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Brilliant Crocheted Blooms


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Oh, how cool! I have seen that mag, but never bothered to look at it. It looks kinda interesting - any mag with crochet in it must be good, right?

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I bought the magazine today and it is really very interesting - all sorts of crafts. Haven't looked at it cover to cover yet, but so far it looks good.

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I'm glad everyone is enjoying the link. I wasn't sure exactly where to post it, this seemed like the closest match.


I use firefox for my browser and have this add-on called "stumble" it sorta stumbles around on the web and brings you websites that match a list of interests you fill out. This magazine was one of the hits on a knitting/crochet search.


When I'm bored.. and don't feel like hookin' .. I stumble around the web. :lol

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