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Blue Star Afghan CAL


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Tracey - this is what I *know* about mono. First, it is contagious, but only by swapping bodily fluids. That is why it's called "the kissing disease" and teenagers are the ones that primarily get it (we usually develop antibodies by adulthood). So, it's not *as* infectious as a cold/flu. Just wash things, don't share drinking/eating utensils, things like that.


Mono is a disease of the liver, so any medication that is metabolized by the livier is ineffective. OTC pain meds are pretty much useless, except the ones metabolized in the stomach - I think that's tylenol (?), which is acetominophen. Ibuprofin is a no-no, I'm pretty sure. They *can* give your daughter a round of steroids to speed up recovery, but I'm not sure if that's something they wait and see how things go and only give it if the patient is suffering or not getting well. Steroids aren't something to mess with, especially in a teenage kid.


Be firm on her getting her rest. She can still do lots of her classwork at home - make sure you get all of her books from her teacher, and have the teacher(s) email you classwork and coursework. If she's in upper grades, I'm pretty sure that's the guidance counselor's job. Can you tell I had Mono in high school? Missed 3 weeks right after coming off of spring break (for two weeks). The more she rests (including talking on the phone and visitors) the faster she will recover. Good luck!


What grade is she in?

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Tracey - sorry to hear about ur DD I hope she feels better soon


I attached my first set of nine patches .... then i realized I wasn't supposed to sc all the way around the 9 patch only on the 2 sides .... woops .... well I didn't really want to frog and start over so I just left it and did the SC round over the other sc's and made sure I had the right numbers with a few increases. I need to make sure I read the whole thing before I start doing things next time :lol

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You mean you're not supposed to sc around the 9-patches! :eek I thought that's what the instructions said to do!?!?! Thank goodness I've only edged 3 so far. I better read the instructions again.


I went to attach the 9-patches to the star and discovered they needed to be edged. Then I discovered that I had made my 9-patches all the same. Well, I layed them out next to the star and decided I'm leaving them that way.


I am so glad I'm doing this as a CAL.

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Krystal~ DD is 17 and in the eleventh grade. Believe it or not, the advil is for joint pain and headaches that the mono has racked her body with lately. The whole reason for her going to the Doc's today. Tyenol is something that she doesn't do well with. I understand this is rare. I personally have a large amount of medications that I have had allergies to so the family doctors take extra care when treating us ( kids and I) Dh isn't allergic to anything. Lucky him. Anyway we will know the results of the blood test on Monday. DD loves to kiss you goodnight and DH and I get a hug before she disappears into her dungeon ( bedroom) .


I have gotten very little done on my star today, Maybe tomorrow I will get something done, then I go to work on DD BS on Friday.

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Oh, I know the pain you're talking of... but I was under the impression that any medication metabolized in the liver was useless when you've got Mono, as your liver won't "work" to do this job, thus the Advil would be useless. :think Maybe I'm wrong.... but you might want to ask if she does show positive on teh Epstein-Barr....

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I have edging questions for the 9-patches around the center star - why is the edging only around 4 of the patches and not all 8? Having it only around 4 - wouldn't that mess up the eveness of the the border around the star? If it's true that the edging is only around 4, where do you position the 4 edged ones -- in the corners of the star or are they the ones on point? Inquiring minds want to know. :hook

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I have edging questions for the 9-patches around the center star - why is the edging only around 4 of the patches and not all 8? Having it only around 4 - wouldn't that mess up the eveness of the the border around the star? If it's true that the edging is only around 4, where do you position the 4 edged ones -- in the corners of the star or are they the ones on point? Inquiring minds want to know. :hook

Thank you Laurie, for asking the questions I was too embarrassed to ask!:blush

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Laurie~ Only four of granny 1 are used in the border aaround the star and then the 4 granny 2 are used. It alternates G1, G2, G1 get it. The other 4 Granny 1 squares are used on the corners of the blanket. So therefore you only want to edge two sides of the four out of eight granny 1 squares, then all four of the granny 2 squares.


Krystal~ we won't have blood tests back till Monday. You know your right, the meds are not working. DD has ahd a headache for going on four days that no meds have eased. Maybe Doc was telling her to take advil as so she thinks she is getting pain releif.

