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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Good Morning my fellow hookers! :hook


I worked on my PS for a bit last night while watching "It Takes A Thief". I was able to get the sides done & have started the red on the bottom. I think I may need another skein of the ranch red & I thought I got it all. :think My Hubby normally has Wed. off but since he was sick on Monday he is working today. :yay So I can sit & crochet till my heart desires. :manyheart




Julie~If I get one more project done then I might just get bored, lol. I'm pretty close to the end on two of my current projects. Then that'll just leave me with my neglected monet. :( What ever will I do? :think The only other CAL on here that interests me is the cathedral window but I have no way of getting the pattern & refuse to pay e-bays prices of $60 or even get in a bidding war for one. Just insane if you ask me. :yes Someday I WILL make that ghan, it is so beautiful. Anyways, I still have a couple things to finish up before I search for another CAL. :D


GOOD NIGHT WENDY!! Sleep tight & don't let the bed bugs bite. LOL. ;)

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Great job on your PS ! I'm so proud of you for sticking with it. I have hit the PS SLUMP again. Everytime I reach the white sections, I lose interest in it, so have tossed it in the corner and am now working on my 9-patch .

You can always do one of them next if you get your other things finished !


I've got 3 ideas knocking around in my head for a new CAL ---just debating which would get the most interest and IF there are enough people who would sign up,since there are about 10 or more active CAL's here already .

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Julie~Thanks! You'll get yours done, slowly but surely. You just have to chug through the white so you can get back to the colors. I love watching it develop more & more every diamond. :D I may start another quilt ghan since none of the ther CALs are calling me, we'll see. How is your nine patch coming along? Any pics. yet? :manyheart

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Nope, no pictures yet. I was gonna wait til all squares were done before putting anything together, so there isn't much to show at this point other than a little pile of squares . I guess I could lay them out in the design I'm using and see if that would work, but I'll have to make some more of the other colors. I was just making all one color at a time .

Let's see if I can get a few of each done, then lay them out in a design for you to see .

I'll go get started on them now .:)

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Hey Tabby, Why dont you do the 9 patch with Julie and I. The squares are quite easy and they dont take long, there are just a lot of them to do. You could always do the texas star pattern that Darski put on here. I have started that one to for my grandma.


Julie - You will get through the ps white area. Dont give in, it will be worth it in the end. With the 9 patch are you doing 2 rows or 3. I decided to do 3 rows. What are the ideas for a new cal.


Well I gotta go. when I come on here Im either getting ready for work or going to bed. Hmm roll on the weekend.

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Hi Wendy

Well, I think you are asking how many rows of the squares I'm doing ? It'll probably be the 3 across and 4 down .Once I lay the first row out, I'll get an idea of how big it'll be. Are you making the squares as the pattern says or adding the 3rd round ? I decided to make mine 3 rounds big, which will mean less squares to make and put together . I think it'll be very easy to put together though .

My 3 CAL ideas are floating in my head at the moment. I emailed one of the leaders to check about the rules for one of them, because I didn't know if we'd be able to pull it off, but I think it'll work if it's the one I decide on .

Let's just give you a teaser for now :

2 are afghans and one COULD be an afghan -- it'll be crocheter's choice . I actually thought of another idea this morning too, but not real sure on it just yet .

Anyhow, the start date will be right after the holidays if I decide to give it a go. I don't wanna bog down everyone with an abundance of CAL's, then we'll soon have so many, we'll have 2 people doing each one .

They are much more fun with a larger group if possible .

I'll drop you a teaser once in awhile just to keep your interest up . :D

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Wendy~I will probably start another quilt-ghan when I finish up the PS & my Hubbys sweater. I don't know if it'll be the nine patch, i'm still deciding.:think I'm still having nightmares from the 300-400 squares my last quilt-ghan took.:eek

Julie~I can't wait to see some progress on your nine patch, i'm sure it's going to be beautiful. :manyheart

I'm off to get some sleep so I can be halfway sane :tired to deal with pre-schoolers tomorrow. I will try to stop in before pre-school but if not i'll definitely be here after. Good Night All! :sleep

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Good Morning Everyone! :yawn My morning has been wonderful so far .:grumpy Are you sensing the sarcasm yet? :sigh My kids are driving me nuts. :thair I woke up to getting a can of soda I left on my nightstand spilled all in my bed. :irk And my older kids fighting in the next room over the video game that they're not even suppose to have in the morning. :bang I can't wait for the bus to come so I can run in front of it. :rofl Thanks for listening to me rant on. :rant I would like to say that I feel better now but they're still at it. :yell



Update on my PS~I worked on it for a bit yesterday. I fixed the ruffle I think but I won't tell you how because you would all say "Are you nuts?" LOL, yes I am. :loco I regret messing with it but atleast I was able to fix the ruffle & you can't tell I touched it. It just took approx. 2 hours to do. :eek

I did the sides & put the ranch red & painted desert on the top. I'm now left with the buff & lt. sage on the top. I'm almost finished. :yay


How's everyone doing this morning? Made any progress on your ghans?


