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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Julie - are you tempting us with more quilts where you have to make hundreds of squares. I quite like the country fair and the blackford quilt. Yes you can pm me to discuss the new cal I will gladly help. Im getting quite tired of the ATW now, I want it over with. I think the fact that I used the wrong size hook isnt helping.


Darski - I quite like those patterns as well. Are they crochet patterns and have you done them at all.


Brandy - You are really getting stuck into your PS arent you. Its looking great. I quite like the dark blue. It must be great to be able to get together with people and talk and crochet. I wish I had something like that here. Brandy your secret present is just amazing. Wow you did a fantastic job on it.You went to so much trouble with it even as far as putting their names on the stockings.:cheer:clap:yay

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No, I'm not trying to tempt any of you to make another quilt-ghan, unless you want to. Just found those patterns yesterday and thought they'd fit into this thread- since it is for quilts -

They all look pretty daunting to me, but very pretty .


Brandy I think I'd go with the country blue ,but it's your call ! :)


Wendy- just dropped you a PM - please respond back PM, so it's a secret ! Thanks ~~~;)

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Brandy~I like the country blue myself but it's all up to you my friend.

Julie~The hearts was my second choice & I really like the Blackfords too. I can't wait to see what kinda CAL you come up with.

Hello Andrea & Wendy! How's it going?

My day is busy again today. Jaden has an eye Dr. appt at 11:30. I have to stop at the mall because the juice box mp3/mediaq player kit I got my son doesn't have the juice box in it. :eek I'm glad I decided to be nosey & check it out the other day otherwise it would've been too late to do anything. That just makes me really mad though & they were all sold out. I had to call a bunch of malls & find one & then have it sent to the original mall I bought mine from. Geesh, they can't make it easy, can they? Oh well. I'll be back later on. Have a good one! :manyheart

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Ok Andrea and Wendy


Do I hear a little Mutiny on the Bounty ? :lol


You guys don't have to make any of those patterns . I just put them on here as a courtesy .:D


My motto -

We aim to please . Just thought I'd show you some new gorgeous looking afghans that would certainly spruce up anyone's home . ( mine included )


I'm still trying to wrangle my Prairie Star into order ,so not quite at the point to take on another quilt now .

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Hello Ladies....


Today I didnt get much done. We had a few problems in the family, but I did get some more of my PS done. I decided after putting the navy and the country blue on the points side by side this morning that the navy was just not right. The country blue matched up the best and looked the best. I started the white sections tonite while watching some tv. Here is my update photo for todays work. You know doing the daily photos is making me work a little faster on it. Now if they would stop putting good tv shows on I probably could get more done... hehe




Julie I really love all the quiltghans that you just posted. Hubbys favorite is the Amish Basket one and mine is the Clay one! I am seeing future quiltghans in my life. Dont know when I will make em but someday! Thanks for the links to them.


Well I am off to blog and to bed! Have a good nite all and a Good Morning Wendy!! Til tomorrow!!

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Brandy - your PS is looking great you will be finished soon then you can start on your bedspread. hehe


Tabby - how did it go with getting the mp3 player changed over. Wasnt that lucky that you saw it before xmas.


Julie - hey whats happening, what are you working on at the moment.


What a day I have had. Picture this...

Beautiful Saturday morning, the sky is blue as can be. Im sitting on a bench

doing my crochet squares for my 9 patch while watching Kelly play tennis. The morning sun is beating on my face as I crochet madly away listening only to the sound of birds and tennis balls going back and forth. Doesnt that sound great.

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Sorry to hear about the family bumps in the road. I guess we all have them from time to time . Hope all is ok now .

Your PS is looking wonderful. Yes, those latest qhilt-ghans are all pretty, it'd be hard to choose just one .



I am back to my PS again . I am working along slowly with it, but with the new CAL looming in the near future, I need to put this on high gear to get it done .

Your day yesterday sounded so nice. What good weather ! It has actually been nice here this week, in fact, pretty doggone good for almost Christmas . Maybe some of your good weather is blowing this direction .

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Hey Julie your up early. Its saturday night here about 10pm. I have the tv on as they are playing xmas carols. Im struggling to stay awake actually.


