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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Thanks, ladies...

Linda, all that I got - in addition to pressure bites - was some slight scrapes from Susie's teeth. I appreciate the reminder, though - I hadn't thought of the possibility of tetanus!


Jules, I can bend my fingers and everything...in fact it's not hurting as much now as it did earlier, though it is still swollen a bit on the one side.

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Hello Everyone,

I'm sorry I've been MIA and not posting any pics or even working on my Afghan. I had every intention of starting it a couple of weeks ago and even went and bought all my yarn but then things went haywire around here and I still haven't gotten it started. Presently I'm still working on a baby afghan, baby sweater, and baby outfit and found out this week that my brother and his wife are expecting their first baby after trying for 13 years to get pregnant so I now have another baby to crochet for and I am swimming in wedding things that I need to get started also so for now my Technicolor Heart Afghan is going to have to be shelved. I promise when I get it started I will be back and I will post pics of it. I just can't do it all anymore, guess I'm getting old! Sorry, but for now I'm going to go off this group and work on getting everything else done so I can come back. Take care everyone.

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Sue -

I didn't get a chance to know you well, but enjoyed your company while you were here.


Feel free to drop in anytime -- you don't have to be working on a quilt-ghan to come in, you can work on anything you like .


Hope you get it all accomplished in time !

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Morning ladies -

Hope you all have a good day today .


Just wanted to let you all know that I may be MIA for the week, so not to worry about where I am .


Our girl will be here this week . It'll be good to see her, but also physically challenging to entertain company when I get worn out just getting a bath .


Also , issues going on regarding our time with Cam. Won't go into details here about it, but it looks like things are changing ,and not in our favor .


I am pretty discouraged at this point .


Wish me luck in resolving the Cam situation . The rest, I will get through, but anything affecting me seeing Cam ,can pretty much sink me .


I'll post again after this week goes by . Once it's over , maybe I can recoup and gather myself ,and try to get things resolved .



You all take care . Keep on posting -- I'll be back .

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Good morning, ladies. It's overcast with the forecast being rain all day. It's just starting to drizzle at the moment. So far on the hunting front it is all the animals winning. They shot at some turkeys and missed. John chased some wild pigs yesterday and ended up burying the cart 2/3 of the way up the wheels in a mud hole. :lol :lol :lol It's still there and he had to walk back to the cabin from the far side of the property. Took him an hour to hoof it back. They have to tow it out later this morning. They've been doing more maintenance and planting this weekend, too. That is going well.


Kim woke up this morning at 4:30 just full of mischief. She poked and prodded me awake. Worked at the bead pillow I wear around my neck when sleeping until she got it unsnapped and off. And had the cutest grin on her face the entire time. After getting her up to the bathroom and then resettled in bed, she went back to sleep and so did I. She's got that same grin on this morning though, so I expect her to be full of mischief all day. :lol :lol :lol


I finished one preemie afghan yesterday and about half of another one. The first is a large granny square and the second is a RR.

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Linda, must be Spring fever that Kim has:lol


Enjoy your day! You've already been productive, so I can't imagine what you'll do next!:hook

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Linda ~ :ty so very much for the explanation to post photos throughout one's message. It makes so much sense. I am uploading all of the photos I want to share right now, and we'll see if I really understood you or not in a couple of minutes :wink


Oh, I am so excited, skunk man told me they have built a Hobby Lobby in the next town over. I keep hearing about I Luv This Yarn, I need to check that out. Anymore suggestions from anyone?? TIA :hook

I visited my first Hobby Lobby when I was in Chicago last summer. Don't plan to "just run in quick." :devil I limited my purchases, as I had to fit the yarn into my suitcase, but I bought ILTY in a gorgeous Raspberry color and made it into a sweater for myself. I adore it :heart You are going to have so much fun browsing!


Shay ~ That's all you got done this week?!? My goodness, it looks wonderful! I really like the blues together -- soothing. Hope your warm temps continue. I love spring weather, when the birdies are singing and I can hang laundry out on the clotheslines... :dreaming


OMGosh, Judy! I would have been terrified. Thank goodness you were nearby and were able to keep your head about you while reacting so quickly. How is your hand feeling, today? I read that you were able to make some saltines, so I am going to take that as a positive step towards making a full recovery :hook And your pup? Is Susie doing alright? Hope today is much less eventful for all of you!




Good to see you, Mary. I have been thinking of you :hugIt was good to read MIL was holding her own on Friday. Continuing to send prayers for all branches of your family tree. Don't worry about us, Dear, just take care of yourself. We'll be here when you get a chance to come up for a breath of fresh air :hug



Mary- wonderful news about your MIL ..Sometimes those elderly people are tougher than we think,and can pull through some pretty rough situations. It'd be nice if she gets to be here to hold her new great-grandbaby .

