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Lacy Shells scarf


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This is another pattern that I did for my LYS. They wanted a scarf done in the same stitch pattern as the Jacket that I made for them, but the challenge was, I had to design it useing only 200 meters of yarn. They gave me 2 balls of a Japanese silk/wool blend yarn that was only 100 meters a ball that cost $11.95 a ball...


I did it and this is what came up with:



Again, I'm sorry that the pic isn't the best and the yarn was a dark verigated color. It is suppose to be brown, grey, green, burgundy and orange, very fall tones and it is suppose to be a gender-free scarf.


The LYS bought the pattern from me too.

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Thank you!


Actually, no, not really. It was a very rustic-looking yarn that had that "thick/thin" texture to it, definantely a "hand-spun" look, for all I know, it may have been. I think that it was a "raw" silk with the wool, from the feel of it, but that is my opinion, it didn't say on the lable. It was a bit stiff at first, but I had to frog it a few times and it soften up with the "stretching" of the frogging.


For me, personally, I am very sensitive and the yarn felt a bit rough to me, kind of itchy. Although, I think with the proper washing, it would soften up more. It is a very pretty yarn though. The brand is Noro Silk Garden, I think.

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