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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Brenda - I asked my daughter Emma how much bigger I had to make the ATW and she said she wanted it to cover her bed, so I guess I will be doing it for awhile yet. :eek


I have worked out that because I am using the dreaded E hook that is what is making the squares curl up and Im having to flatten the squares out with a book. I should have used either a H or even an I hook. I have noticed too that while doing my granny ghan with the E hook and my 9 patch with the H hook, the granny ghan doesnt feel as soft as the 9 patch. Has anyone noticed this. The higher the hook you use the softer your squares seem to be, or is this just me.


Brandy - :cheer way to go your finally done, bet your glad that its finished now.


Tabby - what are you going to do now, do you have any other wips.


Andrea - Hi hows it going.


Is anyone working on something else besides the ATW and the PS.....

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Thanks Brandy!:hug

Wendy~I have to finish my Hubbys jolly roger sweater for Christmas and I also have the monet ghan that is only half done. I also have a couple things to cross-stitch so i'm sure i'll keep busy. I do plan on starting another quilt-ghan soon, so stay tuned. :hook

Oh where Oh where is Julie-O? Oh where Oh where could she be? :manyheart

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Howdy gang

Sorry I have been MIA for a couple days. I have checked on the posts, but haven't replied to any, so will catch up now.


Tabby- good for you ! You finished your PS ~~ The picture was a little dark, but from what I could tell, it looks really nice. You must be so proud ! You finished the dreaded pattern that said ADVANCED EXPERIENCE AND PATIENCE REQUIRED .

You deserve some type of Girl Scout Merit Badge for THAT one ! I'm so proud of you ,and what a nice thing to do, to give it to your son's teacher . It's always nice to give things to someone who appreciates them .


Brenda - your colors are very nice and cheery ! Good job :)


Hey Wendy- good to see you in here every day. You're a very loyal poster, which I TRY to be, but sometimes I slide a few days . It sounds like you'll have a ways to go yet if your daughter wants a bed-sized afghan !


Hey there Brandy - I'm glad your other items are done and out of the way and now you'll be hard at work on your PS again . I laid mine aside to work on the 9 patch. I sometimes get a little side-tracked and go off in a different direction . I hope to keep up the stamina to finish them both .


I took a small break from both of them to make one of the one-skein scarves. The pattern was someplace here online, but I forget where it was. It's very simple. Anyhow, I made a black one for my DIL to match her winter coat and she asked me the other day if I could make her another one, since she liked the first one so much, so she asked for one in brown( her favorite color ) , or red, so I made her one of each .


That's what I've been doing with my time the last couple days, now it's BACK TO THE AFGHANS . :)

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Tabby, thank you so much! I really appreciate it and hope it didn't take hours of your time to find those pictures. I looked at every one and they are GORGEOUS! You all did such beautiful work!

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I took a better pic. of my prairie star today. It still isn't the best pic. but it'll do. Thanks again for all of the kind compliments.








Brandy~I'm glad to hear you finished your secret project. :clap I can't wait to see some progress pics. of your PS. I have to make another PS but I have to decide on colors first. Any suggestions? :think

Julie~Thanks a bunch! :manyheart I really don't think it was that hard. I just have to remember to use the same size hook the whole way through next time. :lol I still don't know why I did that but I didn't realize it until it was too late. I'm not going to wait either, i'm going to give it to her this week, lol. I want to make a scarf for someone I know but haven't done it yet. You may have inspired me to do it. Hmmm..........

Anyways, i'm glad you've gotten some crocheting done. Good Luck with your ghans. :hook

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Tabby - That is gorgeous I hope to be able to get back to mine soon.


Wendy - It's going hun how's it going with you?


I have 2 more quilt ghans that I want to do but I havnt been able to crochet for about almost 3 wks now I think. They did however finally decide (went back to dr last night) that I do have Thoracic outlet syndrome, which is chronic pain in my arm and something wraps and tightens around the muscle and that in turn puts preasure on the nerve which helps to cause all my pain, I take meds everday trying to take the edge off to be able to work, unfortunately because I am a hairdresser they say it doesnt help that my hands are in the air and doing repetitive movements all the time, so I get to go to physical therapy I am so excited lol, He did tell me to stop taking the meds the pt was what is going to work not the meds. Thank gosh my sis is a pt or else I'd be in the poor house and all she says is well I'll do it but it is really gonna hurt. So that is the scoop on me sry I havnt been able to keep up with my ps and the bad part is pry 4 hrs and im done .Have a great night everyone.

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Gosh, Tabby...that is one beautiful PS! I think I am your sons pre school teacher...right? Good job girl...I love those colors!

Andrea....good luck with your arm, I can't imagine how painful that must be!

Wendy I'm with you about putting colors together...I may just copy Tabby's if she tells us what she used!

Hidy Ho Julie! Sounds like your hooks are smokin!

