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Blue Star Afghan CAL


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I got the wedges/ blocks attached and edged this evening, Hubby isn't home yet, but is on his way. Theo is doing better but isn't out of the woods yet. Hopefully sometime next week they will move him to a regular room . I did alot of crcoheting today and think I will take tomorrow off.

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Hey where is everyone. I had to rescue this cal before it hit page 2.


I am still busy with the last of the blocks to put between the wedges.


How is everyone else going. Your all not here so you must all be crocheting like crazy.


Im going to bed now. Catch u all tomorrow.

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My Blue Star is sitting all by itself, in a corner and neglected, while I finish my friend's lapghan:yarn ...whcih will entail a trip to Michaels today (poor me:D ) to get more yarn...maybe I'll post a pic here for Friday, since I won't have anthing else:think

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Krystal, I get only brief moments where I don't even think of crocheting! It is so hard-wired in my being, that I have to do something every day. Needess to say, I take a WIP with me when going on a long ride with DH...and vacations...I always something in my airline carry on (with plastic hooks and a thread ripper pendant), and pack a back up project in my suitcase!

I'm not addicted...no, I swear I'm not:hyper :loco:bounce:spin :spin :coo

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I have 4 9 patches to finish for the first 9 patches. I was putting them together last night and found that I was putting the wrong color in the wrong place. Had to frog a couple, I put them up for the night as I was tired. Will get to them again tonight I hope.

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OKay Judi~ you sound a lot like me. My DD love the pendant cutter so much I had to buy her one. I said last night I was going to take a break today, but looking at the blanket and I only have the corners and half squares to go, I know the minute we slow down here I will be working on it. I mean how can you not?? Even when my hands are hurting from marathon crochet fests like yesterday ( very nerveous energy ) I still was reading the pattern to see what has to be done next.

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Krystal and Tracey...this pattern is the one I put aside when I'm too edgy to sit still for long - since I learned (the hard way, after frogging parts of it several times:P ) that my mind has to be calm to handle working on it. My wheel lattice is the pattern I do for mindless crocheting since it's practically memorized!:hook

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I could have sworn I posted last night .... hmmmm ... i dunno maybe I got distracted :lol I had to frog mine and take the 9 patches off because I didn't put them int he right order so I fixed a few other problems I had. I'm getting ready to reattach my 9 patches

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I was sidelined for a week with tendonitis in my wrist but I was back at it again yesterday. Finished the first set of 8 and the second set of 4 nine patches. I will keep working on those until I have time to concentrate and then I will do the attaching around the star. I have about 7 projects going right now so I try to work on something different each day.

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I don't know why, I can't do that. I have two projects going, and I keep putting DD blanket aside to work on this one. To me this one is always changing so it hasn't got boring ( okay maybe the 9-patches were a little) I want to get this one finished and then work on DD's blanket

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Morning everyone. I have been obsessing with this project for the last week and a half and have neglected my casablanca. I just want to get those 9 patches done and now the wedges. this one doesnt seem to get boring as there are so many different parts to it.

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Tracey - I saw that and immediately said, in awe, "OH, WOW!!"


That is just fabulous!


Tracey...Krystal pulled the words right out of my mouth!!!:cheer:clap:manyheart:yay

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:cheer :cheer :cheer Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is great Tracy! The more I see of the colors eveyone is using and the bigger they get, the prettier I think this afghan is!!! I best get back to mine!!:think


:devil :devil I just had to see it again so I used the quote:devil :D


Okay I didn't get anything done on it yet as we have been very busy, maybe tonight if I am in the mood. Here is what I got done over the weekend.



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Tracey. I have 3 or 4 projects going!!!LOL I keep putting one's aside that I need to get done now to work on this one. I have two little squares to add to 2 9patch squares and I will start to join the first 8. I am interested to see how it goes as I have read so many have had trouble with that part.

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