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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Good for you, Tabby !


It's always nice to give something you worked so hard on to someone who has been kind to you and who needs a little pick-me-up to show them that people are out there that care about them .

She will treasure that afghan her whole life, I'll bet . :)

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Julie~Thanks Wild Bill, you always know how to make me feel better. Parenting arguements are the worst because I think the kids can sense it & they feed off of it. :devil I don't think they even care that he threw everything out. It makes me want to cancel Christmas for them, bah humbug. :lol Oh well, kids will be kids & boys will be boys.

Things will get easier, RIGHT? :think

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Hey Tabby....


We have the same thing here go on all the time. One morning a few weeks ago I asked Mary to clean up her room, vac and help with the laundry a little bit while I was doing some other stuff. Hubby got up and got mad at me for asking her to do that. Said why not just make her clean the whole house. I got so mad at him... She is 15 years old and was having company over, why couldnt she help clean up a little bit she made the mess anyways! I ripped and I won the battle... She did what I told her. Things were much easier around here when he worked. The kids even listened better. Oh well! Men can be such pains in the you know what!!!



So glad the teacher loved the gift. She will definitely treasure it for a life time!~:manyheart

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Wish I could say things get easier . Do you want a lie or the truth ?

They get easier in some ways but much harder in others . So, your brain will have a rest from this type of thing, but then it'll have to move on to a new type of thing . I know that doesnt make a lick of sense, but someday maybe it will .


Brandy- I just told my husband last night that when Cam is here, I have to babysit 2 boys, because Cam always says Papaw isn't playing fair ( Cam likes to WIN .... so if you beat him at anything, he gets mad ),then he comes tattling to me about papaw winning . So, yes, men never seem to grow up. They grow old, but they don't grow up .:lol

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Brandy- I just told my husband last night that when Cam is here, I have to babysit 2 boys, because Cam always says Papaw isn't playing fair ( Cam likes to WIN .... so if you beat him at anything, he gets mad ),then he comes tattling to me about papaw winning . So, yes, men never seem to grow up. They grow old, but they don't grow up .:lol


I have this theory that all men are really just 11 year old boys. But then I had to admit that most women are just 9 year old girls at heart. :sigh


Check out the things that we crochet to see what I mean :wlol

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Julie~Yeah, I get what ya mean. I think i've heard that a million times. I'm dreading those teen yrs. already. Then when they're adults it's probably no better. ;)


Brandy~MEN!! My Hubby's day off was yesterday. Can ya tell? LOL. I'm glad someone can relate to my misery. :hug


Darski~My Hubby really is like a child but sometimes that's what makes me laugh. Yet on the other hand it's the same thing that gets me mad or embarrassed. Like the other day when we went out alone for the first time in 12 yrs. He's on the escalator saying "this ride is making me sick" while holding his stomach. He had 4 people in front of him running down the stairs to get away from him. MEN, they never grow up. LOL, gotta love em. :manyheart



I still have gotten NO crocheting done. I am sooooo tired. It's taking all I have to not fall asleep. :yawn I'm going to take Jaden out to play for a bit & see if I can wake up today. Be back later.

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It must have been one of those days all over the world yesterday. I wonder what was in the air.


I had trouble last night with my 2 girls. They both had drinks in the freezer for school, but Emma didnt want hers. Kelly took it to mean she didnt want it at all and drank it that afternoon. Well when Emma found out she was fuming, and all of a sudden there was screaming in the kitchen all over a drink bottle. Emma said I just didnt want it for school. So how do you resolve this. If you tell Kelly off your siding with Emma and if you tell Emma off for not explaining properly your siding with Kelly. Its a no win situation. I fixed it with telling them to go to bed. They are now not talking to one another.


Tabby I know exactly how you feel.


Brandy - my girls wont help around the house either unless they get some pocket money. What is it with kids nowadays. They dont appreciate things.


Hi to Julie and Darski, what are you two working on at the moment.

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Hi ya Wendy!!!


Yep kids are a big pain in the rear and the teenagers are no better! :lol My two have daily chores that they have to do. No days off for them unless they are sick and its their birthday. But mine are old enough to do things around the house. Geez half the time it is their mess anyways!


I have done any crocheting yet cause I have been doing the baking. But I get to take a little break from baking so I am going to head back to living room soon to work on it. Tonite is the nite we go to the library for the knit/crochet group. This is if I dont kill Mary first for not turning in 3 papers... ugh!!! :rantShe is going to be the death of me yet. And I dont understand why she dont just turn them in, she knows I will find out! :tryme Whats a mom to do??


Well I think they are pulling in the drive now.. Just plug your ears for the next few hours. You should hear me pretty well all the way to Australia! :yell


Be back later......