I was thinking the same thing :yes


Sue ~ You sure have a bunch on your plate right now. Your friends and family are so lucky to receive crocheted treasures from you. And, a baby for your brother and SIL -- what fabulous news :c9 Good luck with all of your crocheting. I hope you will pop-in on occasion, even if it's just to chat :yes


Julie ~ Have just a grand visit with your DD, when she is in town. It sounds as though she is going to be busy as a bee, what with catching up with both sides of her family and friends, but I know you will enjoy whatever time you can grab together. You are in my thoughts with regard to the time you can spend with Cam :hug:hug I am praying the situation works itself out over time. We'll miss your cheery morning posts, but will anxiously await your return. Take care :ghug


We have had a really good weekend on this end. The sun has been shining, and the girls have been happy :yay DH safely made it to his destination, so, now, I do not have to worry as much about him driving through the Rocky Mountains. The little 'uns and I decorated the house for Easter, planned a couple of craft projects for the upcoming week, and made plans with some good friends to come over for an afternoon & evening of playing later in the week. Surprising what a little incentive will help accomplish on the chore-front :lol

Well, it is no longer Photo Friday, but here are the projects I worked on this week:

1) Squares for a friend's afghan post-20536-13589751479_thumb.jpg

2) I was intrigued by the Flannel 'Ghan pattern when folks were talking about it in relation to the Games, before I left for Hawaii, but I did not order yarn for my own until last week. A big box (6# of Caron in Sky Blue and White) arrived Friday, and I just had to try a few stitches on Saturday morning. By this morning, you can see my progress post-20536-135897514914_thumb.jpg Yep, I like this pattern :lol I am only making a 5 square x 5 square baby 'ghan this time around, but it is fun and incredibly do-able.

3)A new handbag for myself. Don't you just love the glass button I found for the strap toggle? I do!! post-20536-135897514919_thumb.jpg

4)Socks! The first pair is Kyri's, all assembled. They rather resemble mittens, but they fit her fine. And the second pic is of the one I started for myself. It's coming along. The last one is a different style I am trying with Paton's Stretch Sock Yarn. I really like how much better it fits with a little bit of "give" in the yarn. post-20536-13589751493_thumb.jpg

Whew :whew I think I have to run off to fix dinner, now. I will be back at the Flannel 'Ghan this evening. Have a good one, All. Talk to you again, tomorrow :waving



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Morning, Judy. So far I've done a 15 minute walk and read the paper. :lol :lol

My kind of day!!:D

Not the one I had but it was a fun day for ma, anyway.


Dusti, your work is gorgeous! Very nice colors, too - esp on the FG and I'm not normally a blue fan.


Susie seems fine, but half of my hand is still swollen. I think in a few days it's probably going to go from the deep reddish color it is currently to something technicolor. :lol

At least my fingers aren't swollen or sore, so I'm able to crochet. I just have to be careful not to tug too hard on the saltines by using my thumb too much, particularly all in one motion. That's how I square them up, BTW.


Thanks for asking.:)

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Linda...Quick question?I finished my Spring Filet and want to start my new Night one but there are no instructions and i cant remember how many chains you start with...there is 110 blocks(10x10)..HELP!!


Julie...I hope things work out for you and im so sorry you are going through this....big hugs to you and lots of prayers :hug


Dusti..My goodness you have been busy....love the Flannel-gran and the colors you are using.


Judy...How is your hand now?That would have scared me so bad.


Mary....Baby yet :D Hope all is well and that its going good :hug


Ok i cant wait till Friday...its done :cheer Only took me 2 years :lol

Just need to wash and hang it!!

Its called Spring!!It came out 40x47 because like Linda i can only work with bigger thread...i used size 3 and a 2.5 hook.


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Shay, that is absolutely gorgeous. :yay :yay :yay Starting chain formula is as follows: [(number of block across) times 3 plus one extra] and 3 chains for the turning chain that becomes your first dc. Do your first dc in the 5th chain from the hook.


Dusti, I love your blue and white baby flannelghan. Also the purse. It looks like you figured out the picture attachment just fine. One of these days I'm going to try making a purse or tote, but I haven't figured out when yet.


Judy, I'm somewhat concerned that your hand is still so swollen and red. I think I'd see a doctor tomorrow to be on the safe side. Sounds like it could be infected.


I finished the preemie RR this afternoon and got another one done as well.


The critters won this weekend. Hunters zip. They did get the cart unstuck and hauled back to the cabin and cleaned up before they came home.

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Good morning, ladies!!


Shay, that is a gorgeous piece!!:clap It's so big....are you going to hang it up?


Linda, the swelling seems to have gone down a little overnight, though it is sore in spots. I'll see how it goes today and decide if it needs to be checked. Another good thing: the area isn't hot...

Of course I still managed to make and attach some more saltines,:lol

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Good Morning, Ladies. :) MIL is doing okay, but still in the hospital. We had snow again on Saturday! Parts of the area had 8 inches...we only had about an inch which was fine with me. :lol


All of your pictures are wonderful! :clap I plan on being home all day, so want to go back and read posts a little later. :yes

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Mary, that's great news about your MIL.

