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Butterfly Shawl Crochet Along from knit.1 mag

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I'm in! I'm in! I bought some Aunt Lydia's "Denim" Quick Crochet. It's hard to work with, though, cause it keeps separating! ARGHHHH~ :thair Then I had the idea to use sport-weight yarn in colors. Here's what I've come up with so far. I need some advice. Tell me honestly, do you like the idea of colored butterflies? And what color would you use for joining them? White? Black? Or should I just stick with the beige color. (actually it's called Linen)

And a great big :welcome to you, Noreen. Thanks for joining us!! And thanks for a terrific design!





I also made a two-toned blue butterfly, but my GD asked if she could have it, and she took it home with her before I remembered to get a picture of it. poopies. My yellow butterfly's body looks fatter than the other one! He must've been drinking too much nectar! :lol

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Beautiful Shelle. I was thinking about doing the butterflies in a darkish blue (medium.. eyes are getting too old to deal easily with the really dark colors) and then the netting in a paler blue.


Look at the colors of the hemp at http://www.elann.com to see what I'm thinking. I think the hemp is too thick for what we want though.


:think ing:::: instead of making the body with holding multiple strands.. wonder if it would work to use a heavier weight and then switch to a lighter weight for the net? As in use a size 3 thread for the body and then size 10 for the net??


Paulette: thanks for the concern about my toe. Funny thing.. although it's swollen and purple.. it doesn't hurt much.. except if I try to bend it. Flipflops only till it's better!! Strange.. yours hurts and no color. Mine has color but little pain.

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very pretty butterfly. I have worked with that crochet thread. I did have some sperating. I just went with a little larger crohet hook.Pinkroses.

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Beautiful Shelle. I was thinking about doing the butterflies in a darkish (medium.. eyes are getting too old to deal easily with the really dark colors) and then the netting in a paler blue.


Look at the colors of the hemp at www.elann.com to see what I'm thinking. I think the hemp is too thick for what we want though.


:think ing:::: instead of making the body with holding multiple strands.. wonder if it would work to use a heavier weight and then switch to a lighter weight for the net? As in use a size 3 thread for the body and then size 10 for the net??


Paulette: thanks for the concern about my toe. Funny thing.. although it's swollen and purple.. it doesn't hurt much.. except if I try to bend it. Flipflops only till it's better!! Strange.. yours hurts and no color. Mine has color but little pain.


Isn't Shelle's butterfly pretty? Mine looks sort of emaciated since I only used two strands of #10 instead of four strands.


Interesting that you mention hemp 'cause daughter Ah Leah told me she bought me some hemp yarn in a 'natural' store in Santa Cruz where she's working this summer... said I had to promise NOT to smoke it... hardee-har.


I think you could use the heavier thread and then switch to a lighter thread for the other part... it's all about experimenting, right? That's what's so fun about these Crochet Alongs - everybody showing these great versions of a great pattern!


I really am sorry about your toe... actually my foot doesn't hurt too bad - it was hurting by the end of the work day 'cause I had a shoe on all day (my signature Mary Janes) and it was swollen and my toes were getting numb. I'm just mad that I didn't get more coloring in the bruise! As far as your broken toe I think the only thing the doctors do is tape it to the next-door toe to keep it straight until it heals up. I don't think they cast toes...

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I had noticed that at the LB site it said that LB Croceht Cotten was 'superfine'. I'm not very well versed in yarn so I was confused as to why Paulette was using #10 thread but the pattern called for 'superfine' yarn. :confusedA Thread shawl is exactly what I had been looking for so this is excellent! :c9


In light of all that, here is my favorite site that reviews crochet thread. I hope it's helpful.




I was going to use the Royale thread I had at hand, but after reading this review, I'm not sure if it's a good enough thread to spend a lot of effort on... What if it gets all fuzzy after the first washing? :eek Royale is not in the review, but she says Coats and Clark threads are not as good as some, except for Opera...


Well, I can at least practice making a butterfly with it and see what kind of gauge I get with size 10 thread. I can even wash the test butterfly to see how it holds up.


Shelle, your butterflies are beautiful. How can you do so many so quickly? And how many strands did you use for those? I'm a single-color person, but I like everything subtle and muted anyway. I'm sure colored butterflies can make a beautiful shawl.


Lisa, I hope your foot gets better soon...:hug

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I have a varigeated wool sock yarn (Socks that rock) that I am going to see how it makes into a butterfly. I just got the magazine, used a 40% off coupon at Hobby Lobby. since the only pattern that I like is this shawl it was a great deal!

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In light of all that, here is my favorite site that reviews crochet thread. I hope it's helpful.




I can't get that site to open. Tried for several hours now. guess I must be blocked for some reason.


