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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Good Morning, Ladies. :)


Hi Judy. :)


Julie ~ I promise to try and get a corner piece with the most frosting. :lol Of course, I'll probably have eaten all the frosting before you get it. :D


I like your idea! Happy is a good thing. :yes And it's always fun when new people join in. :hook


My sister is coming from East Texas and we'll leave from here for the shower. Then she will spend the night along with a couple of DD's friends. We're going to grill chicken/veggie kebobs for dinner so I'd better get organized. :lol

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Well, he still looks just as HUNKY today, to me !!!


He has held his age well looks-wise,hasn't he ? I always wonder if dogs get grey hair like people do .

They do;)

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Julie...Its fine with me as long as my Happy House is still here...Ive been in this group off and on for 3 years and its always the place i come back to....Like i said before...i always feel welcome here....love you guys :hugI think its a good idea that we can work on other things here even though i think most of us do that anyway :lol.We could use a little spring cleaning though to perk us all up.

Have fun with Cam today!!!


Afternoon Judy!!....how old is sparky now?


Mary...have fun at your shower and enjoy all the visiting.


Im off to take some meds...have a bad sore throat today :sick But on the bright side...I got my Criminal Minds season 4 DVDs in the mail today :woo

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Isn't Criminal Minds the coolest show ? Love the girl on there with the blonde hair who dresses in all the odd outfits and says all the funny things .


Me to!!!I love Penelope and the way she can find any thing and the way Derick calls her baby girl....but my favorite is Reed.I love that show.

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Hi, everybody. I have been out of the house since before 9:00 this morning. I took my car in and had some work done on it. It runs very nicely now. I had lunch and supper out. Bought quilt fabric at WalMart and just for the heck of it tried on some pants in size 8-10 misses. They FIT!!! I am still in shock. And so did the 10-12 tops! I haven't worn that size in over 30 years! I got two new outfits to celebrate! Then I donated blood. Bought some Girl Scout cookies. Went curtain shopping with Rosie. Guess who bought curtains? Me! Not Rosie. We went to her house and yakked a while. Then I came home and discovered that the curtains did NOT work, so went back out and returned them. Bought some different one instead after looking at several more stores. And I'm finally home.


Mary, I hope that the shower was a huge success. Enjoy the cake.


Julie, the letter arrived in the mail today. It's wonderful! Kim and I will both wear the tattoos that Cam send. :hug :hug :hug to a sweet little boy.

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Julie....I havent watched cold case in years...it just got old to me.


Linda...Wow...you had a busy day.....did you get drapes or curtains??



Alright Ladies....im on a super secret mission...shhh :devil...i was watching my son lay on the flour today playing Wii under his blanket that i made him years ago (he was 5 then)and i noticed that its about 35" to short now.....i feel so quilty about that because he loves his blanket...it truly is well loved.....so i am going to make him a Mario in the boot blanket :yes it should be about 25 saltines wide with out the border....he will be 14 in may so i should be able to get it done by then,i will only be able to work on it at night(atleast the sewing together)

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wow, I wondered where you were all day yesterday !! Wasn't used to going a whole day without seeing you post. I was worried you were down sick or something, but you just had a good day shopping,and eating out !


Good for you for the weight loss, that is terrific ! It's always a nice feeling to buy a smaller size of clothes, isn't it ? And did you buy some nice spring or summer colors ?


Then picking out your quilt fabric would have been fun. Will that be the fall-colored one or a different one you are working on ?


And what did you get good to eat , any CAKE ?


I'm glad the card finally got there . It took a long time . Must've been all the stickers on it . Kim & you with tattoos on ! Her husband will think you've BOTH flipped your lids when he sees you !! FUNNY !!!


Cam will think that's funny, but would of course be glad you wore them. He asked if you really WOULD and I told him of course !


Anyhow it sounds like you had a really happy day,so that is good .

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That's a great idea to make your son a new afghan since he's growing too long for his old one. I hate to sound stupid, but it won't be the first time or the last .

What is a boot blanket ?


It's strange how kids all at once seem to get so tall and skinny, isn't it ? Just like overnight they shoot up out of nowhere and look like they grew a foot in their sleep .


We won't tell,since its' a secret . So what colors are you using ,and is it gonna have Mario in the picture, is that what you mean ??


Cam always has to correct me when I say it . I talk like a hillbilly so I call it MARIO ( like rhyming with CHAIR -----EEEE-OOOO)


I also say YAHOO -- like AAAAACCHHHOOOOO ( like sneezing... which EVERYONE tells me is wrong )


I say lots of words like I like to say them .I like living in MY world where words sound like I think they should .

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Linda, what a great day you had!! Except for the giving blood part (they would have to pick me up off the floor) which was nice of you to do. Phil used to give blood alot when he was younger.

And KUDDOS for the smaller clothes!!:clap


We have beautiful sunny day here - most of the snow has disappeared and it'll be in the 50's later! We're going to leave in a cuple of hours to go for a walk around a pond in a nearby town. There are geese and ducks there and if we're lucky the horse that lives across the road will be out and we can visit.


CU all later!:hug

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Linda...Wow...you had a busy day.....did you get drapes or curtains??



