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Christmas suggestions for my crochetin' man?


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My husband has taken up crochet in the past year and really likes it (it's much more fun to go into yarn stores when I'm not the only one fondling yarn!) Right now, he has a few books, a set of Susan Bates crochet hooks, and an overflowing basket of really nice wool yarn that he's been working with for awhile. So far he enjoys making hats and he's making me a scarf for Christmas. I'm an avid knitter and am embarrassed to admit that I have never knit a scarf for myself, but I keep telling him I get great "girl points" for having a crocheted scarf my husband made for me.


Anyway, I'd like to get him some crochet things, but honestly, some of these things are getting hard to find. I'd like to get him some different needles to try, and that's pretty easy. I've read some of the threads here about hooks and have decided to buy him some Boye hooks and maybe one or two others in different materials for him to try, maybe one really nice wooden one.


I'd like to get him a hook case (right now the Susan Bates set has its own pseudocase, but he's going to need something else for his other hooks). However, frankly, most of the cases I've seen so far are just too frou-frou. My husband is NOT a frou-frou guy at ALL. Right now the Lantern Moon silk case with the brown and green silk is my best choice but even that worries me a bit. I was thinking more "leather" than "silk" ....


Also, any book suggestions? I was thinking of things like stitch dictionaries. It's hard enough to find knitting books with good patterns for men, but crochet books are so far nearly impossible.



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Hi...hmmm...this is tough...you might want to go to the Crochet Dude's site and look over his patterns and see if there isn't something that he has that your husband might like...you could even pm him here as he's a member...as far as hooks, Jimbo is a man from Washington State who makes hooks and you might want to pm him (he's a member here too) regarding a "manly" hook he could make for your husband...just a thought...

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Stocking stuffers: the Leisure Arts "Little books" (30 crochet stitches, etc.. they have 3 of them and I can find them at my wal-mart for $2.50 each, GREAT stocking stuffers).


A couple of wood hooks from turn of the century? They are VERY nice, DH got me a set for our 10th anniversary and I've put a lot of miles on them. http://www.turn-of-the-century.com/hooks.htm


Hope this helps. Those are the only ones I can come up with off the top of my head.

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These things are also just stocking stuffers.. little gadgets ( most guys love gadgets ... I just got one of those gauge checkers, that has a little window to easily check gauge and also openings to figure out what size your hook is. A small portable tape measure. I have one that looks like a sheep, but that's probably too cutesy for a guy. As others have said, nice wooden hooks.



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Here are a few hook cases on ETSY that aren't cutsie:




Dots and green

Monkey and palm tree

Another Dice

Burger and fries


variety of plain fabrics



Not really a gift but here is a link for a podcast that is crochet for men

can't tell if this is the same one or not but here is another link

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How about checking into the hardware section at Sears or walmart...see if they have a leather...or GUY case for like Alan Wrenches? I don't know...If your crafty with a sweing machine...or a needle...you could easily make something.

I'm curious to know how you're making out on this plight.



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How about "Crochet Stitch Bible" for a book. It has great information in it and tons of different stitches with instructions. I just love this book. Getting it at say JoAnn's with a coupon would make it more reasonably priced.

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