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Blue Star Afghan CAL


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I know about too many irons. I have a bunch that I just packed away until I finish something. Now I'm trying to only work on 2 at a time - one that's been packed aaway, and one new... I'll get to teh bottom of them eventually!


Krystal, I like your idea for doing one old project and one new one at a time. I have sooooo many WIP's that I haven't looked at in ages. I once read about someone who devotes the last week of the month to old WIP's, but that never worked for me.


Since I now have three CAL's going, I'm already three irons behind:lol


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I *wish* I was asleep. In my case, I was up nearly all night with my 3 year old daughter with a headache, stuffy nose and earaches that the medicine didn't affect. It was a looooooooooooooooooong night.


Hope to get a nap today.


Krystal, I hope you and your poor daughter both got lots of sleep the next day. I can hardly remember back to when my sons were that age. Now I have 11 month old grand-twins, and although I thank God for them everyday, I'm happy to be the proud grandmother who gets to go home to her quiet house:lol :lol Marci

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Sorry you have to read all these messages from me, but I just got back to the site after several days away.

I saw the pictures of The afghans posted by Tracey, Diane, and Wendy and they are all beautiful!

My book finally arrived today, and I hope to start work on it tonight.

Now maybe all the helpful hints I've been reading will start to make sense, as I run into the glitches you all have already mastered:lol


Krystal, as I've been reading all the back posts, I put together that you work full time, have a three year old daughter, and do a tremendous amount of beautiful crochet. :cheer :cheer And so many others in this CAL have completed beautiful Blue Stars, in every shade of the rainbow since January. You're all an inspiration to me. Marci

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Krystal~ I winged it as I did each color. But I remember that pretty much it was three slip stitches up on each side, and I attached at the next end on the third chain up as well. I played with each side till I got it right so that the squares would fit and then the outer border would be even. Let me know if it works for you. Remember that you have to be close to the top of the middle square on the 16 9 patches that you have already attached.

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Well, the beauty of it is that I'm "making" this part of the pattern, so it can't possibly NOT work out. Does that make sense? I just didn't think going up 2 chains gave me enough height (plus there's too many stitches for just 10 rows) but I was afraid 3 might stretch it too much.


Because I have the "not half" grannies, my point is actually higher now by double. I just wanted to figure out how many rows I will put in there, THEN backtrack to figure out how many of each color to do...


Either way, this is on the backburner. I'm making a few others.... No big rush, as I figured this one would take me quite a bit. :D

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Geez, Can ya'll believe I haven't picked up a hook all week. This week has been kindof rough working on the car to get it ready and I have been exhausted every night. The pluses are I have lost a little weight, and the car will be beautiful when it is finished. Working on the sound system today and the alarm.


Krystal~I didn't think about reaching out to the point on your whole half granny. You might want to double the rows of each color, so instead of 3 rows of "B" you have 6 rows. It would be the logical thing to start with being that you doubled the size of the half granny. Just a thought.

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You know. I have been sitting the last couple of nights while watching tv making the last of the 9 patch squares. I have been finding that tucking in the ends has been very relaxing for me.:think This is usually the last thing I want to do. :no I don't know what is going on. I think I have about 10 of the last 9 patches to finish up.:cheer I really need to work on my ALS afghan today and a couple of granny squares for exchanges. Tonight I might get back and finish the 9 patches and then start the wedges. Oh joy~!

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Diane, I've had the same experience re weaving in the ends. I NEVER liked doing that, but in assembling the charity ghans I'm doing I'm finding it extremely relaxing. Almost meditative!:c9

I've also wondered what has come over me!:think

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Hi all.


I have had trouble with the corner borders. Making each color fit so that I will get to the half block by the time I have done my 3rd color. I think I have frogged this bit 3 times trying to get it right. Im hoping to maybe finish one corner this weekend but its slow because of the hassles Im having.

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ohh i`m maaaaad

my mother liked the (lalic perfume) old one and she asked me to buy it for her in the mothers day so my face started to change into colours <<< shocked

i told i`ll give you something better but but wait and let me surprise you

she said don`t tell me i`ll wait for ssomething crocheted by you i`ll wait very long time :hahaha

so i`ll just make this afghan for my self

any suggestions of the colors :think ???

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They are for me:D


aha both of them??? so i`m not the only one that makes lots of afghans for her self :drool

i wont let mu hubby touch any one else than tha casa :lol

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Athba doesnt your mum want you to make an afghan for her. As for colors go with your favorite color. You have seen some different colors put together in here so go by them to decide. I know I had trouble trying to find a varigated. So this time I bought the varigated yarn first then picked the plain colors to go with it although the second one being bright colors it was easy.

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I am having so much trouble with the corner borders. It says to do 4 rows B, 3 rows MC then 2 rows C then the assembly. Yeah I have done 4 rows B, 4 rows MC and and 4 rows C. In the corrections for this it says not to turn in row 10 but how can you not turn.


I think half the problem is that I have done too many sc in the edging after putting the block/wedge/block together. So while doing the corner borders its taking longer to crochet rows up to the half block. So instead of doing 9 rows then the assembly I am doing 12 rows then the assembly.


Tracy did you have this problem.

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Ok I have frogged the corner border again. Doing the 12 rows was just ridiculous.


When you finish the 9th row you end up at the end of the corner border on the right side. According to the corrections you dont turn on the 10th row. How is this possible and dont you need to be at the other end to do the assembly.


I am so confused and really had enough with this part and just think I still have to do this part 3 more times...argghhh

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Wendy~ Boy did I have troubles. Okay, I did it this way

color B 4 rows it says slip stitch two chains up from wedge on 9 patch, crochet across as directed, then attach to other 9 patch 2 chain up from wedge, now I slipped stitched up 3 chains then turned to start the second row. At the end of each row I attached two chains up from the last row and then slipped stitched up 3 chains. I did 4 rows of B, then 3 rows color MC, and 4 rows of the "C". I used the first post picture to see where I needed to finish each row in relation to the 9 patch



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