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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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You poor thing.. Your story sounds too much like mine .All I can say is that you do the best you can while they are small. You cannot help it if they make wrong decisions as adults . I know it is hurtful and I know it breaks your heart .

My kids have all broken my heart ,some more than others .Some of it has been repaired,some of it , I doubt will ever be repaired before I'm gone .

It's sad, but true .

It bothered me for a very long time,and it does drain you severely . I truly believe that is why I am so ill .It has pretty much destroyed my health . My Dr told me stress will be what kills me . She knows the whole story and blames most of my ailments on the stress in my life .

I wish I could tell you how to prevent it from doing the same to you .


Maybe counseling ? I hope you find a solution before it does to you what it has done to me .

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You poor thing.. Your story sounds too much like mine .All I can say is that you do the best you can while they are small. You cannot help it if they make wrong decisions as adults . I know it is hurtful and I know it breaks your heart .

My kids have all broken my heart ,some more than others .Some of it has been repaired,some of it , I doubt will ever be repaired before I'm gone .

It's sad, but true .

It bothered me for a very long time,and it does drain you severely . I truly believe that is why I am so ill .It has pretty much destroyed my health . My Dr told me stress will be what kills me . She knows the whole story and blames most of my ailments on the stress in my life .

I wish I could tell you how to prevent it from doing the same to you .


Maybe counseling ? I hope you find a solution before it does to you what it has done to me .

:hug Oh darlin'............ I am so sorry!

Funny... thought I was the only one that had temporary dumb children and family.........LOL

Okay... so here's the deal... you and me......... no more letting it hurt us... emotionally or physically! Breaks my heart that the stress has done its number on you! Thats so not fair! ya know?

I'm so Done! its in Gods hands!!! I have been so darn drained lately.. I dont even know how to pray for them anymore!

Hang in there with me hon! :hug

We're all family here ........... lets enjoy that! :hook







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You got it Tam


I have seen first hand what holding grudges and hate and anger can do to a person. I have none of that .

Maybe disappointment ?


Thankfully, I'd say that the main problems at this point have been resolved to some degree,so there is only one person that I don't foresee a resolution to .


It's been a little more than 4 years now . You learn to adjust .You don't get over it, you learn to live with it . I have to move on in life. I have to let it go and find things that make me happy again .


It's REALLY hard ,but I think most of us have something in our lives that is hurtful and hard to handle . Some of us just don't talk about it .


Anyhow, you are right. We'll prop each other up .


Let's look forward, think positively and try to think of something every day that is GOOD .


I BET we could do that, don't you ?

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One good and positive thing...is the friendships we've developed here.

Between my friends here and my RL friends I consider myself to be so very lucky and blessed! Phil won't consider moving away from here, despite the high cost of living, mostly because of my network of neighborhood friends. He's always putting me first.

He's witnessed first hand how we all pull together when someone needs emotional or physical support. We've lived here for almost 34 years and except for some homes where people seem to move in and out of quickly, many of us have grown old together.

You can't put a price on friendship.

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You got it Tam


I have seen first hand what holding grudges and hate and anger can do to a person. I have none of that .

Maybe disappointment ?


Thankfully, I'd say that the main problems at this point have been resolved to some degree,so there is only one person that I don't foresee a resolution to .


It's been a little more than 4 years now . You learn to adjust .You don't get over it, you learn to live with it . I have to move on in life. I have to let it go and find things that make me happy again .


It's REALLY hard ,but I think most of us have something in our lives that is hurtful and hard to handle . Some of us just don't talk about it .


Anyhow, you are right. We'll prop each other up .


Let's look forward, think positively and try to think of something every day that is GOOD .


I BET we could do that, don't you ?



Yeah... I have another ongoing family issue... that I have finally been able to just let go and let God handle. Still hurts.. .but I'm done with it.

This new one................. my oh my.............got me going in all directions. I just havent come to the point of giving it over to God. Of course it would help if I wasnt continually pulled into the middle of it!

I certainly dont want to bring drama here to the group... but I do appreciate the support ... you guys are the best!

So having said that................ I'm with you Julie... looking forward thinking possitive and being thankful for what is good.

so.................... today............. a good thing.......... all of you!!!

I'm blessed to have a wonderful hubby that supplies my coffee addiction :D






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One good and positive thing...is the friendships we've developed here.

Between my friends here and my RL friends I consider myself to be so very lucky and blessed! Phil won't consider moving away from here, despite the high cost of living, mostly because of my network of neighborhood friends. He's always putting me first.

He's witnessed first hand how we all pull together when someone needs emotional or physical support. We've lived here for almost 34 years and except for some homes where people seem to move in and out of quickly, many of us have grown old together.