Awwww.....you poor thing! I hope it heals up real quick!


I hope your mag arrives soon.

Thanks. I do too. I have a package waiting at the postoffice cuz my mail person was afraid of the dog that lies down for belly rubs when you get close. sheesh. Maybe that's my mag. :)


The one inside the fence.. now that's a different story. AND why she's inside the fence. :eek

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I can't get that site to open. Tried for several hours now. guess I must be blocked for some reason.


The site could have gotten too much traffic today. Wait awhile and see if you can get in later tonight or tomorrow.


I found one of the yarns she recommends, DMC Cebelia Crochet Cotton Size 10, at Hobby Lobby for $3.00/50g ball. I figured that I would need 23 balls and it would be $69. There's not enough balls of the same color to buy them all now but they have signs up everywhere that they will special order for you. I think I'm going to do that. I came home to order the yarn from JoAnn's but they sell it online for $4.39-$5.99/ball. Now I just have to decide on my color.


While on the hunt for the Regina (Egyptian Cotton) Mondial Thread, I found something called Splendid. I've been :drool over their gorgeous threads. You can see the sheen on the yarn in the pics! It's a 'bargan basement' price or $14.95 per 110yd ball of thread! :faintI said I was going to pamper myself with thread on this one but somehow I don't think dh will go for that price! :lol

Thanks. I do too. I have a package waiting at the postoffice cuz my mail person was afraid of the dog that lies down for belly rubs when you get close. sheesh. Maybe that's my mag. :)


The one inside the fence.. now that's a different story. AND why she's inside the fence. :eek


I guess mail people are just overly cautions any more...probably a bit paranoid even. I hope it's your mag though. I just got mine tonight and I'm going to do a couple of practice butterfly's with some thread I have laying around the house. I've been dying to get my hands started on this...so why am I sitting here at the boards then? ;)


BTW....Hobby Lobby has some thread on sale for 99cents per 350yd ball. I figured the yardage and you would still need 14 balls and that would only cost $14 for the shawl. [edited to correct my math on this figure!]

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Cebelia is EXCELLENT thread. I've used it for bridal purses and love the way it works up. Once you've used Cebelia it's very hard to go back to the cheaper stuff. :(


you might look at http://www.yarn-and-threadbylisa.com/Crochet%20Cottons/crochet_cottons.htm


(no relationship.. just share the same first name). She's very fast to send and very helpful. She doesn't have Cebelia, but does have Opera. Since the Tangleweeds site still won't open for me, I don't know which is the better thread.


Edit: Tangleweeds finally opened for me.. off to read and then perhaps edit this post once again.


yarn & thread by Lisa also sells on eBay.. (can't remember ebay name, but it's something like yarnlady62..) links are somewhere on her regular site.

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Decisions, decisions! :think


I think that the Opera was the #1 choice over at Tangleweeds. I'm so glad you sent me to Lisa's site! I think I'm going to go ahead and go with Opera just order my thread from her. I'll have to do that tomorrow though. I hope she has what I need.


I still can't get into the Tangleweeds site. :( Oh well....I'll try again tomorrow.)


BTW.....I'm half way finished with my first practice butterfly! She's so beautiful! I made her in several different colors since I didn't have 4 balls of the same color. :lol She's my rainbow gal! :manyheart I'll try and get a pic up when she is finished. However, I lost my battery charger to my camera :eek and I can't find it anywhere! I've looked all over the place and I'm so bummed. :sigh I've never lost so many things all at the same time before. First yarn started disappearing and now my battery charger....


'nite...it's just past midnight and I've been up since 5AM. :yawn I still want to walk on the treadmill for a bit too. I'm trying to exercise a little every day.

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Hello Jacqui, Hello Aurora,

I'm in Melbourne and I'm making butterflys too.

I don't usually buy this book but I was so glad I did, when I saw this CAL.

And I found some Aussies too.:cheer Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi.

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ok I bought the magazine and I think I have the perfect thread. Just have to find it and check. But first I have to finish my cathedral blanket, almost there!!! And then do a quick fat bottom bag for my friend who is really sick right now. Then I will start this. It looks like it will be quite challenging but fun.

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Hi kellyv!


Is that Cathedral Window CAL? I joined that some time ago but I shelved the project until I can find the right yarn. I was pulling my hair out over what kind of yarn to use. I can't wait to see your finished product!


I look forward to this CAL too. I'm trying to order my thread right now. I'm going to go with the Coats Opera. I'm working on a practice butterfly too. I have the body and one wing done so far. Now I have to do the other wing but we will be running errands all afternoon so that will have to wait till tonight.


