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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Well, the birds are tweeting,although it's still dark out. I don't know what the weather will do today, but I think it's supposed to be in the 60's possibly .


I'll have to tell you all a funny little story about our town :


We had a police chief in our town for MANY decades . He was the chief when my parents moved here, when I was born , I think most of my growing up years .... anyhow, he eventually grew old, retired and passed away.

He left the city some land when he died .


Problem being ,the land he left isn't very use-able .


Part of it is where the town dump used to be ,so the building code won't allow much of anything to be built there .


Part of it floods when we get heavy rains, so it's not good for much .


The last wee little part of it is at the very tip of town when you drive in .He specified in his will that he wanted a "fishing pond" built there so the kids in town could fish .


Well, sadly, I doubt there are 5 kids left in our town who have EVER fished in their lives or have the desire to learn . (Kind of got beat out by Game-Boys )


Well, the city honored his request and built a small pond on the land . Geese come there .... it was kinda pretty .


THEN trouble started . Some WISENHIMER comes to City Council Meeting saying that this pond leaves our town WIDE OPEN for a law suit and it's only a matter of time til a kid drowns out there and then their parents will OWN our town .


Here's where his theory has some flaws :

1- No kids fish there .:think

2-No one would WANT our town .:think


SO... the city gets concerned ,puts up a NO TRESPASSING SIGN ,and so long to the fishing hole. Weeds soon overtake the place .:(


Not long ago, a local business owner ,who owns a small factory right beside this pond ,asked to buy it .The city gladly unloaded it .:yes


He hired people to come in and clean it up, mow,and make it nice again. It's pretty down there . BUT, it's only for his employees to use .


So yesterday, I drive by. 2 guys are there fishing . One without a shirt ,underpants dangling out the back of his pants .....and it's about 48 degrees out .


Our good old hillbilly town ... at least that old police chief is probably smiling again.:D


Someone is using his land for what he wanted it for .:manyheart

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Good morning, peeps:tired


Jules, that was a nice story! I like how you know what's going on around your town.


Mary, they called for a boil water advisory for an area at the other end of ours (we get reverse 911 calls and that told us). Of course that was AFTER we had already been using it and while we had NO POWER to boil the water (all electric appliances here). I started using bottled water for us and the dogs anyway - even though I didn't think our area was affected. I keep extra jugs: between water main breaks and all we have a history of interrupted utitilites here.

But not for 5 DAYS!!!!! It was nearly 5 full days.


Phil had just gotten home from work just after lunchtime yesterday and called me to tell me the power was back on....I was at Starbucks charging my netbook and reading...I hung up the phone, leaned back and called over to the next table and told one of my neighbors who was right there.:lol

We all knew the places to be during this time.

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Great to have you back, bright and early !!!!!


That IS a little odd they tell you to boil water yet you have no way of doing it . What a disaster .


I hope you never have to go through that again !

Me, too....or at least not for a very long time!!

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Tam, it looks like you're on a mission to spread cheer this morning!!

It's working;)


I hope you start feeling better today - I have to get myself together before heading out to the food store. Fridge looks so cleanbeing emty - i may try not to clutter it so much this time around. The food store is only 2 minutes away, after all...


Take care and will see ya later:hug

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This is just going to be quick, as I want to do a bit of cooking this morning, but I had to pop in and say, "Good morning :flower." Sun is starting to creep above the horizon, and the fact that it is not cloudy for the first time in over a week means we will all feel cheerful, today. Hope it is sunny, warm, and drying-out where you are :manyheart


Thank you for all of the compliments on my girls. They really are the lights of my life :heart Over the weekend, we built leprechaun playgrounds. Last year, the plan was to build a leprechaun trap, but the girls "made friends" with the leprechaun that wrote notes in a journal, left new stickers, and magically cleaned their bedrooms while they were at school (:wink), so they built a place for him to play and enjoy this year. Anyway, they have been exchanging small notes and candies (leftover conversation hearts for gold coins...I think the leprechaun was getting the bum end of that deal :lol) with him all week. The leprechaun seemed to be tired from getting up early every morning to write notes and hide goodies, let me tell you. The girls wrote the leprechaun a whole story last night, with proper use of quotation marks and punctuation, it was rather impressive. As a reward, I think the leprechaun is going to have to come up with one last gift, before he returns to Ireland for the year. New socks with shamrocks for next year?? We'll have to see what I can dig up out of the gift bag in the cedar chest later on. What did I get myself into?!? We have fun with the girls, that is for sure :yes


So much for short. I really wanted to say:

Nicole ~ I hope your mother's surgery goes smoothly, today. Are you spending the day with her? Thinking of you.


