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Crochet -a- Quilt


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I've gotten a few more squares done on my AW. I have 35 squares left to do and need to have it done for christmas along with a scarf and hopefully a doily. I'm not sure this will be all done. I was also thinking of making my mom a snowman but I think I'm going to run out of time. A little to ambitious a little to late I think. hehe.

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yawn.... good morning everyone.... yawn... wow its 6.34am saturday here and what am I doing but logged onto crochetville.


Tabby - Im glad to see your getting some crocheting done. Im going to be lazy today too and just laze around the house and crochet all day.


Julie - I hope you have fun with all your visitors at your place.


Goofy - wow you only have 35 squares to go you are obviously further along than me. I cant wait to see pics of yours. Dont stress you will get everything done before xmas. You still have 30 days to go before xmas.

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yawn.... good morning everyone.... yawn... wow its 6.34am saturday here and what am I doing but logged onto crochetville.


A sign of superior intelligence no doubt :rofl


Have a great day crocheting - but send pics!

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Goooooooddddddddd Morning America.

Wakey Wakey rise and shine. Its saturday morning for you guys time to pick up those crochet hooks and start crocheting.

Its like we are crocheting in shifts.

My shift is about to end as its 10.30pm here and Im just about ready for bed.

Your shift is about to start.


Hee hee yes your right I am in desperate need of sleep I think.

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Good evening, Australia !

You may already be sawing logs as I am typing this. I liked your line about us crocheting in shifts. It kinda sounds like that's what we're doing, doesn't it ? As long as SOMEBODY'S hook is moving, then we aren't slacking off on the job .

I need to make a quick run to the store this morning, then will see if I can get some quality crochet time in . I got a little bit done yesterday, but not a lot ,so I hope to really accomplish some major work today .

I am still plugging away at the big camo-granny. I also try to get in a diamond or 2 on the PS between times, plus I have started making some of the squares for my nine patch . I have no clue how MANY I'm gonna need yet. I have mine mapped out on my graph paper, but actually need to make enough squares to go across one row, to see how wide it'll turn out, then I can figure out how many squares I'll need total. I may need more or less than what my graph shows.

The squares I'm doing are 2 rounds, so they really don't turn out very big, maybe about 3 or 4 inches across. I havent measured one to see . I was gonna make them 3 rounds, but decided on 2 .........

Hmmm...............I did that before with my Around the World and said I'd never make another one with squares that small, but as they say :


You all have a great crochet day. I hope you all get some time to work on something enjoyable today ! :hook

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Good Morning and evening all! Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving day. Julie I hope all went well with your family. We had an ok Thanksgiving day, but I missed the cooking and having leftovers. Yesterday I hit the sales and got me a roaster for $19. That was an awesome deal. Also picked up a brand new camera.....:clap This one takes some beautiful pictures. Better than the other one which means better pictures to show everyone what I make!!


I havent gotten any crocheting done. :blush And it dont look like I will get any done today either. I have to finish the Christmas decorations outside and put of both of my trees. I would like to get this done today. Since we didnt have any leftovers I have decided to take my new roaster out for a test drive and make a turkey dinner for just us four tomorrow.. You know with all the trimmings of my favorite dishes that I didnt get to have on Thanksgiving day. Hubby said his mouth is already watering!! I may get time to crochet a little tomorrow! I really need to get my hands to smoking so I can get all my projects that I need to do done!


:manyheart Have a great day all! I am off to get in gear and get this stuff done. I am making my darling teenagers to help me too! So if you hear any yelling and screaming it will probably be them protesting on doing the work!! :devil:hug



PS Cant wait to see pictures of how everyones is coming along so far!!

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Darski- Just great we dont have our other ones done yet and your tormenting us with a new pic I've already been thinking of colors lol. It really is a pretty pic thank you for showing it to us.


Wendy- I hope you slept through the night and all our keyboard tapping didnt call out to you to come join us. Poor girl you would never get any sleep if you tried to stay up to talk to all of us. I cant wait to see some pics of your AW.


Julie- your hands are going crazy doing all those ghans at once, I'm trying to be more like Brandy :devil and only do one thing at a time, Having a really hard time you have no idea lol.

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Good morning everyone, its a beautiful hot sunday morning here. I hate the hot weather, Ill trade with anyone, any takers.


Julie- How are you going with the camo granny, are you going to get it done in time. You have started the 9 patch already, what colors are you using. I have picked mine. I am using marone red,light pink, light purple and green. You say your only going to do 2 rows but they will be about 3 to 4 inches wide, what size hook are you using then for them to be that big. Im glad to see your still going with your ps I cant wait to see pics.


Brandy - Great bargains you go there. I bet you cant wait to use your camera. Have a great dinner with your family. I have 2 girls and I know what its like trying to get them to do anything. Have fun.