I'll be back after pre-school!

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Hi Ho Tabby (and anyone else out there reading this )

How well I remember the days you are describing .In fact ,all it'd take to make the day a LITTLE bit worse would be if they called off school today so you were stuck in the house with the fighting, arguing kids all day while it was too bad outside for them to play out . Thank goodness they have school. We are supposed to be in for a big snowstorm today,but so far, we have only gotten about an inch or 2 here I think. I was out once this morning for a bit and the roads were a little slick, but not super-bad, just kinda scarey. You almost forget how to drive in the snow til it snows for the first time each year, then you have to learn all over again .

You are really plowing through that PS afghan ! Good for you, and whatever works to get rid of the ruffle, as long as it looks good to you, that's what matters .

I got quite a few squares done yesterday for my 9 patch . I am still trying to decide how many more colors I want to add to it and how many squares will come out of a 7 oz skein to see how much yarn I may need yet. I think I'll need more of the edging color, but we shall see .

I will try to get some of them laid out today into the design they go in so you can see what it's gonna look like put together .

I'm kicking around the idea of more colors for the squares ( kinda like a patchwork -quilt type thing ) ,but havent come to a decision about it yet for sure . I DID go get 2 more colors today ,but may go back yet to get a couple more ,so it'll be real colorful .

Hope you all have a good day and don't get snowed under !:snow

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Thanks Julie! I sure hope the snow stays your way for a bit. Me & the Hubby are suppose to go Christmas shopping/our date WITHOUT any kids & we so deserve it after 12 yrs. of NO break. :yes The snow can come tumbling down at any time after tomorrow night, but in the meantime get out there & do the sunshine dance. :lol

I hope you don't get to snowed in. :eek Have a good one & stay warm. :manyheart

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Hey Tab

So far, it's not been too bad. We got about an inch or 2 this morning, then it got real sunny out. I thought it was over , but then about 1 ,it got real snowy and windy out and it started again. We might have about 3 inches now and it's still snowing .

Hope it stays away from your guys so you can have your night out-- you deserve it ! :)

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Hi everyone, Tabby Im glad you are getting your ps done. I didnt do any last night. I went to watch the amazing race only to find they had put it on an hour early so I missed it. I saw the end where the family with the little girl were the last to arrive. The little girl was trying not to bawl her eyes out the poor thing. Tabby I know exactly how you feel with the kids. My girls are just as bad and they fight over stupid things. It does drive you nuts. I hope you can have a nice quiet time at the shops with hubby. You go and enjoy yourself you deserve it.


Hi Julie - I am doing 3 rows to a square on my 9 patch. The squares are really easy arent they. I am using green, light pink, light purple and dark purple. I was sent some SS caron wool from a holiday elf. This wool is so soft as the names says isnt it. I really like it. I want to get more and do something else with it. Come on tell us what the new cal will be.


Well its pretty bad here. We have total fire ban today. Its going to be 38 degrees celcius today and 39 tomorrow. We have pretty bad bushfires in Melbourne and this hot weather isnt going to help. I really hate the hot weather and today and the weekend are going to be a scorcher. I would say Kellys tennis will be cancelled tomorrow due to the heat.


Well have a great afternoon.

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Oh My, I go shopping for a day & everyone disappears. Where is everyone?? I hope everything is okay. I did work on my Ps a little more this morning & I now have all of the buff done & just have some lt. sage & a couple whites in the corner so I should be done in another day. Well, i'm going to watch Christmas cartoons with my monsters tonight so i'll talk to everyone tomorrow. :ghug

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I want the warm weather please send it here. lol. I can't believe no one has been in this cal all day that must be a record for here. I hope everyone is well. I do know that we got lots of snow thru the night and some power lines were down in Ohio so that could be where Julie is.

Glad you got some squares done for your 9 patch can't wait to see some pics. It's am for you Wendy huh? Its 8:20 pm here for me. I hope you can enjoy the rest of your day.

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Hi Guys

Yea, it's been dead as a doornail in here. I didn't have my power knocked out . That must be elsewhere in the state . I stopped in here early yesterday morning and no new messages then ,so I didn't take time to stop back in later to check again .

I have been working non-stop on my 9 patch and have quite a few squares done now. I will try to get some photos of the colors posted . I have been trying to do them in all one color at a time, but may have some of each done now so you can see what it'll ( sorta) look like .