Im glad your doing your PS again, you can get it out of the way to make room for your bedspread. I did a heap of squares for the 9 patch today and am now sewing the 3rd row together.


Im glad your having some nice weather for a change instead of all that rain and snow.

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HiYa Wendy

Yea, I'm usually up pretty early every morning . You are right, I need to pour on the steam to get the PS done. I'm not good at juggling projects, so it's best to finish this then move on. Now I have more motivation since the other CAL seems to be coming to life !


Have a good sleep and we'll see you here again in a few hours . :)

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I did say I was going to go to bed an hour ago.


Now its 11pm and Im yawning my head off. I just cant keep away from my crochet desk. Yes my scrapbooking desk has turned into my crochet desk.

Its full of wool, projects, patterns etc.


Good night Julie and good night everyone else although its morning for most of you..

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Good Morning! I hope all is good in the neighborhood. :lol

Brandy~Your ghan is beautiful. I like the blues, alot. I hope all is okay with your family now. Hugs!

Wendy~I actually got to the mall & the guy said, oh no they didn't have the right one either. After he told me on the phone they did. GRRR...... But thankfully this nice girl came over & said okay we'll just do this & gave me the missing parts that they sell seperately for more $$ to make the kit whole. Thank Gawd for women. :yes

Julie~Glad to hear you've decided to pour the steam on & get that PS done. Good Luck!

I myself will not buy anymore yarn until after Christmas so any new projects are on hold until then. I then will have to pour the steam on myself because i'll have another PS & a bedspread to make. :hook At this point i'm just finishing up my Hubbys sweater & I also have the monet to finish if I get bored before my next yarn trip. :yarn

Have a good one. :manyheart

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Hi Tab

Glad you got the gift dilemma solved --- geez, Christmas can be a stressful time, can't it ?


I'm glad you got your hubby's sweater done, now is that a surprise for him or does he know you've been making it ?


Yea, you can finish up the rest of the odds and ends hanging around now, then be ready to start fresh with some new projects soon .


Have a great Sunday ~ I bet your kids are getting REALLY excited about Christmas . They are still at the age where it's exciting for them . :)

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Good Morning Julie!

My Hubby does know about the sweater because he bought the yarn & asked me to make it for him way back during the summer months. HeeHee! Plus i've been making sure it's the right lengths & stuff along the way. I did get him some t-shirts that have some funny stuff on them but he doesn't know about those. :devil

yeah, I figured i'de finish up some stuff but the thing that stinks about that is the things I have laying around obviously don't spark my interest otherwise they wouldn't be laying around. It will be hard not to buy yarn until after Christmas but it's only a week away so I think i'll live. :think

My 4 yr. old is really excited, he just hit that age where he understands what this holiday is all about. My 7 yr. old still gets a little bit excited, he'll probably be more excited on Christmas Eve. My two oldetr ones are just about the gimme & they don't believe anymore, they haven't for 2-3 yrs. now. :no Kidsss! Grrrr...:lol

Hope ya have a good one!

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Hey Tabby

Be sure to post a photo of the sweater when you get the chance, or else on your blog . I'd like to see it . I bet it was a BIG job ! Was it a graphed-type pattern ? I've never done one of those - they look really time consuming and like they'd need LOTS of patience , so they would probably not be a project I could accomplish .

I did go to your blog to see the tin of cookies you had- wow those looked good !

Have a great afternoon .

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Your day yesterday sounded so nice. What good weather ! It has actually been nice here this week, in fact, pretty doggone good for almost Christmas . Maybe some of your good weather is blowing this direction .


Julie, it's currently 76 here. I slept last night with the windows open, ceiling fan going, and it was fabulous! It feels so much like spring right now, that I'm going a little stir crazy. Good thing I'm on vacation! We have 2 more days of this fab weather before it gets cool and wet on Wednesday. But that's great stay home and crochet weather, which is what I'll probably do.

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Julie~I will post a pic. as soon as I get it together. It's still sitting here in 4 pieces, lol. I just haven't had time & then today I woke up with another slammin headache, ughhh. I feel better now but I just haven't felt like doing anything. I'm playing lazy. :lol

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