Julie - Did you see what Darski put on the site, a pattern with more diamonds. hehe.


Darski - Your naughty. That pattern is beautiful. Girls we may have to add it to our list of quilts to do. What do you all think.


My mum and dad are spending the day at my place today, which meant a quick clean up of the place. I always have the need to clean when they come round. Mum is knitting a blanket and I will do some of my crocheting and we usually sit and watch the martha stewart show.

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Andrea - hello we must have been at the keyboard at the same time. Hows it going with your projects. I used to have one thing on the go before I came to crochetville now I am doing a giant granny, the around the world quilt, blanket for mum, mystery cal, I have my colors ready for the 9 patch. My scrapbooking desk has turned into a crocheting projects desk all you can see is projects on the go and wool everywhere. My scrapbooking is under there somewhere..

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Wendy- My projects are going lol, I finally got my squares and ornaments mailed out for the other cal I belong to, the stocking for my secret pal will be ready to mail this week along with her goodies. The ps is still on hold I havnt crochet all week trying to help the arm but I may pick it back up tomorrow I am so close to being done it isnt funny so I am ready to have it finished. Other than that I have been cross stitching as I joined a group for that last week, I found that I have really missed doing that and have been concentrating on that now. I hope you have a fun day with your mum. Talk to you soon.

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Morning, gang ~


I guess I'll start trying to answer you all in one post, so here goes .


Brandy- yea, we had an ok time and everything went pretty well . It sounds like you found some bargains-- you are such a good cook, I bet your family were all excited that they were getting a turkey dinner made by you, too ! They hit the jackpot this week . I know what you mean about leftovers, if you don't make it yourself, it's no fun ,because you don't have all the leftovers to eat .


Darski- thanks for sharing the pattern. That's one I hadn't seen before and it DOES make you think about colors, and what ones you'd wanna use . We may just have to add that one onto our list on down the road. My road is turning into a MAP , about the size of TEXAS, so it sometimes gets confusing if I try taking too many routes at once. I guess I'd better stick with the ones I am on, then move onto new ones as these are done.

While we are putting teasers out, I looked at the others available on that same website-- I also really like this one -



Andrea- good for you, that is the best way to go, one thing at a time. That's how I LIKE to do things, but these CAL's snag me every time. I see more and more that sound like fun and before I know it, BAM -- I've started another one ! It sounds like your PS is close to the finish line. Can't wait to see it .

( Also ,thanks for the square, got it yesterday - very pretty ! )


Wendy - I hope you had a nice visit with your mom . My camo-granny is going well. I worked a lot on it yesterday and it is getting pretty big now, to the point where it's almost hard to turn it when you reach a corner and have to start down the next side . I hope to finish it within another day or two, so it will be mailed out this week .

Yea, I've been fiddling a little with the 9 patch, mainly because I graphed it out on paper and wanted to see how many squares I'd need. I am using a G hook, so the squares are pretty small, but I'm using the same square pattern that I used for the Around the World ( the solid square) ,so I had no clue how many it'd take or how much yarn.

My colors are as follows-

For the corners of each 9 patch, I'm using Monet . For the light-colored strips that go around the squares, I'm using aran . For the actual squares, I'm using lavendar and light sage . I may have enough squares done at this point to lay them out ACROSS, so I get some idea of how many it'll take .

I whip these up just a couple at a time to take a break from the big granny, because those can get a little monotonous (sp ?) at times, the same thing over and over and over .....


Anyhow, guess I'd better get up and get something useful done this morning , like laundry . I'll check back in later with you all .


By the way, TABBY ~~~~~ Where'd you go ?

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Hey Julie, I have been wondering where you have been all day. I cant wait to see your progress on all your projects. Yes the squares are quite small arent they. Its going to take ages.. I have also started my 9 patch as my giant granny is going very slow. I have also been doing the blanket for my mum for xmas as well as the around the world quilt. I dont know whether I am arthur or martha at the moment.


Andrea - I cant wait to see your ps. Take it easy with your arm wont you. I had a great day with mum and this afternoon I went xmas shopping. I bought some presents for the girls.


Tabby - where are you......


Well Im going to bed now catch u all tomorrow sometime.

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Good Morning Everyone........yawns...........

I'm still here. I've just been super busy decorating, shopping, seeing family & all of that fun crap. But I missed being here yesterday, it was pure torture not to be able to get on at all. By time I had time to sit my Hubby stole the puter so I went off to bed. The important thing is i'm here now. :D I haven't had much time to crochet in the past couple days. I did get some done hmmm.......I can't remember when, lol. Oh well, anyways I did get more done on the PS at some point & time.

Darski~I really like that pattern. Thanks for the link. I'll add it to my list.