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Thanks Everyone! You're all to kind. :blush

I used ranch red, buff, lt. sage, dk. sage, soft white & painted desert. I tried to stay close to the original colors. ;)

Wendy~I have no idea what colors to use for the second one. :think I'm thinking lighter colors this time. I think it's going to be something I decide at the store unless anyone here has any suggestions. :D I used an H hook because it's such a habit (my favorite hook) on the center star & then when I picked it up again I used an I hook like the directions said. I never noticed what I did until it was way too late & there was no going back. :lol It made it ruffle slightly in the corners but I think it's not too bad. Next time i'll pay better attention to what i'm doing, lol. That's the bad thing about having a bunch of projects going is that I don't always remember what hook & other stuff i'm using for what. I have now learned to leave my hook that i'm using with the project i'm using it on. ;):lol

I am currently finishing up my Hubby's sweater. I have 1/2 sleeve & assembly to go. So I should be able to finish it up by the end of the week. But it's a busy week for me so we'll see. :yes

I'm off to work on that sleeve again. Have a good night all & a good day to you Wendy. :ghug

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Hello everyone!


I finally got a little bit done on the PS tonite and I thought I would come in here and give you a little pic of what I did. I am using burgandy for the center star and the painted desert for the next color. I would have gotten more done but "The Unit" and "Criminal Mind" was on tonite and very eye catching! So here ya go! I promise to have more done tomorrow nite. I will be baking however all day so there may not be much more... We will see!




Also I would like to share a little something else with you. I forgot to mention this yesterday with being all excited about finishing my secret projects..... Ok hold onto your seats!


My son who plays the Alto Sax, which he has been playing since 5th grade and is now in 8th grade, took it upon his self to email a promotions guy for the Quad City Mallards. This is our area hockey team. Well about an hour or so away from us. Anyways, he sent him an email asking if he could play the "Star Spangle Banner" at the beginning of one of the games. It took a couple of weeks but the guy emailed him back and said for us to call him. Which we did. He told us to have our son practice and to get back with him in a couple of weeks to set up a time to come in for an audition. My son has been practicing, with me yelling... I mean reminding him every day to practice it. He even got his band teacher to help him in the mornings and she even rewrote the sax part to make it sound even better. I have been making him practice his scales and all too. He called the guy back last Friday and made the audition for yesterday at 4. My hubby took him and they called me shortly after 4 to let me know that ..... HE NAILED IT!! :cheer He gets to pick the game that he will play before, seats, and he even gets the autographs of the hockey team. It will be after the first of the year. I am soo proud of him!! Now the hard part comes.... Keep practicing! ugh!! You will probably hear me all the way over there Wendy... :devil


Just wanted to share that little bit of good news with you!


How is everyone elses day going??


:cheer Julie come on pick up that PS and lets see if you can get her finished! I will be right there along side you!!!


I am off to bed! I will be checking back in sometime tomorrow!


:manyheart Have a great nite everyone!

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Those pictures turned out better . REALLY pretty afghan ! Let us know what the teacher's reaction is when you give it to her. I'd love to see it !


Andrea- I sure hope your arm and hand get to feeling better and that the therapy helps to get you back into crocheting a little bit again .


Hi there Theresa ! Yea, there's never an end to the ideas I have for my hook, it's just getting the time to do them all . :)


Brandy- wow, how exciting ! I bet you are so proud of your son . Isn't Mary in the band too, and if so, what instrument does she play ? Maybe she'll wanna try out for something like that too .

Great job on getting your PS started ! I 'll dig mine out and get my rear moving again too. I also have the 9 patch that is started ,but nowhere near done !

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Brandy - :cheer:clap That is amazing Im so happy for you and your son. Wow that will be something to remember for a lifetime. Im glad you have started your PS, its looking good so far. Are the diamonds easy to do. What brand wool are you using, is it red heart. We dont get red heart here. I will maybe go by the colors of Tabby's and go from there. I had better get my colors sorted out otherwise you will be way ahead of me.


Tabby - your getting your projects finished arent you. I am going to do the PS with you I think along side my ATW and 9patch. I take it in turns, one night the 9 patch the next night the ATW, that way they dont feel left out..:lol So whats one more project to add to it.


Andrea - You poor thing you. Im so sorry to hear about your arm. Take it easy wont you. You might have to stop doing peoples hair or maybe go part time. Have they mentioned this at all.


Ok Close to home is starting and then Survivor Gotta go.

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Ha Ha They voted Nate off Survivor. They should have got rid of Jonathon when they had the chance. I really want Yule to win this.


I was so engrossed in the shows I only got 3 squares done on my ATW.


Well Im about to go to bed its 11.30pm here, I guess your all probably having breakfast.


See ya tomorrow morning or your today. This is so confusing.

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Tabby, your PS looks great! Some time ago, I printed off that pattern, because it's so pretty, and at some point, I want to make it for myself. I just don't know when (and I really do hate weaving ends, so I'd have to not let them build up). Since I've never actually sat down to make something for myself (other than a doily), I'll be careful about chosing the colors.


Brandy, congrats to your son! How exciting for him (and that he took the initiative, too). I bet he's going to have a blast!

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Thanks everyone... he is very happy about it! and excited!! I havent gotten nuttin' done on the PS so far today. I have been busy making some Christmas goodies. Now I have to run to get the kids from school and back to the store cause I forgot vanilla. Hubby would not go get it for me either. Mean old man!! :P I will get to work on it some tonite!


