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New way to add beads?

Tampa Doll

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Not sure is this is the right place, but I got my Crochet Today magazine yesterday. They had a small purse with beads on the flap.

What I found facinating, was the way they added the beads. Instead of stringing them on the yarn first, they put hook through the loop, did a yarn over and pulled it back through the loop. They dropped this new loop onto a steel hook that has a bead on it, slipped the bead off the hook onto the yarn, put the yarn back on the original hook and completed the sc.

Has anyone used this method? Is it easier or better than stringing the beads on the yarn or thread?:think

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Hi Tampa,,,,,,,

yes, I already do that. It can be --- It is easier then 1 way or the other really just depends on the yarn or thread your using. I gather you string your beads on like I do,, but to try this way to see if you like it,,, try it first and see if its easier then stringing them on. before you start your project. There are good thoughts and bad thoughts to this idea...

there are 1 idea :yes that are good and 1 bad :no idea about this method.:think

1. :yes Good to know how to do ::: becasue if you have all your beads on and decided you need one over here or decided that you would like to add a whole lot more beads to rows further then you had in mind, and--or you ran out for instance,,, but you don't want to cut the string or yarn to continue well then get your tiny hook and hook on the beads on as your crocheting:hook your project. :yes

2. :no Bad thing,,,Since you don't have your beads stringed on you can loose your beads.:no ..espically those little ones. :eek

When I was doing a doily once I ran out of beads :oops I emailed the seller to see if she had more ,, she said yes, when I got them in the mail I started back on the doily but instead of cutting the thread and having to hide 2 tails from the cut I just crocheted and put the beads where I wanted them to go by using the tiny crochet hook method. I put my beads in my beading board so they cannot roll off of the tray like a plate can.

I would say to crochet a small sample piece and try it with yarn :yarn and :yarn thread so you will know what to expect.

have fun and please let me know what you think. Not many people know this method.

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Is there a video on it? I read your instructions.....but I add my beads to my yarn then crochet them [place as I need them, I would love to add if I run out of my beads and continue without having to redo the whole thing over....


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Lily Chin has a good book out on this subject, with, IMO, good detailed instructions. It is called "Knit and Crochet with Beads".


The book is divided between the Crochet and Knitting, I love it and I have already crocheted a couple of things from it.


She has 3 different ways of adding the beads to work with them.

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Lily Chin has a good book out on this subject, with, IMO, good detailed instructions. It is called "Knit and Crochet with Beads".

The book is divided between the Crochet and Knitting, I love it and I have already crocheted a couple of things from it.


She has 3 different ways of adding the beads to work with them.


3 different ways? now you have got me interested in this 3rd way. Guess I will have to buy the book too. I have seen Lily Chin on Knitty gritty many -many times, lots of re runs shows...Saw her do the beads on stringed, and tiny hook way. but I don't rememeber her doing the 3rd way.



Maybe some day the re-runs will come back on and defentily will have to really pay attention closely and see if she does the 3rd way on tv..

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3 different ways? now you have got me interested in this 3rd way. Guess I will have to buy the book too. I have seen Lily Chin on Knitty gritty many -many times, lots of re runs shows...Saw her do the beads on stringed, and tiny hook way. but I don't rememeber her doing the 3rd way.



Maybe some day the re-runs will come back on and defentily will have to really pay attention closely and see if she does the 3rd way on tv..


I know! I was surprised too.


The 3rd way is when your using a yarn that is too big for the bead holes of the beads that you want to use, you would string the beads on a seperate thread, then hold the thread with the yarn and bead crochet pretty much the same way by sliding the bead up and work the stitch with the yarn and the thread together.


The most common ways are the hooking the bead on the the stitch, like you mentioned, or prestringing the beads on to the working thread or yarn.


I used to teach bead crochet at a specialty bead store.

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I know! I was surprised too.


The 3rd way is when your using a yarn that is too big for the bead holes of the beads that you want to use, you would string the beads on a seperate thread, then hold the thread with the yarn and bead crochet pretty much the same way by sliding the bead up and work the stitch with the yarn and the thread together..





Ok thats what I do with smaller beads when I cannot get them directly on the Big Eye Needle needle with threading beads on,,,

Then what I do is take a string of sewing thread and tie a knot onto the thread I am trying to get the beads on. Then my big eye needle will let me get those beads on with the sewing thread first then onto the crochet threads.


so Here is what I have done--- Put my big eye needle onto the sewing thread. Tie end of sewing thread onto the crochet thread.. now put your beads on big eye needle and onto the sewing threads just a few at a time. Then slide bead on down to the crochet thread. Sometimes the beads will not go thru onto the crochet thread so I take those off. Thats why I just do a few at a time. Set the beads that won't go on set those off to the side so you will know not to use those again. Save them for another thinner thread thinner than size 20 or size 30 & up...