Glad you are joining us! :)

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Hi Everyone,

This will be my first crochet along.:yay I got my copy of the magazine yesterday after reading this thread. I then went to Spotlight and found some Aunt Lydia's Microfibre thread on special and it works up beautifully. I got several different colours and I'll use a Altin Maxi ( not sure if that's spelt right!) no.10 cotton to join them. I was thinking of making several different coloured butterflys (yellow, pink, green, lavender and blue were the colours I could get) and joining in either ecru or white. Then using only one colour for the butterflys and a verigated to join them. As you can see I have already planned to make a second shawl before even finishing the first. :devil

Off to crochet some more.



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Hi Pauline! So glad you joined us in this Crochet Along.


I'm just thrilled at the response and and having Noreen (the designer) join us is so cool.


Shelle is also doing different colors, or at least has shown me a few butterflies she's done in different colors except her grandkids keep flying away with them!


It's going to be so exciting to see everyone's different interpretations of this design with different threads or yarns, colors, hook sizes! What a fun project! And the butterfly really is not that difficult to stitch up... I was really surprised!

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I hadn't crocheted in nearly 20 years until two months ago so I'm far from expert but I'm game to try this too. That shawl is so-o-o gorgeous and I'm making shawls for all the females in the family for Christmas.

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I hadn't crocheted in nearly 20 years until two months ago so I'm far from expert but I'm game to try this too. That shawl is so-o-o gorgeous and I'm making shawls for all the females in the family for Christmas.


Wow, lucky family!! Glad you and all the others are joining in. This ought to be great! I think I changed my mind - look what I found at the Goodwill Store for $3!! I was sooo happy! See the beautiful sheen on it?! I think it's Size 10. I suppose I'll have to roll 4 balls of it to use 4 strands at once. This would be so pretty as a butterfly shawl! :yes




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Wow shelle, what a find!!! And Gina yes its the Cathedral window crochet along. In fact I JUST finished the afgan about 20 min ago!!! I still cant belive I did it!!! I cant wait to start this one!!! I just have to get the thread. I thought I had the perfect thread but its not enough so I have to get different thread which I will get on Monday. I am very excited about this project and I cant beileve Noreen is joining us!!! Wow!!

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GORGEOUS thread Shelle. :c9 is it really a lavendar color or is that my monitor?


Kelly.. I'm so impressed you finished the Cathedral window afghan. :cheerI hope you will post pictures.


Mine is still where it was last winter. It's so big that I can't work on it during hot weather (which leaves out at least 1/2 the year in TX). There's pictures of where I still am from a January 8, 2006 post on my blog. (link in my sig)


I finally got my Knit.1 in the mail today. Very cool stuff. I like the pineapple skirt in it too. I was thinking.. it says it's seamed up the back. I wonder if you didn't seam it if it would make a good shawl too?


I'm trying to get some work done on a Filet afghan CAL I'm involved with for another group so I can start my butterflies with an clear conscience (spellcheck)


Carousel: I have a bunch of microfiber too that I bought when our local Wallies decided not to carry the stuff any longer. Didn't know what I was buying it for at the time. Let me know how it works for the Butterfly.. it seems a little slippery to me for this.

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Yes, Lisa, it's a beautiful lavender. I couldn't believe I found it! They had one other cone of thread - in coral, but it was like Size 20 - way too fine for me! I don't go any smaller than 10. :yarn I love thrift stores! You never know what you're going to find. :manyheart

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I did half a butterfly and the wing is coming out too big, I think. I did try with 4 strands of Royale size 10 thread and an F hook, but the wings are overlapping each other and the body (I know that I also need to tighten the neck more, but I feel like I'm choking the poor thing!). It doesn't look as neat and clean as Noreen's butterfly, of course, but I hope as I get used to working with the thread, it gets better...


Should I change the hook size, the number of strands, or crochet more tightly in general to solve the overlapping problem? I'm finding it difficult to manage 4 strands, especially at the head, if I do it too tightly. I just can't get exactly the 4 strands to go through loops cleanly without accidentally hooking extra thread from the loops. Please take a look and give me some advice...




(I obviously did not weave off ends because I'm going to frog this.)


Thank you!

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Hey Paulette, this is an awesome shawl pattern...I'm not sure I can get ahold of the magazine for the pattern though (it is soooo hit and miss with the PX as to whether or not one can get these kinds of magazines consistently...) But I wanted to cheer you on.

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Hey Paulette, this is an awesome shawl pattern...I'm not sure I can get ahold of the magazine for the pattern though (it is soooo hit and miss with the PX as to whether or not one can get these kinds of magazines consistently...) But I wanted to cheer you on.


Any way I could help you to get the magazine? I didn't see where you're from and not sure what you were referring to with "PX"... it's a really easy pattern, and so pretty!

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