:manyheart Have a great day everyone!

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*** it's absolutely beautiful. Your son's preschool teacher is really going to love it. What a lovely gesture on your part and I just know she'll treasure it.


Brandy, your PS start looks great!


Someday I'll make another one.. till then I'll just keep peeking in here :)

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Evening all....


Today has been pretty busy. Kids off to school, hubby to therapy, and running to store to get goods to start my christmas baking. I forgot a very important ingredient though... vanilla! I did finally get some later but I didnt get all the baking done that I wanted to due to not having it though. But I did get some really yummy stuff made... buckeyes (mine, my sisters, and my daughters favorite) and no bake cookies. The buckeyes is the same recipe that my grandma always used to make them for me as a kid.


After dinner I worked on my PS some more while giving my daughters friend another crochet lesson. The friend is coming along great on her stocking. A few errors that a little :frog fixed. And she is had some extra credit work that she bought to show. She is making a sc scarf. Doing very well if you ask me.


Here is an updated picture of my PS...




I think its coming along nicely. If they would quit putting on such good shows at nite I would probably get more done!:devil


I am a little :yawn so I am off to catch a few :sleep. Sweet dreams and good :night. I will be back sometime tomorrow!:manyheart

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Lookin good, Miss Brandy !


It's always funny when you guys that have cats take a picture of your projects. The cats always seem to want to be in the photo ! They have this look on their face that says you really are taking a picture of THEM ,not the project you have worked on for hours, but the CAT ! :lol

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Julie that is funny. Remember when I did the star afghan. Every single picture of the progress had Rascal laying on it! LOL Rascal just loves the camera and everytime I go to take a picture of anything he is right there waiting! :D Thank you, hopefully I will get more baking done this am and can work some more on it this afternoon and evening!

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Good Morning everyone!

Julie~Good Morning Sunshine! How's it going? :hug

Just dropping in for a quick hello, I have to go to pre-school any second. I don't have time to reply to all the posts so I just want to say Thank You So much Everyone!!! :blush I didn't crochet at all yesterday because I had no time but i'm hoping later i'll get some time for me. Busy, busy, busy. I will talk to you all when I return. Have a great day.

And Welcome Back AJ!!! :manyheart

Oh one more thing, Brandy your ghan is coming along beautifully. Great job! Happy baking & save some for me. :devil Hugs!

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Brandy - I wish I had all your energy to do all the baking, etc . I used to do all that but the older we get , the less I do it . I used to make tons of cookies and candies at Christmas .


As for the cats, I don't have one ( but I did when I was growing up ). They all seem to be that way - they have an ATTITUDE . Let's call it a




They all have the look on their faces like they know something that we don't . Maybe they do ................. :lol


Morning Tabby-O

I'm ok, thanks -:tup

Sounds like you are running around like a chicken with your head cut off today . Hope things calm down on the weekend some for you . This is a hectic time of year, isn't it ?


Hi AJ- glad to see you jump in ~:waving

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Julie~Yeah, definitely hectic here. We had to finish shopping yesterday & then when we came home I took a nap. Later my Hubby decides to "organize" the kids rooms due to Christmas coming. Well he took one step in the twins room & went on a rampage. He threw EVERYTHING away. I had to have him dig through the bags later because they had library books thrown on the floor & he threw them out. Ughhh!! Of course I was the middle man. I got more of a lecture on "my job" not being done then they did for there room being disgusting. Ecspecially since I just made them clean it the day before. Oh well *throws hands up*, i'll never win. I think they're old enough to clean it themselves but he thinks that if they don't then I should. Or something like that. Personally, I just laugh at him & tune him out. :devil What really made me hot was when they were allowed to go play the video game when he was done. MEN!!! :eek:yes

Okay that's my rant for the day. LOL.:lol

As far as crocheting, I haven't done any yet today. I do want to finish the sleeve for his sweater. I also have to start figuring out the colors for my next PS. Hmmm.........decisions, decisions. :think

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Oh, I gave the ghan to Jadens teacher today. She said, "Oh my, this isn't the one you've been working on that I love, is it?" I said, "Oh yes it is". I told her I knew how much she liked it & the colors are her "kinda colors" so I thought she would be a perfect owner for it. Plus, I told her she deserved it because we love her so much. She has really been dealt a bad hand lately & I wanted to give her a pick-me-up so that's why I couldn't wait for Christmas. She showed all of the parents there which completely puts me on the spot but oh well i'm just glad she liked it. :yes

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Tab -

Yea, some of those parenting disagreements are DOOZIES, aren't they ?

It complicates your life when you think one way and the dad thinks the other . Maybe you should call that Nanny 911 show and you go on a vacation - when you get home, maybe she'll have them all in line for you . Think that'd work ?

Sometimes it'd be nice to be able to step out and let someone else jerk a knot in everyone's tails, then you'd come home and WA-La ! Everything is fixed .


I havent had much crochet time in the past couple days myself- hope to remedy that here this afternoon . :)


Don't let em get you down ,Calamity .:cowboy Just dig in your spurs and show em who's boss .

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