheart

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Okay, I got the Photo Friday pictures taken. The quilt now has 4 for the 7 rows together, so it's about half put together as far as the top is concerned. And this is 30 1/3 rows of 140 on the filet crochet piece.



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Hey Jude- good for you for getting the name -- I like that type stuff too, so it was an easy one for me to come up with .

Hope you still like your new shirts once you got them home .

The shirts are a :tup

Okay, I got the Photo Friday pictures taken. The quilt now has 4 for the 7 rows together, so it's about half put together as far as the top is concerned. And this is 30 1/3 rows of 140 on the filet crochet piece.


Gorgeous quilt! And the filet piece is amazing:cheer:clap:cheer:clap

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The photos are so nice ! Love the quilt,and the filet is kinda like watching a jigsaw puzzle picture come into place .


thanks for taking the time to post them .


I'll get some photos up as soon as Sam gets home, which should be right away .


I don't have anything NEAR completed, lots of STARTS of stuff ....


Back soon --

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Ok guys --

not any BIG accomplishments this week, just lots of STARTED stuff :

First is started rectangle granny -

Second- started flower garden squares

Third- Some saltines ... just for ?

Last- the brown ripple, with a LONG ways to go .

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Jules, I love your work! The ripple is looking great..and the other stuff is so nice and colorful:cheer

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OMG!! hello everyone! I'm Back! I survived the horrible semester and with excellent grades: 3 A's 2 B's!! WOOT WOOT! So what are all of you ladies up too and whats on your hooks? it feels so good to crochet again!! tehehe!

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Hi everyone...


Finally I have pics of the stuff that was given to me for free a few weeks ago:'post-2629-135897528287_thumb.jpg




This is the best of the bunch...it is a bed spread that is HEAVY. Have it on our bed over a burgandy duvet...






This is also a bedspread (or could be used as a table cloth (and I think it was used that way...it has some stains on it...) and I really like the design.

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Hi, Melany! Good to see you again - and that's great news on the grades:cheer:cheer


LeAnna, that's beautiful workmanship!!:c9:c9

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Got more pics coming...had to reboot the computer...


Hub-E and I were making the bed and when it came time to put that bedspread on, even he remarked how heavy it is and that he couldn't believe that someone took so much time to work on this thing (and he estimated it probably took them a year...and I agree...)

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Beautiful work - Julie!


LeAnna - Those are great!


Hi! Melanie - Congratulations on surviving and coming through in such good shape with the grades. Well done!


Rosie brought us over some fresh picked strawberries to have with our supper.


I feel like I've been on the run all day and I pretty much have been. I think it's going to be a quiet evening here. The temperature is over 90* this afternoon. Not quite sure how high it got, but I saw 92 or 94 at one of the banks.

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[attach]20269[/attach] The medallion of the bedspread.


[attach]20270[/attach] I know this is a little hard to see, but it's a doily.


[attach]20271[/attach] This is knitted, knitted edging lace...can you believe it?







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LeAnna, what detail! I can't think of anyone besides you who deserves such beautiful handwork.

How are you going to use the pieces?

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Linda, I hope you enjoyed the strawberries!


Off to work on the RR a bit more...



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LeAnna, what detail! I can't think of anyone besides you who deserves such beautiful handwork.

How are you going to use the pieces?


I don't yet, except that the one bedspread is being used on our bed right now...I did give some pieces not shown to my aunt (seriously that one lady gave me a lot of stuff...)


Glad you like...

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