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Wendy~LOL! There must be something in the air. Is there a full moon? KIDS!!! :thair Mine are quiet at the moment but only because the're watching Cars on DVD. Hubby's in my spot on the couch so I can't crochet until he moves his tush. I'll probably just push him off the couch soon. :lol

Brandy~Do you bake for the whole neighborhood or something? :devil You've been baking for two days now. And are you going to share with me? :blush I saw your cookies on your blog earlier & how yummy they looked. Mmmmmm......:drool

Julie~Good for you! I'm glad you picked the PS up again. You can do it. :cheer

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I have lots of WIP's on the go but I am on the lookout for a quilt pattern I might be willing to make in a SC technique. Jacob's ladder is still at the top of my list but Young Man's Fancy is looking tempting.


The PS is still on a WIM list. I just have this black/white/grey idea that I can't let go of. :sigh


I am still loving stopping by here all the time for my eye candy.

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Darski - you could do the PS in those colors. I havent heard of the Jacobs ladder or Young mans fancy.


Julie - Good for you, you will get that PS done just keep going with it. Hey I keep hinting at you for what the new cal is going to be. Arent you going to tell us.


Brandy - Wow you do a lot of baking, can you make me a chocolate cake its my favorite.


Tabby - Hey there, just sit on top of your hubby and do your crocheting if he wont get out of your seat... hehe

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Wendy I think I would have a few customs problems sending you a chocolate cake! :devil Geez you have to list everything you send! LOL It might not make it there if they know about it! All you would end up with is some chocolate crumbs!!:rofl



Tabby I make tins and send them out to my family. I cant go to Florida or Texas where my most favorite members live so this way they have a small part of me with them. I still have more baking to do. I have to make peanut butter blossoms, peanut butter cookies, some more no bake cookies(cause Mary cant stay out of them) and sugar cookies(Santas favorite). I love doing it. One bad thing though doing all this baking is sometimes you try to get ahead of yourself and mess up one bowl of cookie dough! Yes that happened to my darling oatmeal cookies. They are as flat as a crepe. I must have got the butter to soft. Going to leave it alone for the nite and work on some crocheting. Also I need to get dinner cooked tonite. Homemade Chicken and noodles! YUM!!


:manyheart Tootle loo ladies! Will be back later with updated photos of what I got done tonite!

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Darski - you could do the PS in those colors. I havent heard of the Jacobs ladder or Young mans fancy.



Wendy I have a picture of of Jacobs Ladder that I could scan so you can see what it looks like. Its really beautiful. The churndash is another beauty of an afghan. I made this one this last spring and sent it to my sister for mothers day.

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Oh yea I almost forgot. Remember all the talk about my secret project. Well you can have a look at it *here*. My Holiday exchange pal got her package today!


Ok now I am off to crochet some before I have to go over to the library!

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Thanks for the noise warning. If Wendy can hear you in Australia, then I'm bound to hear you here too. And I thought it was just the Thursday night siren test that they run in town - it was really YOU !!! :lol

Keep after them kids-- one of these days they'll thank you for it . ( You may be in a nursing home by that time , but they may gradually realize it was all for their own good ) .

You are making me hungry, hearing about all the goodies you are cooking up !

Wow, the items you made for the Exchange are really nice ! You did a great job on them . I can tell your pal was excited about them too .


Tabby- I liked Wendy's idea, just sit ON your husband if he won't get outta your spot on the couch .


Wendy- How about if I send you a PM about my CAL ideas and you can help me pick which one to do ? I am having trouble deciding. I have it narrowed down to 2 ideas . Wanna help ? :hook

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Oh yea I almost forgot. Remember all the talk about my secret project. Well you can have a look at it *here*. My Holiday exchange pal got her package today!


Ok now I am off to crochet some before I have to go over to the library!


Oh my Brandy, all of your stuff is beautiful. Your swap partner is one lucky lady. I love your gingerbread boy & girl. :manyheart The stockings are adorable. :yes

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Thanks ladies...


Julie do you really think that was fair tempting us this way??? LOL


Mary and I had a nice time at the library with our crochet/knit group. The ladies there are a lively bunch. Its really nice to be able to crochet/knit with other ladies and be face to face with them.


While we were there I did work on the PS... But I have a problem and not sure which one to go with. I am to the points and did one section of the light blue and put the navy and country blue with it to see which looks best. I am leaning more towards the country blue but would love to have your opinions.


Navy blue one first:




Country blue one next:




Well I am off to bed. School in the morning for kids. Therapy for hubby and more baking for me, plus the dreaded laundry!


Good Night all!

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I printed off the county fair one I really like it I think its pretty, my problem is Im afraid like the nine patch that it will enf up small and sewing all those squares together oh my but i like the heart one but i added all the squares and you have to make 564 of them all together oh my , that one sounds more like a take along for the summer and then put together in the winter lol.

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This is not the best representation of the block but it helps me to consider how to make it happen.




This is the Jacob's ladder block and as a full set of blocks






I have removed the pictures because I am not sure of the copyright allowance for the images and changed to the links for the pictures instead


Even when I had to give up patchwork, I didn't give up planning quilts :sigh

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