Try and relax today - sounds like you already have a good plan in place to do that!

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Good morning! I woke up to snow on the ground! :eek NO! NO!! NO!!! It is the end of March in Georgia! This is just WRONG!!!!! And it's sleeting again now.


Mary, take it easy and rest up today. I'm glad that MIL is doing better and hope it continues. :hug


That's good news, Judy, but keep a close eye on it. Doggy mouths are not all that clean, especially their teeth.


John is heading out of town on business this afternoon, so it's a girls' week for Kim and I this week.


I put up some semi-sheer curtains in the office this weekend, as the sun was glaring horribly. I had John look at them and am going to be making curtains for all 5 windows in the office out of semi-sheer lace material for the summer and then this fall I'm going to make lined drapes for them to help keep out the cold that radiates in from them. Should help with both the heating and cooling bills. I told him that one of the hazards of me having a sewing machine is that I can come up with all kinds of things to make with it. :lol :lol :lol He just laughed.

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Mary, that's great news about your MIL.

Try and relax today - sounds like you already have a good plan in place to do that!

Thank you, Judy! I'm going to force myself to ignore the dust and just do laundry and baths...then crochet for the first time in ages. :hook


Take care of your hand. :manyheart


Good morning! I woke up to snow on the ground! :eek NO! NO!! NO!!! It is the end of March in Georgia! This is just WRONG!!!!! And it's sleeting again now.


Mary, take it easy and rest up today. I'm glad that MIL is doing better and hope it continues. :hug


That's good news, Judy, but keep a close eye on it. Doggy mouths are not all that clean, especially their teeth.


John is heading out of town on business this afternoon, so it's a girls' week for Kim and I this week.


I put up some semi-sheer curtains in the office this weekend, as the sun was glaring horribly. I had John look at them and am going to be making curtains for all 5 windows in the office out of semi-sheer lace material for the summer and then this fall I'm going to make lined drapes for them to help keep out the cold that radiates in from them. Should help with both the heating and cooling bills. I told him that one of the hazards of me having a sewing machine is that I can come up with all kinds of things to make with it. :lol :lol :lol He just laughed.

Oops! :blush I think your snow was the same system we had on Saturday...but I promise you I didn't send it. :lol


Your pictures are wonderful! I love the filet pattern and the dragon and flannelghan are very pretty. :cheer Yay for the critters winning this weekend. :D

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I've missed so much the last few days and you all have outdone yourselves! :applause


Tam ~ Your "greeting cards" are great...thanks for sharing them with us. :manyheart


Julie ~ We'll miss you for a few days, but hope you have a good visit with your DD. Keeping my fingers crossed that you will still be seeing a lot of Mr. Cam. :hug Congratulations on such great progress on the Castle ghan.:cheer


Hi Dusti ~ I'm glad your DH will be back in time for Easter, but know you and the girls will miss him. Your projects are all just beautiful. Good for you for making more socks...and your flannelghan colors are perfect. :hook


Shay ~ Wow! The ATW is stunning! You have such a knack for color choices. :yes The "Spring" filet piece is wonderful, too. I admire those of you who do thread work.


Nicole ~ I'm so glad your Mom is doing okay. :hug Enjoy your "shortened" vacation. :manyheart


Diane ~ Yay for pictures! The RR is adorable and I love your colors. Nemo is going to be so cute! :clap


I sure hope I haven't missed anyone. :) Have a great morning. :yes

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Linda...yes...esp Susie's mouth:yuck

My hand was so slimy after what I had to do I remember washing it really well, so I'm optomistic. I;ll show Phil what it looks like later today and see what he thinks.


We have a cold rain here today - no more sunshine for a while. And the temps aren't going to be anywhere near as warm as they've been lately.

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:sighAfter spending the night thinking about my gauge problem with the thread piece, I made a visit to the frog pond. :2frog:frog:2frog The frogs were happy to see me even though I was less than pleased to be visiting them. I'm starting over using a triple crochet instead of a double crochet. The gauge still isn't quite right, but it's a whole lot closer. I tried a double triple crochet out too, but that was too loose and messy and the gauge was wrong the other way. :sigh Oh, well, better to frog it now than wait and have to do it when there's a lot more of it to rip out.

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Wow, Linda! That was a lot to frog!! Was the picture that far off and was the problem because the thread was larger?

As you said: better now than later!

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Wow, Linda! That was a lot to frog!! Was the picture that far off and was the problem because the thread was larger?

As you said: better now than later!

The problem was with the size of the thread and the hook. There was a lot to frog but it went fast. Only took about 20 minutes to undo it all. That's one of the nice things about thread. It comes undone a lot easier than yarn. I've got a little of the first row redone. That's the hardest one. Putting all those triple crochets in a starting chain that 421 chains long to make a solid row of border. :ohdear

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