You can't put a price on friendship.

Amen to that!!!

you sure are blessed hon!!! :hug






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Tam, sending you lots of :hug :hug :hug. I, too, have been there. It hurts, but you can't stay there or it eats you alive. If you need to talk just pm me. Sometimes life is no fun at all, but I can find something to be grateful for each day and that helps no end.


We've still got snow in places, but it's going away.


It's more dragon ghan work for me today. I want to have enough done for a really good update picture tomorrow. :hook

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You are lucky to live in a neighborhood for that many years and know so many long-term neighbors. I was born and raised in this same town, but many people have come and gone throughout the years. There are some like me who have never left, but it's really a pretty dead-end town as far as jobs and careers so most people leave after graduating to pursure life elsewhere . I know lots of the older people in town, but it's not an overly friendly town .More "clique-y",I'd say .


We've lived on this street about 7 or 8 years and don't hardly know any of our neighbors names . They most all work all the time, so there are only maybe one or 2 people home all day like me .



You guys are priceless pals-- always handy-- I can always flip open my computer and there you are- like magical friends in a box !!!

And it's so weird how you get to know people in here and trust them enough to make friends with them and tell them things when you've never even SEEN them .


Strange, huh ?


Anyhow, it's like the Fairy Godmother gave me this magic box. I open it and there's HAPPY inside .

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Good for you Linda !!!


Tomorrow is photo day !! I gotta get on the stick .I have photos in all my groups to show. I'm trying to figure out what thing to work on the rest of the day to get more photo material ready for tomorrow !

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Hi ladies,

It has been awhile since I posted, but I have tried to keep up with the reading. Some health issues have intervened, but am doing better now.


I had to jump in after reading your posts, Tam and Julie. :hug I share some of the same family drama with you both. It has been 4 years since I have had contact with my only child. This has been his choice. Most of my family is in another state. Fortunately, thanks to facebook, I have been able to stay in contact with some of the grandchildren. Oldest grandson (23) is married and they have a darling son. My great grandson (3) is adorable. They are very good about posting photos and videos via youtube. So that keeps us in the loop. One grandson (17) is in foster care and is doing very well. His foster family is wonderful and we are all connected thru facebook. Another grandson (14) was writing me thru facebook,but he still is at home, and 2 months ago he was removed from facebook, so that connection is temporarily (I hope) broken. I have a 4 yr old granddaughter that I saw once when she was 3 months old and that was it. Then the drama hit. I am very sad about the whole situation. We are making a trip in May, my mother will be celebrating her 95th birthday. Will be seeing the rest of my family and at least 2 grandsons then, also meeting the foster family. So looking forward to this trip. Like you ladies said, sometimes you just have to back away and step out of the drama. The stress is too much. Even DH had stress related heart problems because of it. Not good!


In the meantime, I have a wonderful sister, 2 great brothers, and terrific neices and nephews who I try to spoil as much as I can. :cheer


Didn't mean to make this a downer.....on to other things.


I have been trying to keep up with the crocheting. Made my first round ripple. Also completed my second Indian Blanket (it has been sold). Am currently working on an afghan for my middle grandson (the one in foster care).


Here are the latest photos.


Nicole....are you still collecting squares?




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Hi Diane

Thank you for the post about your family. It seems that a lot of people have things exactly like we do ,so we arent alone . I'm very sorry that you are also dealing with issues like this . I guess the only thing positive to come of it ,is that we definitely treasure the family that we DO have in our lives ,since we know how heartbreaking it is when we have someone missing in that list .

So, I have tried concentrating on the ones I DO have ,and being happy I have them ,and pouring my time and effort into them ,since I don't have someone else .

That's about all I can do at this point.


Maybe we are all brought to this spot for a reason,and we are supposed to help each other out .


On a lighter note-- you have an absolute stunning crochet talent ! :yes


That RR is SO beautiful . I love the ruffly-border on it .So cute . :c9

And the Indian -type blanket--- wow, that looks like so much work,but is so pretty .


It's good to meet you. I can't remember meeting you before. If we did, I'm real sorry I don't remember . Somedays I am not real bright .:think


I try, but you know how it is ...:)


Anyhow, jump on in --what are you working on now ?

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Diane, your work is amazing!!!:clap:clap



You are lucky to live in a neighborhood for that many years and know so many long-term neighbors. I was born and raised in this same town, but many people have come and gone throughout the years. There are some like me who have never left, but it's really a pretty dead-end town as far as jobs and careers so most people leave after graduating to pursure life elsewhere . I know lots of the older people in town, but it's not an overly friendly town .More "clique-y",I'd say .


