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Feeling Overwhelmed AGAIN...

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Thanks...I'm actually a rollar coaster of emotions at the moment...but this thread has seriously helped...really...and hey, same back to you...if you need a shoulder, hollar...

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Just wanted to send another :hug your way so you know folks are still thinking about ya


My two cents: a hot shower sometimes helps with getting energy back more than a bath. Still warm and soaky, but stimulates the skin instead of soothing it into sleepy time. Aaaand, do you have any citrus or peppermint scented stuff? Soaps or candles or even tea to sip? Perks you up something fierce :)

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Thanks Phoenix...because I had to wash my hair, I took my bath and showered at the end...and yeah, I do the peppermint thing too...


The rollar coaster continues...I was doing fine until this evening...some scary news and an email that has me annoyed...but I'm trying not to stress too much about either...what is is what it is...

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Scary news is in the papers and on the internet, TSA and air travel security...but I don't want to get into that here...only to say as a person who makes twice years flights to and from the U.S. it's scary...the flying doesn't scare me, but what TSA is doing in the name of security is scaring the crap out of me...


Annoying email...well...sorry, but again, don't want to get into that because it's crochet related (sort of...)


Later I'll pm you knicknack...and yes, I'm on Yahoo and MSN Messenger, but I'm not on it very often...have to make dates...

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glad you're perking up a little :hug hopefully your 'normal' routine will be back and that should help. what's banana bread? is it like banana cake? oh i LOVE banana cake. go watch Serenghetti with her train some more ;) btw, I need photos!! lol. poor 'ghetti always gets left out in the pics department. and you HAVE yahoo messenger and I didn't know? how mean :P i'll have to answer your emails after this weekend cos I am working on the paper. yuck. thank you for being there for me last week :hug you mean to the world to me and I am here for you no matter how I feel. someone elses problems to worry about lets you distract from your own. I always find that anyway. love to you xxx

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Banana cake and banana bread are very, very similar...interchangable actually...I know, I'm off to bed for real...just wanted to answer the one question...thank you all for being in this thread the past couple of days...seriously appreciate it...

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I'm glad you're perking up a little. Is your sleep schedule back on track? My oldest son, who has not recently (or at all for that matter) done any international traveling, has his schedule so that he goes to bed at 6pm and is up at 3am. It's an adolescent thing, I guess.


Try not to worry too much about that security stuff. I think I know what you are talking about, though, about traveler's personal information. Have fun at the Christmas party, have some pfefferneuse or whatever kind of cookies the Germans make for Christmas for me!


Shell, if you go to allrecipes.com, you'll find all kinds of banana bread recipes.

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Hey LeAnna (thanks Kim for the mention of the name), I will be on and off the puter all day today...my Yahoo ID is KnacKnic - IM me when your on, if I am around we can chat. I will leave it on all day.


No pressure, just if you want, I am here.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Well, the holiday season is basically over, but I wanted to post an update to let you know that I didn't just perk up, I haven't put the hooks done since (so to speak...) I've made 10 doves, the doily, the lion stocking, I'm in the middle of a sweater for my husband and I made a wrist thread holder (anyone who subscribes to Talking Crocheting might have seen this pattern for a Victorian wrist thread holder) and a couple of cupcake purses which were featured in a thread on this site and a couple of bags I made out of an Annie's Attic free pattern that was for a wreath afghan (no way am I going to make 40 of those squares, but for two little bags to hold a small Christmas gift,) yes...and everyone loved EVERYTHING.


Am I done with the Ginger Bread House Purse? Oh heck no...but maybe before the end of this week...oh wait I forgot one project...one of two projects were nagging me since my trip in the states, one is the aforementions Ginger Bread House Purse, and the other was this cute little elephant which was featured in a recent Better Homes and Gardens crochet magazine...I finished the elephant and she is soooooo cute...and yeah, I know, now you wanna see pics...I'll share before the week's out...I hope I remembered to take pics of the wreath and cupcake bags, but I did take pics of the house purse (work in progress) the elephant, the doves, the doily and the lion...

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Hey Lea...funny how it can work out that way...now if I can just get perked up and stay perked up for this one non crochet project I have to finish by March (it's a writing course that's a year over due...) I'll be really good to go...but I did get all my Christmas goals basically done (except for that purse, but it was a good Christmas display piece as it was) and I count my blessings for that...


Happy New Year to you too Lea!

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