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Crochet -a- Quilt


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I think I am going to do the Amish quilt from that 12 quilt pattern book I have the one that has the wedding ring one to it. I wanted to do the wedding ring one because I have everything to do it but it seems somewhat complicated not sure I really understand how to put it together and make it work. and I really love how the other comes together. thank you for the compliment and all of your help with it Brandy it means alot to me.

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Well I went to buy the yarn for the amish quilt that is in my book that is my all time favorite but they didnt have all the different colors of yarn that I need but I did by yarn for the one Julie put up the county fair crochet quilt only instead of white, burgandy, and navy blue (which are pretty colors) I went with a coffee brown, taupe and ecru so 3 different shades of brown not sure how that will work though. I think this time around with little squares I may just do a section at a time that creates one big square that way maybe I wont dred the sewing too much. Then again when I see these three colors together I may change my mind altogether lol. oh well. Now to decide which colors to put where for instance the ecru I will obviously put in place of the white, but the coffee and the taupe not sure which should replace the burgundy and which to replace for the navy. there is more burgundy, I thought well this will be easy I will see which one is darker and then thats where I will put the coffee well between burundy and navy ahhhhh they both look dark to me and the pic isnt in color just black and white so now I am really cornfused lol.

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Well I started on the country quilt from the yellow house link Julie gave. The colors so far are alright. I decided to sew as I go and weave as I go. I have 12 more little squares to go then I can sew all my parts together to make one big square. I keep rereading the directions thinking I did something wrong though or should say I am missing something. It says making the star ones that its 12 blocks 3x4. In the pick it shows another block thrown in there which they call checkerboard . Then they show you a chart mixing the checkerboard and the star to complete the ghan. No where in the directions have I found that it says anything other than making the star blocks to complete the ghan. Oh my decisions decisions. No wonder I am always cornfused lol.

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Andrea I would you the darker of the two browns for the navy and the other for the burgandy. That is just what I would do if I was you. As for me I am working on the PS yet and I forgot to buy the off white while I was at the store. But I did start some of the other color the ends. Tomorrow morning after I take the kids to school I plan on making a trip to wally world to pick up the white!


Till tomorrow my friends!:manyheart

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Andrea~Good Luck, I can't wait to see some pics. I'm sure it will be beautiful. :cheer

Brandy~*DOH* Don't ya hate when that happens. :lol Although i've NEVER forgotten yarn, i'de probably forget my Hubby first, lol. I can't wait to see your ghan finished, i'm taking notes. :yes:D

Good Morning Everyone! How's everyone doing? :manyheart

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quotes = bold. answers are plain


It says making the star ones that its 12 blocks 3x4.

I think that is a misprint. from other quilts on this site it says that a 3X4 will make a lapghan. Use the Full chart showing how a full afghan is made using 20 blocks including stars and checkerboards if you want an afghan and not a lapghan If you want the lapghan, you will need to decide wherre you will place your checkerboard squares and where you will put the star squares. You need both to get this effect


In the pick it shows another block thrown in there which they call checkerboard . Then they show you a chart mixing the checkerboard and the star to complete the ghan.

Use this chart to help you make an Afghan.



Nowhere in the directions have I found that it says anything other than making the star blocks to complete the ghan.

They have given you all the information using the charts and diagrams. Because there is no great challenge in making the checkerboard squares, they just show the placement rather than the making. You need these blocks as much as the star blocks to get the effect

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Everyone is so busy in here! And here I've been off roaming and not getting any crocheting done. :) It was worth it we finally got most of our christmas shopping done and my DH got a new pickup. I've working like crazy today on my ATW and hope to be done with it by friday. I will take pics of it as soon as I'm done.

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Brenda~Good Luck, I can't wait to see it. :cheer

I was flipping through patterns last night & do you know what I came across? It was the ATW pattern but done in graph instead of seperate squares. Oh my, could you imagine doing all of that work in a graph, so many color changes. WOW, not me. :no:lol

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Darski thank you for all your input now got to figure out what to do the checkerboard in and decide do i really want to do all those squares lol. maybe I should find another pattern that I could use those colors in lol.

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Brenda - cant wait to see pics.


Sorry to say I have given up on the country fair quilt all those squares I just dont have the patience. Sorry. So I took the yarn I bought and the yarn in my stash and bugged Brandy and her wonderful color coordinated mind and she came up with a color scheme for me and I am doing another ps, I really enjoy this pattern, I think because it really does go fast except in the one part but not only that I join as I go and can see the progress so I think that helps. I started it about 1030 last night and I have the center star done and some of the other parts so hopefully once I get to where all the colors are on it I can get a pic up here of it I hope to be able to do that tonite. I am starting with country rose, followed by victorian rose, followed by soft pink, then the two corners are taupe with the expresso in the center of them, and off white where the big patches of color are. I think I have all that right now, lol its all written down, cant rely on my memory. I hope everyone has a good day.


Wendy- great to see you I hope you have been well.

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hmmm....quiet in here today. It doesn't look like I will be finishing my ATW today. I decided to do three rounds of DC's for a border. I am doing white, pink, then purple to fallow the pattern that I started in the afghan. It is working up fast but I won't be finished my christmas but that it ok because I really don't need it untill new years eve. It feels really good to be that close to done. How is everyone else coming along?

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Hi Brenda, I havent done anymore on my ATW although I have nearly finished the 8th color. Im thinking that this may be the last round and if so I will do a border as well. Then I can continue on the 9 patch that has stalled for the moment as well.


Andrea - hello wow your going to do another ps. I cant wait to see pics of it. The colors should look good.


Brandy - hows it going

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Andrea~I'm doing another PS too after Christmas. Have you started or chosen colors yet? :think

Chell~Welcome! Do you have a pattern in mind? Colors? I'm sure you could get alot done in 6 wks., come on join in we'de love to have ya. :hook

Wendy~Hello! How's it going? :manyheart

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Tabby - yes i started with country rose, then victorian rose, then soft pink, the corners are taupe with expresso in the middle of those then stuck with the off white. Brandy is so good with putting colors together she did it from what I told her I had in my stash I am on the soft pink right now. didnt get much accomplished on it last night working so much that I am really tired. What colors do you want to do your next one in?

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Andrea~I have NO clue. Have any ideas??? LOL, i'm up for any suggestions. Your colors sound very pretty, I can't wait to see a pic. Don't rush through this time, it won't do as much damage to your hand/wrist. How is that doing by the way? I hope it's getting better. :manyheart

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Tabby - I am not good with putting colors together at all, that's why i tell brandy what is in my stash and pick her brain lol. As far as the arm, its from the work I do as well, I have thoracic outlet syndrome, and its from repeditive movement and lots of other things, they want me to go to physical therapy I have not yet though, my younger sis is a PT so she said she will work on me but that it is gonna hurt lol. So I'm trying to be nice to her right now lol. I have a massotherapist who works for me so for now when we work together she has been working on me and sometimes she hurts me to, she just tells me to shhh and deal with it though LOL. Got a love her. I was thinking though that using autumn type colors for the ps would also be pretty, like browns, yellows, oranges. I have lots of greens to different shades so I may use them to do yet another one not sure if I'll put brown in it or not, will wait and pry pick Brandy's brain again lol.

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Hi everyone, how are you all going with your quilts. I have just finished my ripple so now can go back to trying to finish the ATW before I do the bedspread. Busy Busy Busy.


The clock has just ticked over to Sunday which means I really need to go to bed. Catch u all later.

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