We've lived on this street about 7 or 8 years and don't hardly know any of our neighbors names . They most all work all the time, so there are only maybe one or 2 people home all day like me .



You guys are priceless pals-- always handy-- I can always flip open my computer and there you are- like magical friends in a box !!!

And it's so weird how you get to know people in here and trust them enough to make friends with them and tell them things when you've never even SEEN them .


Strange, huh ?


Anyhow, it's like the Fairy Godmother gave me this magic box. I open it and there's HAPPY inside .

Absolutely!! We all support each other...it's very special:c9

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Hi ladies,

It has been awhile since I posted, but I have tried to keep up with the reading. Some health issues have intervened, but am doing better now.


I had to jump in after reading your posts, Tam and Julie. :hug I share some of the same family drama with you both. It has been 4 years since I have had contact with my only child. This has been his choice. Most of my family is in another state. Fortunately, thanks to facebook, I have been able to stay in contact with some of the grandchildren. Oldest grandson (23) is married and they have a darling son. My great grandson (3) is adorable. They are very good about posting photos and videos via youtube. So that keeps us in the loop. One grandson (17) is in foster care and is doing very well. His foster family is wonderful and we are all connected thru facebook. Another grandson (14) was writing me thru facebook,but he still is at home, and 2 months ago he was removed from facebook, so that connection is temporarily (I hope) broken. I have a 4 yr old granddaughter that I saw once when she was 3 months old and that was it. Then the drama hit. I am very sad about the whole situation. We are making a trip in May, my mother will be celebrating her 95th birthday. Will be seeing the rest of my family and at least 2 grandsons then, also meeting the foster family. So looking forward to this trip. Like you ladies said, sometimes you just have to back away and step out of the drama. The stress is too much. Even DH had stress related heart problems because of it. Not good!


In the meantime, I have a wonderful sister, 2 great brothers, and terrific neices and nephews who I try to spoil as much as I can. :cheer


Didn't mean to make this a downer.....on to other things.


I have been trying to keep up with the crocheting. Made my first round ripple. Also completed my second Indian Blanket (it has been sold). Am currently working on an afghan for my middle grandson (the one in foster care).


Here are the latest photos.


Nicole....are you still collecting squares?

Diane, those are absolutely, positively gorgeous! Well done! Sorry you are having family issues, too. :hug :hug :hug At least we have good friends here that we can share with. It makes the pain easier to bear.


I've finished another block and am getting ready to hide tails and sew another one together. The first one is mostly sky but the second is all wing. :hook

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Jules...my avatar is the ATW I made last year. I loved the color combo...and then last Summer I sent it down to a dear friend in FL.

She moved away from the neighborhood back in 2000. It's so sad, because with her MS she can't travel to come back here...and now her only child is here in NJ and expecting in July.

Anyway, the ghan cheered her up.:hook

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My Photo Friday picture

Sorry, it's laying sideways -- the sky is the upper left hand corner then going down the left side -- will try to get a proper positioned one next week when I have more added on .

Hold your computer or head sideways to see it properly .:D

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Good morning, all. It's Friday already! Whee!


Julie, your castle is looking good. (Even if it is sideways. :lol) Good job. It's fun to see one of my patterns come to life.


I have to sew the strip I finished last night onto the dragon ghan and then I'll take a picture of it. It's looking good, too.


I'm planning on taking a trip to Iowa in June to visit my daughter, Joy (Purrbox). I almost bought the ticket Wednesday, as the price had come down $50, but then didn't. It's a good thing I didn't, because when I actually bought it last night it had come down another $50. Yeah! :yay

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I'll be flying up the morning of June 4th and staying until Sunday afternoon, June 13th. We've already got several things planned for while I'm there.


Okay, it's picture time. And Trouble, of course, had to get in the picture as usual.



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Happy Friday, everyone!


Diane ~ Your afghans are beautiful! The Indian blanket is amazing.:clap


Julie ~ Great progress on your Castle ghan!:hook Thanks for the picture.


Linda ~ Ooh, I'm so glad you're going to see Joy and Ayden (sp) again! Your Dragon is growing quickly and the colors are gorgeous together. :yes


Sorry I didn't post yesterday. DD and I had a really nice lunch and the day went downhill from there. From reading posts, it seems lots of us have family problems in common. :ghug Yesterday was one of the days I'd like to forget. Wouldn't it be nice if we could just wave a magic wand and some things (and people) would just go away? Anyway, I will not allow anyone to ruin the weekend and DD's shower. :c9 DH will be home about 2 - I'd better get in gear. :)

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