Hope all is well with all of you . COLD here today - I think our high yesterday was 20 .

Poor Wendy- and it's just the opposite there. Too bad we can't combine the 2 and we'd both have some decent weather . :)

I saw a thing on the news last night about your fires over there. Is it anywhere near you ?

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Good Morning Everyone!! It's soooo cold here, BRRRRRRRR!! Yesterday we had a high of 25 but they said with the windchill it was -10. :eek It is suppose to warm up today & the rest of the week. They said we may even be flirting with 50 degrees by the middle of the week. :yay I have a couple things to do today but not much so i'm hoping to finish up my PS. The Hubby is home today so we'll see. If not i'll have it done tomorrow for sure. :cheer



Julie~Thanks for keeping the snow for me, we didn't get one flake. :clap We had a blast together. We played some arcade games which was cool since most men don't want you involved in that stuff with them. We even had our picture taken with santa so we could show the kids that we talked to him *evil grins*. :devil Our two older ones don't buy that, one asked me okay where'de ya hide the presents. :angry Thankfully he knows better then to say it in front of the little ones. But on our way home we realized what toll kids take on your body even when your young because we were hurting after 3 hours. :lol And then leave it up to a man but he missed our exit & we got stuck going through Albany in rush hour traffic which is NOT cool when your lost because there's no room to get over if you all of a sudden see an exit. But, we made it & i'm still in one piece. :rofl

I can't wait to see pics. of what you came up with for your nine patch. I will be starting another quilt-ghan after I finish the PS but i'm not sure what one. I'm thinking i'll do another PS. I offered to donate a ghan for my sons pre-school to raffle off. We always do some sort of fund raising for field trips & a big end of the year graduation with book bags & school supplies. So, now i'm just trying to find a quilty pattern that can be finished between Jan.-Feb. & will be an eye popper that everyone wants.


~The Queen of :blah :blah :blah ~




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It sounds like you guys had a real fun night out on the town . Too bad we couldnt have shared some snow with you. I'd be glad to send you a dump truck load if you want it .

The PS would be a great raffle quilt- I think it'd go over good unless you are tired of that pattern and wanna try something new .

Good for you for sticking with it ! Wish I could say the same, but I am hot on the trail of the 9 patch now ,and it is going well and very quick to make the squares, so it's pretty speedy to get lots of them done .

I have Cam here today so probably won't get much accomplished, but that's ok . I got him a few of the new CARS matchbox-type cars ( the ones from the movie) . I buy him a few at a time so he'll have the whole set, but I swear they keep adding more to the set . Everytime I think I've got most of them, I look at the back of box and there are about 12 more that he needs.

Anyhow, today we are playing race cars . I havent seen the movie, but he wants to be the KING in the race everytime and I get the little green van with the peace sign on it, so something tells me I am getting the short end of the stick when it comes to the race .

Anyhow, just jumped in for a minute-- back to playing cars. I'll try stopping in later tonite if I get the chance .:)

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:lolJulie, that's too cute. Don't they always want to win? I try to win every now & again with Jaden just because I want him to have good sportsmanship but he just cries & yells instead. :lol Oh well, boys will be boys. We haven't seen Cars yet either but my kids want it for Christmas so i'm sure we'll be seeing it soon. And don't ya just love how they soak the money right out of ya with all of the toys. They had a squirt gun (Iswear I saw the same exact thing at the dollar store) with a Cars sticker on the tank part & Jaden just had to have it. The thing cost me $5.00 & the stickers came off when it got wet. :eek Grrrr........anyways i'm off to relax for a bit. Have a fun day with Cam! :manyheart

And umm.....no, you can keep your snow. Thanks anyways. :devil

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Hi everyone


Tabby - Im glad you had a great day sounded like a lot of fun. Its great to be able to do things without the kids once in awhile. I think any sort of quilt ghan you do will be great Tabby. Its just deciding which one to do I guess. You can either do another PS or around the world, texas star, 9 patch. Julie what other ones are there.?


Julie - The fires you saw on tv are in melbourne. Melbourne is about a ten hour drive from Adelaide. The fires are pretty bad and the hot weather we are having isnt helping at all. Today is pretty humid. Have you stopped doing your ps altogether? Come on you havent frogged it again have you.


Mum and Dad were here today and we had lunch and did crocheting and knitting. It was good. Now Im going to do more of either my 9 patch or my around the world.


Where is everyone else.

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Wendy~Your nine patch is pretty, I like the colors. Your mystery square is pretty, you did a great job on it. :cheer:clap

It was definitely great to be out with the Hubby alone & now we're planning on doing it alot more.

My head hurts alot today so i'm not sure if i'll get much done on my ghan or not. I'll check in later, i'm going to lay back down.

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