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Lookie what my SIL brought me!!!!

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The picture doesn't do this stuff justice... the pink yarn on the right is SOOO incredibly soft! I just couldn't stop petting it!:lol SIL was looking at me like I was nuts, but she just doesn't "get it."


Apparently they were selling kits in her store for knitting a pair of slippers. (She's Asst. Mgr. for a soft furnishings store.) Some woman brought these back and claimed that the kit was missing the knitting needles and everything else in there... which SIL knows is bull-poopy, because she is the one in charge of making sure that all the stock on the shelves is up-to-date and in good condition. (And she's been working nearly 7 days a week lately... the other employees in the store are taking advantage of her good nature.) So since they were forced to "write it off" anyway... she brought it to me!:clap:yay


Now the only problem is... what do I make with it?! It's just one skein of each, as you can see. I'm thinking maybe a scarf or something, since there's so little of it. Maybe make the body of the scarf with the incredibly-soft-oh-my-gosh-I-love-this-stuff yarn and then just edge it with the fun fur.


I'm WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too easily pleased! :lol

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Oh oh I need a sister in law, do you want to share? That is so soft and beautiful is has to be a scarf, all snug and warm against your face. How does it look with both yarns held together? I just wonder if the fur alone will be hard to work with? or maybe just do double strands at the ends and the yarn alone for the rest of the scarf?

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How does it look with both yarns held together? ....maybe just do double strands at the ends and the yarn alone for the rest of the scarf?

I just didn't want to take away from the natural softness of the yarn itself. I'm not sure how hard this fun fur will be to work with. I've worked with some that I couldn't see the stitches to save my life... and then there have been others that haven't been a problem at all.


I guess I'll just have to wait and see. But both held together for the ends is a definite possibility!!

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Like a kid with a new toy.... I just couldn't wait to play with it!!!!:bounce


Here it is, a scarf in the making. I finally figured out how to get the camera to take better pictures in the kitchen, and you can now see just how soft this stuff is!


Oh man..... how I would just LOVE to make a sweater out of this stuff!!!:manyheart

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I don't really know WHAT it is - the "labels" are nothing but plain white paper. And since it was an opened return, I don't even know if the original packaging said what kind it was.


To be quite honest, I don't CARE! :lol I just LOVE this stuff, I'm loving working with it, and I can't WAIT 'till I'm finished and can WEAR it!!!! :hook

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Well, as much as I love this stuff, it's a bit harder to work with than I first thought. I've had to frog it twice. It would start out fine, but then I'd miss a stitch somewhere, and it would start to slope in.


Then it occurred to me... if I can get the first 5 or 6 rows done without skipping a stitch, then maybe if I crochet along the LENGTH of the scarf, it'll come out ok?


Yup. It's coming along just fine now. :)


3rd time's a charm, I guess. :hook

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