Alright Ladies....im on a super secret mission...shhh :devil...i was watching my son lay on the flour today playing Wii under his blanket that i made him years ago (he was 5 then)and i noticed that its about 35" to short now.....i feel so quilty about that because he loves his blanket...it truly is well loved.....so i am going to make him a Mario in the boot blanket :yes it should be about 25 saltines wide with out the border....he will be 14 in may so i should be able to get it done by then,i will only be able to work on it at night(atleast the sewing together)

Shay, I ended up with Drapes. Now I just have to get some rods to hang them on.


What a nice surprise for you son. He'll love it.


wow, I wondered where you were all day yesterday !! Wasn't used to going a whole day without seeing you post. I was worried you were down sick or something, but you just had a good day shopping,and eating out !


Good for you for the weight loss, that is terrific ! It's always a nice feeling to buy a smaller size of clothes, isn't it ? And did you buy some nice spring or summer colors ?


Then picking out your quilt fabric would have been fun. Will that be the fall-colored one or a different one you are working on ?


And what did you get good to eat , any CAKE ?


I'm glad the card finally got there . It took a long time . Must've been all the stickers on it . Kim & you with tattoos on ! Her husband will think you've BOTH flipped your lids when he sees you !! FUNNY !!!


Cam will think that's funny, but would of course be glad you wore them. He asked if you really WOULD and I told him of course !


Anyhow it sounds like you had a really happy day,so that is good .

Julie, I bought two pair of black pants, a solid black top, a black and silver top, and a fuchsia top. Black's a really good color on me and I wear a lot of it.


The quilt material is for a future quilt I have in mind. It's a pattern I fell in love with, but needed to get a bunch more experience before making. I'm gradually gathering the material. I bought about 6 different shades of fuchsias and pinks and one neutral just to have on hand.


For lunch I had Tillapia Hollandaise with a salad and broccoli and garlic toast. Then I finished it off with a chocolate ice cream sundae with whipped cream. For supper I had fish (2 ways) and steak (medium rare) with stir fried beans and half a sweet potato. I also had crab salad and a regular salad with Italian dressing. For dessert I had some chocolate pudding cake topped with chocolate soft serve ice cream. Yummy! And I didn't actually blow the diet all that badly. :lol :lol :lol


Actually, John thought it would be great for Kim to wear some of the tattoos. She apparently did that kind of thing when she was younger. :lol :lol :lol.


Judy, I've never had any problems donating blood, even when I do it on an empty stomach. And it always makes me feel good to have done something that could save someone else's life. My kids, on the other hand, are like you. Scrape them off the floor. Joy managed to donate once, and it took an hour and a half before she could sit up without going white and nearly passing out. They told her to only donate again if it was a crisis situation. My son didn't make it past the prick to test for his hemoglobin level. :lol :lol :lol


I'm not sure what I'm doing today, but some running around is definitely in order. :devil

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Linda, I'm happy to hear I'm not alone in my needle phobia - and yet I got a tattoo about 5 years ago with no problem...a nice sized one (and hidden from view;))


Well, we're back from our excursion already - and I was glad I brought a big carrot that I had broken in half - we saw 2 horses! We stood by their paddock and they saw us and walked the entire length to come to us. They were so happy to get th ecarrot. Next time I'll bring more. After a nice scratch on their noses we left...and they stayed, waiting...I felt bad. But they look well cared for and had nice big blankets on them to keep them warm (the breeze was pretty chilly)

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It sounds like you bought some really nice clothes and great colors for your fabric choices .


You must have eaten at some fancy places . I had chicken McNuggets and fries .


I'm glad Kim will enjoy the tattoos too. I thought maybe you'd stick them all over you guys and her husband would walk in and think you both went bonkers. Now you need to get a bottle of bubbles and blow them,so you can do more kid stuff . It's actually fun doing kid stuff again . I have a blast doing that stuff with Cam. Brings back lots of fun memories .


Once when it rained,we took our shoes off and went down the street stomping in all the mud puddles. Came home sopping wet,covered in mud, but laughing our butts off .


I grew up just about a 5 minute walk from here . I often drive over and just park on my old street and think about all the fun times we had on that street . so much fun ....

I take Cam to the same park I played in as a kid . No kids USE the parks anymore. It's REALLY sad .


Anybody know ??


I KNOW there are still kids on the planet . None in the parks.

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No kids USE the parks anymore. It's REALLY sad .


Anybody know ??


I KNOW there are still kids on the planet . None in the parks.

They're all getting fat sitting in front of the TV or their computers:( We used to go to the park all the time. In Brooklyn that was the only thing to do other than play stickball in the street or rollerskate down our street (the same one the local bus route was on):lol

We survived somehow. Gave our guardian angels quite a scare, though, I'm sure!



Any way we could ENTICE you to tell us where your tattoo is or what the picture is ?


( you dont have to tell, i'm just joking )

I'll let you use your imagination...it IS colorful, though:D

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It sounds like you had good memories playing outside too. We never once said I'M BORED like kids now say .



Now, just in JEST ,mind you .......


I'm going to be MAMA in the tv show Mama's Family :





( Just joking, none of my business ... )


Let's see ....colorful :


skittles candy





bowls of fruit


teletubbies ...........please tell me you dont have the teletubbies punched into your backside .

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