Julie~I like the pattern you put up to, it would be great with scraps. Glad to hear you survived your family day. I hope you all had fun. :manyheart Was Cam there? If so then I know you enjoyed yourself.

Brandy~I didn't cook either this year & while not having to clean up is a good thing I to hate not having left overs. I mean isn't that what this holiday is about, lol. Glad to hear you had a good time anyways. I'm sure you'll be cooking in that roaster in no time. I should've hunted up a camera on Friday but I don't shop on Black Friday because i'm a chicken. :yes Someone might knock me over & then i'de be forced to go kung-fu on there butts. :lol Picture that one......:eek

Wendy~Hello out there, lol. I'm here. How's all down under? :)

Andrea~How is your PS coming along? I have half of the top done & have started on the other half. I hope your hand/wrist is better. :)

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Boy, you Prairie Star ladies are whooping my butt - you are all so far ahead of me, it isn't even funny. I have worked on it a little , between 9 patch squares and the big granny-- that one has been my main project that most of my time has gone to, since I actually have a deadline to mail it. The others are just for whenever I want to get them done, so really no pressure for them , other than to get them done so I can make some more !

Wendy- it sounds like your head is spinning as much as mine with so many things in the works all at once. It's amazing that we don't get mixed up trying to do so many different patterns at a time !


Tabby -yea, this time of the year is pretty hectic getting everything done that needs done, and yep, Cam was here for our dinner. He is now into matchbox cars ( the ones with fire on the sides, since he says they are the fastest ) ,so we all sat on the kitchen floor playing race cars . Plenty of kids here that night for him to play with !


Anyhow, we now get a little breather. My Christmas shopping is almost done ,the decorations are up. I may make some frosted cookies for Christmas ,but that is several weeks away yet, so I have a break now to get these afghans moving. I hope to get some major work done on them now, with life getting back to normal again . :)


You all have a great day and I hope your weather wherever you are is as nice as ours is today. A beautiful day, sunshine and 60. Pretty good for this late in the year !

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Julie~Aww, it's sounds like you had fun. There's nothing better then playing with matchbox cars. :lol I know it all to well.

I haven't done any crocheting today yet, but I did get a tiny christmas cross-stitch finished. :yay Hopefully i'll get the energy to crochet sometime later. Well, i'm off to finish watching a movie on Lifetime. :yes

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Tabby - glad to hear you survived. I should be putting my decorations up but worked all day and don't feel like it. The ps is coming I havnt crochet all week but I am about done, am doing the half ones that are on the ends and just need to do the soft weight ones in the corners and the border so its just about there, the arm still hurts some so I have been doing xstitch for now cuz I can't just sit and watch T.V. it drives me buggy I have to be doing something.

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Andrea~I'm glad it's starting to feel better. I hear ya on the doing something part. I have to have something to keep me busy or I go crazy ,more crazy then I already am. Could ya imagine that one? :lol Good Luck & I hope ya can crochet soon.


Good Morning Everyone! Are ya'll still sleeping or something? Rise & shine, it's time to post at the ville. :D


I ended up not crocheting at all yesterday. I know that's a crime but my kiddos are sick, well my 2 younger ones are. My twins are heading off to school, thank the lawd. :lol They've done nothing but fight since they opened there eyes this a.m. :angry Days like today I want to give em a swift kick out the door, lol. :devil My other 2 are going to have to see the doctor today. My 7 yr. old is really wheezy & is tiring out real easy. I'm a little worried but we'll get it taken care of today. My 4 yr. old just has a horrible cold & is running a fever. He woke up at 3:30 a.m. to use the potty and never went back to sleep. :eek It's going to be one of those days, I can feel it. :(


I hope you all have a good day. I'll post when I get back from the doctors office. I may take some crochet incase I have to sit at the hospital for x-rays. Anyways, i'll talk to ya'll later or if no ones here i'll talk to myself, lol. :lol

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Hi Ho Tabby-O


I'm here, just came up to check in. Sorry to hear your kids are sick. All my grandkids have that stuff too, it's some type of virus going around the area. They all had the cough, sore throat and fever . Cam has been on medication for it for about 2 weeks now and still has the cough. It must be some hard stuff to get rid of .

Anyhow, hope they are feeling better . Give them some Chicken and Stars and popsicles and Sprite, that's what I always gave Cam when he was here sick .

Keep in touch and let us know how they are. Hope you don't get it too !

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Hey Tab

I just went to your blog -- looking good ! I like the nice new colors and layout, and your afghans are so pretty ! The ripple and ps are both REALLY nice ! You should be so proud of all that work .

I picked my poor old PS up this morning and am working away on it again. I am working on the points ( the rows with the 2's, then the 1 dark point that finishes the center star ? )

Once I get the points done I will post a photo , then it's back to the white section again . :eek

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