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You have 4 of Block A and 4 of Block B for the center star. (Though was it you who had all 8 the same?). So, you edge 4 of EACh square that you made. You edge ONLY on the two sides that are going to be turned IN towards the star.


Hope this helps.



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We all posted at the same time... :lol


Tracey - try some ice packs, have her drink plenty of water. If she can tolerate it, then maybe a mild massage at the back of her neck, around her skull, and on her face (believe it or not, it feels good). I believe Tylenol is supposed to be OK, but you said she gets reactions, so don't know. I would call the Dr. back.

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Thanks for all the guidance on the 9-patches! Maybe if I read through the pattern at least once it would help...but that's not me:P I read just enough of it to see what comes next!:lol

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I got 2 more 9 patch squares done last night. I now have the first 4 9 patch squares done except for the edging on 2 sides. I am going to alternate making the different 9 squares so that it does not get so teadious.

Tracey. Sorry to read about your DD.

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Does it matter where I put the 4 edged blocks? I understand about the alternating between granny 1 & 2. And yes, it was me who had all 8 the same. Doesn't the picture MizLynn posted in the first post have all 8 granny squares the same? I guess I better make 4 granny-2 blocks for the center star. I'm beginning to think I messed this up.

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Laurie~ the edged side need to face the star. It is there to have a clean look after it's attached, As far as the colors of the squares and which square goes where, It is really up to you. My squares are in different colors than what they say to use. I do have 8 of G1, 4 of G2, so forth and so on, but the colors pattern is what I felt to use. I didn't use a varigated, couldn't find one in the material I used that I liked, so I used five solids as long as you have 28 squares to make the blanket and you are happy with the way they look, I wouldn't sweat it. It's called artist impression. You are putting your style into the blanket to make it your own. These colors repeat themselves, so you can do anything that makes happy with.

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Thank you Laurie, for asking the questions I was too embarrassed to ask!:blush

Ah ha!! :angry that must be why I had and still have a bit of the puckering after I redid mine! I crocheted the 2 side edge on all my 8 center blocks that I attached to the star.:( :(

NOPE..........I am not ripping again..:eek :eek Unless I think about the mistake too long.

I have been doing bears this week, so my star gan still looks the same.



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Well between my sick DD and work I haven't gotten the squares attached as I had hoped. I forgot completely about the wedges having to join the blocks before attaching to the star. I got to make the wedges. I am at work and there isn't a large enough spot to deplay the afghan and take a pic. Well maybe on the hood of a car. Then ya'll can see were I work. :lol

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Tracey hope your daughter is better soon.


Laurie how did you go with attaching the granny blocks to the stars.


I am busy doing blocks 3 and 4 so that when I finish the border I will be able to attach them. They are certainly taking forever even with doing all the centres then all the sides then all the corners.


Does anyone have a pic for us.

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Before I give up on this afghan, would someone be so kind as to post a photo of a 9-patch joined to the star.


I tried joining a 9-patch to the star last night. I understand the joining method. That's not my problem. Actually the joining itself was very easy. When I got done, the 9-patch would not lay flat where the star goes in (<). I even had my daughter double check to make sure I didn't miss something. What do I do now?

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Laurie, my star puckered some where I joined the square to it, right like you said. Unless it's a HUGE pucker, I wouldn't worry about it - once you get the rest of the afghan done, PLUS wash and dry it, it will lay completely flat. If you'd like, post a pic of it spread out and I'll give you my opinion whether it's REALLY bad (won't work out) or typical. I have had MANY afghans do this, and you'd be surprised how flat they get by the end. :D


No pic - no yarn! I have plans to shop tomorrow!!! The weather is supposed to be in the DOUBLE DIGITS (:cheer) and the lake has frozen over, so we're pretty good now.

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Someone said there IS supposed to be a bit of a ridge where the 9-patch is joined to the star...I'll be posting pics from a couple of angles later on. I think the 9-patch I joined looks all right:think

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Krystal -- Your blue and white afghan is really pretty.


I was so irritated last night, I ripped it out. When I get home tonight, I'll rejoin the square and post a picture. I got to thinking today that maybe I didn't line up the corner of the square to the < properly and maybe that's why I have a problem.

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