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Crochet -a- Quilt


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I hear ya there Julie. The yarn shop a town over here is WAY exspensive. I couldn't even afford to look at the yarn. If I did ever slurge it would have to be put in a museum so it was never touched. :lol

I sure do hope your Wally's gets some more yarn soon. I think i'de be going postal. Would you like to borrow my clown costume? :rofl

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Well, Tabby

you know me well enough to know I am not real good at keeping my big trap shut- so I usually spout off over there when I go in and they have such a low yarn supply.


I hate to go to the expensive shop -- when I buy yarn there, I feel too guilty to use it since it costs so much, so it's probably not a wise idea . I'll come up with a plan. I need to get cracking tonite on my Valentine afghan. THAT will keep me busy for tonite anyhow and divert my attention from spending an arm and 2 legs on yarn .

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Welcome Donna,


Tabby Im still here, so I will keep you company.


Julie Yes Im still doing the 9 patch. I made around 10 squares last night while watching tv. Im leaving a tail long enough on the squares so I can then use it to sew the squares together. I will post a pic soon.

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Well I was going to start it but I don't have quite enough of any one color to do anything. So I am hoping to go buy some tomorrow to get a good start on it. I think I'm going to do RH soft white, country blue and windsor blue. Those are the ones I decided on the other day when I went down the yarn aisle "just looking" lol. I'm excited to get a start on it though.

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Wendy, her living room is blues so I'm going to do the soft white and blues. As of right now I'm looking at country blue and windsor blue. My MIL said it was one of her favorite quilts and so I thought it would be a great surprise for her.

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Donna~Great colors, blues are my fave. :cheer Can't wait to see some progress pics. when ya get going. Good Luck!

Wendy~Thanks! I'm glad there are some peopel still in here chuggin along. It makes it easier to keep going. Good Luck on your nine patch! :D

Julie~Big trap? You? Neva......:lol :lol :lol:P I know how ya feel with the guilt, I get the same way. I always tell myself I could buy 3-4 skeins of yarn for the price of one or I think wow we could buy grocerys with what I would spend on one project. Those stores are so over priced & the yarn skeins are smaller, go figure. We do have one yarn shop not far from here and she's not too bad & she carries all the normal brands most of us use plus some of the good stuff. Most of it is RH but it's $3.99 a skein and I feel that since Wallys sells it for $2.19 or 29 (brain fart) a skein that I should just settle on there colors instead of being picky. I do occasionally go there but not for large projects. Anyways, i'm rambling. :lol

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Me and Tabby MAY just let you into the GABBERS GROUP since you are pretty doggone good at keeping up with all the posts in here. We will have to teach you the Secret Handshake first though. :sher


Waddya think, Tabby ? Would Wendy qualify as Gabbing Material ?


:blah :blah :blah

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hehe I can hear you Wendy. I love coming in and "listening" to all the gabbers here. Thanks for the nice comments. I went to Walmart today and got all the white I need for the quilt (I hope:think ) They were out of the country blue so I'm going to just do all the white squares and probably get the blue on the next payday. I'm excited to get started. I will work on the squares tomorrow for sure. I'll post pics either tomorrow or the next day.

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Sure Brae, Welcome & hello! :D

Julie~Hmmm.......i'm not sure if she could handle the challenge. :think:lol If she can get a word in between the two of us then she deserves it. :yes

Come on Wendy, I double dog dare ya to try to keep up with us. :P:manyheart

I will be getting my yarn tomorrow to start my prairie star. :hook:yarn

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Donna- I know where you're coming from with the NO YARN colors you need at the store, although ours DID stock a little during the night and had more than yesterday . Good for you, starting on the white- we'll be watching for a picture when you get a chance .


Robyn- the Around the World is very pretty. What colors did you say you are going with ?


Brae- you can certainly hang out in both places - we don't mind a bit. Yep, yours would qualify in both categories . :)


Tabby - Good girl, laying down that challenge for Wendy -- let's see what happens when she wakes up . If I come in here and see TIRE TREADS from her yakking so fast, I'll know she is up for a challenge .


**** I am working on my PS again - I did it for you . I'll finish it if it's the last thing I do .


( I hope it's NOT the last thing I do....... ) :D:lol:D

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Since I'm making the ATW in the BS I thought I might pop in here from time to time for pointers if I get stuck since so many in here seem to have done one. :)

Now I'm just wondering what is the best size square to do it in? :think I was thinking between 2 and 3 inches per square is that about what the norm for it is?

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I applogize to everyone I am taking forever to get my ATW pic posted on here. I swear tomarrow is the day since I will be home alone for a good chunk of time.

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Brenda~No worries, post it when you can.:D

Julie~:clap:cheer:clap:cheer:clap Good for you!!! Yippee!!:yay :yay I sure hope it doesn't take that long to finish. I wouldn't want ya to die trying. :P

Wendy~Wakey, wakey.......it's time to play. LOL. What time is it there anyways?

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Julie, yeah I'm glad your store restocked for you. I'll check it next week or I may just go over to Hobby Lobby to pick it up. We will have to see. I figured I do the white since I'm sure after the first few hundred it will get pretty tedious :lol I can't wait to see your PS. That looks like such a pretty quilt. Good luck on getting it finished.

Robyn, the ATW is such a nice quilt too. I was going to make that a while back but then got busy with other projects. lol. Good luck with it and I can't wait to see pictures of it.

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Sure Brae, Welcome & hello! :D





I will be getting my yarn tomorrow to start my prairie star. :hook:yarn



Oooh, Tabby! I have a prairie star started too! I can't consider it among my WIPs even because it's just a star. 6 points and that's all there is! :lol I've been fiddling with the idea of doing it in thread and making placemats for the kitchen table. Our house isn't very country but it would only add to the ecclecticness of it!


Eeh, I can't wait to see your progress!!



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I haven't yet decided on colors since I've been focused on the baby blanket. This will be for my bed so probably greens/reds/tans colors. I'm not sure though. Once I figure it out, I'll be sure to let ya'll know.

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morning everyone, its friday 7am.. woohoo last day of work then Im on holidays till the 30th. The girls dont go back to school till the 29th so I can spend some time with them.


Brenda - take your time with your pic we arent going anywhere.


Julie - yippee your going to do your PS again. Good for you.


Tabby - hello there...


Heather - I made my squares for the ATW around 3 inches.

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Heather- as to your question about the size of your squares-

mine were 2 rounds, done with a G hook and SS yarn, so they were pretty small, about the size of a saltine cracker.


You can make them as small or as large as you want. I think for this pattern, the smaller they are, the prettier the afghan is, but any size is fine. The bigger you make them, the less squares you'd have to do and the less weaving and sewing , so it's pretty much up to you . Good luck in deciding . :)



OH WENDY --- you must need coffee . You didn't notice the challange me and Tab put to you ???

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