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Lacey wrap


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I made this wrap out of some fancy yarn I got at the CGOA show. I've made it to cover up the fact that when I go to my 20th high school reunion next month, I'll be 8 1/2 months pregnant... o.k., so you can't really cover up a belly that size, but I like to have my illusions :lol .


The yarn is very soft and shimmery, I hope the second picture can show the detail of the yarn:





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Thank you everyone. I'm not trying to hide being pregnant... just trying to maybe minimze feeling gigantic! I do realize that I'lll be one of the few people there with a really good excuse for the weight difference... this will help me feel a little prettier, since Maternity dresses aren't exactly something that make you feel your best!


I was able to find the yarn online since my first post. If you are interested, it's found at www.newtons.com It is a company out of Southern California. The yarn I used was a Rayon Chenille. Probably the fanciest yarn I've ever crocheted with. That made it all the more fun to do. I'm normally using yarns I can find at Michael's, and am perfectly happy with that, but WOW.. getting your hands on some really fancy stuff is fun!:hook

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