If you have a bead reamer that might do the trick. But when they are glass or crystals I do not want to break them.

Didn't know that this would be the 3rd way just something I did to get the smaller beads on.

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Ok thats what I do with smaller beads when I cannot get them directly on the Big Eye Needle needle with threading beads on,,,


Then what I do is take a string of sewing thread and tie a knot onto the thread I am trying to get the beads on. Then my big eye needle will let me get those beads on with the sewing thread first then onto the crochet threads.


so Here is what I have done--- Put my big eye needle onto the sewing thread. Tie end of sewing thread onto the crochet thread.. now put your beads on big eye needle and onto the sewing threads just a few at a time. Then slide bead on down to the crochet thread. Sometimes the beads will not go thru onto the crochet thread so I take those off. Thats why I just do a few at a time. Set the beads that won't go on set those off to the side so you will know not to use those again. Save them for another thinner thread thinner than size 20 or size 30 & up...


If you have a bead reamer that might do the trick. But when they are glass or crystals I do not want to break them.


Didn't know that this would be the 3rd way just something I did to get the smaller beads on.


I have done that too, but in Lilys book, she is using yarn for the body of the project, but seed beads strung on thread carried along side the yarn and worked together, it is pretty interesting.


If you can check out Lily's book, I really recommend it, she has some very useful advice and beautiful projects, I wsh I had that book when I was teaching bead crochet, it would have been really helpful, I think.

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Is there a video on it? I read your instructions.....but I add my beads to my yarn then crochet them [place as I need them, I would love to add if I run out of my beads and continue without having to redo the whole thing over....



I don't know about a video, but in the Crochet Today Magazine, they have a picture instruction. It looks pretty cool.

It looks a lot easier than the other way, for when you put them on at different intervels. When you have over 1,000 beads or more for a doll outfit, then I am stringing them.

Thanks for the updat on the other ways also. I can't wait to try this.:hook

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I have only used thread, but I always keep my yarn or thread near the floor. I don't find it much different, that when I crochet without the beads.

Maybe someone else can help you more.:hook

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how do you keep the yarn from tangling when you pre-string all the beads... or maybe i am just a clutz!



You would wind the beaded thread that is not being used yet on a small piece of cardboard, or some kind of spool, with a rubberband around it, that is your "reserves" Then you would only have about a foot of beads not wrapped, that is your "working beads".


But you have to make sure that you have a few yards of thread inbetween the reserves and working beads for the stitching.


You then just unwind as you need it. That is just one way.


This is pretty much "trial and error" to find what works best for you.

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I don't know about a video, but in the Crochet Today Magazine, they have a picture instruction. It looks pretty cool.

It looks a lot easier than the other way, for when you put them on at different intervels. When you have over 1,000 beads or more for a doll outfit, then I am stringing them.

Thanks for the updat on the other ways also. I can't wait to try this.:hook

I started a beach/cover up (ha) camisole last spring for my daughter with beads in the edging. I must confess... I had wanted to work the beads throughout, but it was a challenge. I think the thread was too thick so that the beads "dragged" as I worked... so kept them in the edging. Still have a little bit to go, so maaaaaybe it will make it under the tree as a "little something" extra. Huge pun intended. :gift


So... that's my WIP that has me challenged, although I saw a new one the other day that I think I'll give a shot... it's a beaded purse offered on the home page of Crochet Today magazine's website. It's shown in white, but I am sure it would be just as pretty in black or with a strand of metallic or pearl fiber held as crocheted. http://www.crochettoday.com - check the right hand side of the page.

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I've used the method, its really very easy. Its best when you're using a few beads, or when you can't turn the piece to keep the beads on the "right" side. Size 11 or smaller hooks are necessary for most beads, and some of the smaller ones can't be used this way at all

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You would wind the beaded thread that is not being used yet on a small piece of cardboard, or some kind of spool, with a rubberband around it, that is your "reserves" Then you would only have about a foot of beads not wrapped, that is your "working beads".


But you have to make sure that you have a few yards of thread inbetween the reserves and working beads for the stitching.


You then just unwind as you need it. That is just one way.


This is pretty much "trial and error" to find what works best for you.



thanks! I never tried using a spool!:hook

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I'am so interested in getting that book.....I love learning new ways....right now money is tight my husband was off work for 2 1/2 weeks and its beans beans and rice good thing i have a small statsh to work with its gonna take the next 3 checks to get caught up....Thanks for tip I will keep my eye on getting that book


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  • 2 months later...

I just joined today, looking for ideas and advice. Right now I'm working on crocheting a beaded scarf. I tried the pre-stringing method. It was a disaster for me. The beads kept dragging the yarn down and it kept tangling and knotting. I finally tried just adding each bead on as I go, slipping it over the hook and then crocheting. Works perfectly for me. No problems at all.


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