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Blue Star Afghan CAL


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My 9-patches are larger than the inset. That's why I posted a question about them a week or so ago. What seems to mess up the size of the 9-patches is the variegated yarn. It seems thicker to me somehow. All the yarn is RH ww.


I'll do one more but I don't like the way this is turning out.

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My 9-patches are larger than the inset. That's why I posted a question about them a week or so ago. What seems to mess up the size of the 9-patches is the variegated yarn. It seems thicker to me somehow. All the yarn is RH ww.


I'll do one more but I don't like the way this is turning out.

Laurie, check the label for the varigated yarn and see what size hook is recommended. See what you've used on this and the other yarn...they do feel differently when you go from solid solors to vari...even in the same brand. I had to play with the size of the hooks I used to get what I've done to this point to lay okay.

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I am using different brands of yarn on this pattern, I just tryed to match the feel of the yarn I ordered online to what I bought at the store. I would say if it doesn't feel right, try what Judi suggested, or change the varigated yarn to a thinner yarn.

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:eek :eek Oh dear........I have to go reread my directions! I put my blocks on with continuious crochet. It lookslike you are crocheting them one at a time and tieing off. Is that right???:(

I also thought my squares were too big, but they worked out but I do have a little puckering.


I bought my verigated yarn all at the same time, and as I was going along, and it was time to start the next skein, it was thin and smooth.........way differant than the one I just used, it was thick and fuzzy like the rest of my yarn! I was surprised, I ended up with 2 skeins like that. So same yarn same color can be a differant texture.......


hope this helps Laurie.


:cheer :cheer Everyones afghans are lookin good!!!!


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Here's the photo with 2 9-patch blocks attached. It's also folding over.




Now what?

I checked yours, then I looked at the single block I joined and there is a ridge, and seems to almost "fold over"...but when I tug on it it seems to flatten out...does yours do that?


Anyone else out there want to chime in on this one? Where's Miz..?

I'll keep mine going the way I've been doing it...unless it gets really ugly...:P

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No, it's one continuous thread.


If it was just a little puckering, I would chalk it up to tension issues. But with this much, there's something really wrong. At this point, I've just about given up. I've certainly put it down for a few days so I can think about this some more.

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:eek :eek Oh dear........I have to go reread my directions! I put my blocks on with continuious crochet. It lookslike you are crocheting them one at a time and tieing off. Is that right???:(


I think it looks that way because we haven't made all the 9-patches we need yet:P

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Ladys, I am at a loss as to what to tell you. I know that my squares were larger and bothered me that they wouldn't fit. Miz said that it was the same for her and that the treble at the points gave it the length to fit. I didn't have any puckering at the inner part of the star. Everything just fit together fine. I do have a small amount of gathering at the points when I did the border of burgundy and pink after the 9 patchs were put on. I am sorry I honestly don't know what to suggest. Each of my squares measures at 6 1/4 inches. I would suggest changing hook size to get that or similiar size square.

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The squares are supposed to measure 7", and mine did. So far, Laurie - yours looks like mine did, but it's a little hard to see perfectly in the picture. Mine laid pretty funny, with a "ditch" right where the inside corner of the 9-patch meets the star. Once I bordered the whole she-bang in sc, it worked out.


Didn't go shopping after all, today. Going to work on some other WIPs to keep me busy... this one's just hanging around there.



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Hi everyone, the 9 patches are supposed to be put on in continous crochet. You can add the 9 patch blocks as you make them but dont break off the yarn. I also am using a G Hook.


Also Laurie have you done the treble at the points because you dont seem to have a point between one 9 patch and the next 9 patch. As you can seem from mine the two 9 patchs almost touch except for the dark brown inbetween. Am I explaining this right. Can anyone else see this.

Lauries pic http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e220/lmse/Crochet/DSCF0068-adj.jpg


Here are mine to look at.




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Sapphire hello and your welcome to join us anytime.


Laurie how did you go with the joining of the patches.


Krystal my squares measure 6" dont know if thats good or bad. How are you going with yours.


I have managed to sort out putting the wedges together. You crochet the wedge then you straight away attach a 9 patch and then go up the other side and attach the other 9 patch. It was a bit confusing at first but it has worked out.


Miz where are you.

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Laurie, it just hit me (even at this early hour)...maybe the G hook is too SMALL...? It could be that's why the block isn't laying flat:think

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I do have the 2 tr's in the tips.


If I were to change to a larger hook size, I would have to start over from the very beginning, wouldn't I? It will be very hard to rip out what I've already done. When I weave in my ends, you can't see where they are.

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Wendy, Mine came about the same size as yours. I love your colors. Funny thing is, I have 100% wool yarn in those same colors for the second time I do this ghan. I am working on putting the wedges together last night and today. I got three done yesterday, hopefully, I can finish the rest today

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I almost have the first set of 9blocks ready to put on.:c9 I do need to finish a couple of them and edge 8 to use around the star. maybe tomorrow when Hubby is not home. He was shaking his head at me last night as I was working on this one. :angry He thinks I am foolish because I don't just get one thing done at a time.

All this talk of puckering has be a bit concerned. I will see tomorrow afternoon after work if mine puckers also.

I am loving the colors that I am seeing with all of your pictures though.

I love the fact that we all choose different colors and didn't just copy the colors on the orgional!!!:cheer

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I do have the 2 tr's in the tips.


If I were to change to a larger hook size, I would have to start over from the very beginning, wouldn't I? It will be very hard to rip out what I've already done. When I weave in my ends, you can't see where they are.

I know about the ends...I just had to toss another WIP because I couldn't frog all of it!

...a way to fudge and make the block bigger...there are ways, but then the pattern would be off...

I'm not sure what I would do (other than add a border where none is called for so the size works)


I'm sorry I can't be more of a help...and I've been crocheting for more years than some members here have been alive:P

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Hi everyone, the 9 patches are supposed to be put on in continous crochet. You can add the 9 patch blocks as you make them but dont break off the yarn. I also am using a G Hook.


Also Laurie have you done the treble at the points because you dont seem to have a point between one 9 patch and the next 9 patch. As you can seem from mine the two 9 patchs almost touch except for the dark brown inbetween. Am I explaining this right. Can anyone else see this.

Lauries pic http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e220/lmse/Crochet/DSCF0068-adj.jpg


Here are mine to look at.




WOW, Love your colors!! They really work together:cheer


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Laurie, sorry not sure how else to help you. Can you just take those two 9 patches out and see what is happening from there. I dont think its your hook size as I have used a G Hook as well.


Thanks girls for your compliments on my ghan. Everyone is doing a great job on theirs and all the colors are terrific.


Tracey well done cant wait to see yours. I finally did the wedge. I have one done attached to 2 patches and am going to attach another one tonight. As you can see my border isnt finished yet. Im still on row 6.

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I am attaching the wedge/blocks sections now, I have four more to go. Hubby went to see his Uncle in the hospital. He finally woke up after having open heart surgery last week. I am hopeful he will be okay. I don't do well at hospitals, so DH went with his other uncle.

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