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I'm making the Pattern Play vest from the book "Candy Tots" for my 3 year old ... per his request. I got the yarn yesterday from knit picks (since the yarn it calls for is discontinued). I wasn't sure about the turquoise color when i opened the bag its a lot brighter than it looks at their online store. I started the vest anyways and just wanted some opinions on the colors. If they are okay for a boy?


It's actually a little darker than this first picture and a little lighter than the second one



My next problem is that I made it WAY too wide as you can see from the first picture where its laying on top of a vest that currently fits my son:think I was right on gauge wise when i did a swatch... I'm not sure if I'm going to take out stitches or use a smaller hook

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Theres no yellow ... it's just a lighter green. Theres a dark green, a light green, turquoise, a dark blue, and a light blue. The color I'm struggling with is the turquoise. I like the other 4 colors together but I'm worried the turquoise is too girly.


I was thinking last night, while i was laying in bed, that I should have just done 2 colors. Like the Dark Blue and the Dark Green. And just alternated stripes.


I figured out my sizing problem and started over I'm gonna work it with all 5 colors and take it with me tonight when we go to the college basketball game with my parents and see what they think of the colors. I should try to get a better picture of the colors.

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I agree, ask him if he likes the colours. Kids are brutally honest (unfortunately so at times) and will tell you what they think. As for the size problem, perhaps cut a few chains off at the start.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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The kids aren't gender biased at that age like Empress said...

it is usually the parents that have a problem with it...


Ask him... If he likes it you're golden, even if it was pastel pink w/ruffles... (okay, maybe I am going a little too far! ;)

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See thats why I was worried about asking him :lol HE LOVES Pink ... I would say its one of his favorite colors, and he loves Cinderella, but he Also loves green and cars so I really can't complain :lol I asked him what he thinks and he LOVES it. He's so excited about it. I think I'm going to leave the turquoise and then it can just be more of a spring sweater, the yarn is a sport weight so it's pretty light. I will try to get a better picture today so you guys can see the true colors. Oh and if he really wanted a pink boys shirt i would defiantly buy it for him. thats really hip right now anyways :lol

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but it's not "pink". Let him decide. It's not "girly", it's just colorful, and if he likes it, great!

Trust me - when my nephew was his age he was very specific about what wasa "girl" color.

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It's not "girly",

It's subjective really. I think it's girly. LOL


Trust me - when my nephew was his age he was very specific about what wasa "girl" color.

It's how they are raised, not their age. At that age, if left alone, the do not care.

My three year old daughter loves pink, purple, green, and black.

She loves her Disney Princess and her baby dolls. She also loves her cars, train table, and Star Wars toys. I bet she's has more and knows more SW than most boys. LOL


See thats why I was worried about asking him :lol HE LOVES Pink ... I would say its one of his favorite colors, and he loves Cinderella, but he Also loves green and cars so I really can't complain :lol I asked him what he thinks and he LOVES it. He's so excited about it.

That's why I said if you're comfortable. LOL

He sounds like a well rounded boy. :)

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Since you said the real colors are darker than the first picture, I think the colors are okay. A bit on the bright side, but I don't think the colors look too girly, especially if they are more subtle, for a boy.


If he likes the colors, I'd not make a big deal about it. My mom used to let me wear stuff, even as an older child, simply because I wanted to wear them. No, the colors did not always go together, and yes sometimes other people commented on that fact. Yet, I wore what made me happy and I grew to not care what other people thought. Thankfully, I also did grow out of the "my clothes clash" stage too! If you really hate the color combination, remember he'll outgrow the sweater someday.

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I decided to keep going with all the colors. The combination is starting to grow on me. DH said it looks like the sweater vest from Wallace and Gromit :lol I'm sure thats part of why Gavin wanted it so badly :)

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