Oh, Tam, so sorry to hear about the stomach bug that is infecting your family. May you soon all be feeling chipper and well, again!


Diane ~ I loved the story about you and your co-workers finding commonalities. Yes, I can see where it may have been tricky to figure out how the applicant fit into your group ;)


Judy ~ Glad to hear you are back in your home. Hope your hands thaw out and feel more normal, soon.


Julie ~ Good morning. Errands on your agenda this a.m.? Have a good day.


Mary ~ Hope DD's appointment goes smoothly. Some of those last appointments feel a bit unnecessary. At this point, Baby's in charge, and he will come when he is good 'n' ready, regardless of the Dr.'s charting of the mum's weight gain, blood pressure, and the like. The longer he stays put, though, the more his lungs have a chance to strengthen and grow, so it is all good :yes (even though I KNOW you are super anxious to hold him in your arms. Soon!) Thinking of you all.


Linda ~ Your menu last night sounded so authentic and yummy! Did you make enough for leftovers? I know you are gearing-up for the Charity Weekend, so I wish you luck with that.


Shay ~ :hi


Did I miss anyone else? I sure did not mean to, so just give me a poke and make me shape up. :)


Talk to you all, later. I am off to the kitchen. I love to cook, so it is not that much of a hardship, but I have to admit that I would much rather be crocheting :hook

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It sounds like you are the waitress today, so could you make mine a Coke ? I'll leave you an extra tip for your trouble . :lol


Dusti- good idea to do the leprechaun ideas for St.Pat's -- that's one holiday we do very little in the way of celebrating or decorating . Guess we could do a little improving in that area .


Jude- don't forget the CAKE . :D

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Hi, Dusti!




Been getting something together for the PO....now I really need to get dressed before I;m still in my PJs when Phil comes home:lol

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Good morning, my friends. It overcast so far today, but I think it's going to clear off later. And it's supposed to hit 70* this weekend. That will be wonderful.


Loved your story about the the pond, Julie.


Dusti, the exchanges of your girls with the Leprechaun are delightful.


The house still smells wonderful from last night's supper, and , yes, there are leftovers. We all love it and I don't fix it often.


Good luck to your mom today, Nicole. :hug


Five days is a long time to be without power, Judy, especially at this time of year. Glad it's back and you are back with us.


Diane, I think there are just 3 damaged saltines in the Lady of the Lotus quilt. I haven't really looked at the other one yet.


This weekend is the March Charity CAL, and then it will be the wedding and then mom's birthday and boy had I better get busy. Yikes! :eek I thought I had lots of time, but now I'm now so sure.

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Quick post!


Mom's surgery went well and as expected. She looks like she was hit in the eyes a few times and has a headache, but is fine other than that. Thanks for the thoughts, ladies! :manyheart

:hug:hug:hug Good to hear sweetie!!! Now get some rest!










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That is the best kind of quick post to receive, Nicole. Tam is right -- you can take a deep breath and rest a bit, now that the surgery is over. Have a good evening.

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Hey gang

Just posting my photo friday pic tonite -- didn't get my last block done ... one to go to reach the bottom .

**Sorry, it's sideways again-- Sam had to stand on the couch to get it all in one shot, and it was laying longways -- didnt even realize it until I saw it on here that it'd be another sideways one .

sorry ---

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Thanks so much ladies! I'm pretty wiped, but I'm home now. She's not feeling too bad now. I just told her not to do too much because she thinks she can. She's supposed to do very little for the next two weeks. She's going to be hard to keep down. :lol

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