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present for my grandmother

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HI all, ok, so my grandmother knows how to crochet, but is really a HUGE knitter, it was her mother (who i was named after) that was the crocheter.


Anyway, I would like to crochet something for my grandmother for her birthday, and I want it to be something really special. She lives with my Aunt and Uncle, so she doesn't have use for doilies, but maybe a blanket or something. I don't know, I just know that I have to do it VERY WELL, b/c she deserves nothing less than perfection, and i don't want it to be Granny squares.... b/c well, I hate joining them, lol.


Anyone have any ideas?

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My Grandmother always has a small blanket with her when she's around the house. Just to throw over her legs and feet or her soulders. Or a nice big comfy sweater, that still looks nice, but is better for company or going out. Something to keep her warm. So I think a nice lapghan and/or comfy yet stylish sweater would be good if she's anything like my grandma. I don't think that was very helpful...sorry. I'll see if I can't look around for a pattern or 2 to fit my idea. Good luck!

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I would recommend a beautiful shawl as well. I love them, especially pineapple ones.

If you want a great pattern, find and use half of a beautiful doily -> best designs in the world and a good size and very warm in yarn.


for me, I get about 4 times the size gong from thread to WW yarn. a 16 in. doily will yield a 64 in. shawl.

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darski i like the idea of the shawl, and stitches the lapghan is a good idea as well, kellie, the scarf would make a great present, except she lives in Florida, and I don't think she'd ever use it.


thankss for the ideas ladies!!

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How old is your grandmother? How active is your grandmother? What types of things does she like? Does she wear scarfs? Does she have a problem w/ her legs getting cold when she's sitting, or is her shoulders that she complains about? or her hands? All theses things should be taken into consideraion BEFORE your decide what to make for her. Since she lives in Florida, maybe a beautiful crocheted pillow for on her bed.

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well, I've decided to make her a shawl to go over her shoulders. I need to find the right pattern now, there is one in the Happy Hooker that I like, it's nice and light, and as she lives in Florida it would need to be something light. But I also like the idea of making a lapghan, I've been looking for an excuse to make a quilt styled project, and a lapghan would be something small to start with for something like that, but we'll see.


Anyway, off to look for more shawl patterns.

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the shawl you talked about is the sweet pea shawl and works out very nice, if you want one which is not heavy yet warm you can use either a sport weight yarn or a size 3 or 5 thread. those work out well for people living in warmer areas. also you can take a old doily pattern such as the pineapple one that someone did here last year and make it into a shawl it is just simply beautiful and you can almost bet your grandma would love it,. i know i would if someone gave me a shawl like that. i am sure your grandma will love anything you make her. thats awesome, :hug:hug:hug

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here's my 2-cents for a shawl/lapghan combo: I've used a small round-ripple afghan folded in half for a shawl when's it is the only thing available. So if you make a very light round afghan, she can always fold it over and use as a lap-warmer or shawl. So if you use the suggestion of a doily pattern, you can even choose one that is more open, because doubling it will make it warmer. there is a pattern, that I've seen somewhere of a doily with old-fashiioned ladies around it, it's round and the ladies heads are in the centre and the bug, full skirts go around the edge. I've thought abou tmaking it into an afghan, but haven't worked up the nerve to try it yet.


good luck!


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