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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Yea, I liked the blues and greys together too, but maybe they would look better in a different pattern. I think this one needs some drastic color changes, so they are noticeable, or it all just blends in together and you may as well make an afghan of all one color . There wasn't enough of a CHANGE between the colors to make the pattern show real well. I think the next colors are gonna do that. They aren't REAL bright either, but are different enough to take notice of .

Anyhow, I now have the center done and need 5 more diamonds to have the 2nd section done.

Lookin good ~:tup

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Yea, I've had some days like that myself lately. I THINK I'm gonna get a lot of crocheting done when I wake up, but by bedtime, I've only done a row or two on something .

I've gotta pick up the pace a little here this week. :hook


I HAVE been working hard on the camo-granny . I was gonna take a photo, but guess I'll wait til it's done. It's note a real show-stopper with camo and dark brown, but I think it's turning out nice. I've never used camo colored yarn before for anything . I'm on skein number 5 .

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Hi everyone, thanks for your comments on my quilt, its going well and Im happy with it so far. The colors are being picked as I go along. I did have them sorted but then I keep changing my mind as I go along.


Julie - I cant believe you have started again. I guess if your not happy with the colors your never going to like it and it would make it hard to keep going. I cant wait to see your new colors and you do sound happier with it.


I love your poem Julie, you could put them all into a book.

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Good Morning Everyone! I feel good this a.m. My kiddos went off to school & it's just me and my little man. I'm hoping to get some major crocheting done today because my kids are off the rest of the week and i'll be a pie baking machine tomorrow. The good thing is that I only make the pumpkin which isn't hard and my Hubby makes all the others. He makes some slammin home-made :apple pie, he use to be a cook/baker. :D I got lucky. ;) He's also going to make a 3 berry & a :strawberr /banana pie, Mmmmm.....:drool

I can't wait to eat, lol. :fork :cturkey :knife

Is anyone else making some yummy goodness for Thanksgiving? :)

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Hey Tabby

It sounds like your kitchen is gonna be a busy place in the next day or 2. I used to bake a lot when the kids were all home, but rarely do anymore. My husband is on a diet and doesn't eat hardly any sweets anymore and I can't eat a lot of stuff either due to stomach troubles, so I won't be baking much. We will have a turkey dinner ,but will more than likely not do any desserts . As long as I get gravy, I'll be a happy camper .

We're having all the family in Friday night so that their inlaws can all have the actual Thanksgiving day. It's hard when you have so many schedules to work around, so we are just picking the day after so that we don't interfere with anyone's meal schedules .

We will just be having pizza and some snack-type desserts that night .


You really DID hit the jackpot if your husband can bake a pie. I cannot imagine . My husband eats his pop tarts COLD ,rather than take the time or trouble to toast them first .:lol

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Julie~I guess you got lucky to get out of all of the Thanksgiving drama. I usually love this holiday but i'm dreading it this year. I think it's going to turn out like a Jerry Springer episode. Seroius. Anywhoo, i'll make the best of a bad situation and hope I don't get arrested for homicide. :lol

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I remember a few years ago watching a Jerry Springer Thanksgiving show, which ended up in a food fight. Make sure to take photos if that happens !


( Don't mean to make light of it, I think most of us can relate to having a lot of stress and drama on the holidays .)


So far, I haven't had to dodge a turkey leg, but my day is probably coming . ;)

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Hi Julie and Tabby


Tabby you are making me hungry. Wow isnt that great that your husband can bake pies. They sound really yummy. You both should have a great day no matter what you have on the menu.


Here in Oz we dont celebrate Thanksgiving.


How is your ps going now Julie, do you like the colors and how its going this time round.

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Julie~I guess you got lucky to get out of all of the Thanksgiving drama. I usually love this holiday but i'm dreading it this year. I think it's going to turn out like a Jerry Springer episode. Seroius. Anywhoo, i'll make the best of a bad situation and hope I don't get arrested for homicide. :lol


This is nice, everybody needs a dream. :yes


I know; sooooooo not funny but I will pray for you - it couldn't hurt and we probably can't afford to make your bail. :cake<--there's a file in there

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Julie~I've seen the Jerry Springer Thanksgiving episode too, lol. That's why I said it. And no biggie, I have to make light of it otherwise i'll need that file Darski slipped me. LOL! :rofl

Wendy~Do you have a holiday there where everyone pigs out? If not I suggest you create one, it's the best. :drool HeeHee!

Darski~You are too funny. :lol And thanks they'll need all the prayers they can get. :tryme

Oh BTW, I have worked on my PS some. I haven't come much further but it's coming along.

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Pretty funny about the file in the cake !:lol


Wendy - Do you guys celebrate like England does, is it called Boxer's day or something like that ? I think I have read about that before ,but I think it may be around Christmas time .


Tabby- Well, all I can do is wish you well and take your Valium . I need to buy it at Sam's Club in the BULK AMOUNTS .


My prairie star is coming along slowly. I am now on the 3rd color, the one that goes, 1-2-1-2 . I am maybe about 1/3 of the way done with that section. Yes, I am liking this color scheme much better for this pattern . I will post a photo when I get the points on the star so you guys can take a look then .

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Tabby - it sounds like its going to be pretty hectic at your place.


Julie - Pizza and dessert sounds great, I love pizza. We have the family round for dinner on xmas eve, usually a barbeque and then on xmas day we go to my mums place for lunch, she makes a roast dinner and exchange presents and then either put on a movie and have some snacks or play games. I remember one year I gave the girls playstation 2 eyetoy game, we took it to mums place. You should have seen my grandma trying to play the game it was so funny, we had a ball that day.


Well I am tired I have just come back from the gym and our trainer worked us hard tonight. So I think I need a coffee and then go watch Survivor in bed.:c9


Catch you all tomorrow

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Can me and Tabby come to YOUR house for Christmas ?


Tab- I'm trying to hurry it up on the PS, but also have a deadline on the camo-ghan to get it mailed out in time, so most of my time has been taken up by it lately . I hope to have it done within a couple days. I take a break from it once in awhile to make a few more diamonds, so they are both moving along . :)

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Ok...I can't stand it. I have to post this. I see this CAL pop up in the list quite a bit. Everytime I do, it reminds me that I STILL have not finished the supposed "duvet cover" I started crocheting about 6 years ago. It started from an afghan pattern I found a Michaels. Kind of a country star pattern made out of diamonds. It's beautiful. I work on it usually in the winter until I get sick of it. It's getting big, but it's far from Queen sized yet.


I was going to make it large enough to cover the down-filled duvet (that I left at my ex's house when I divorced him 3 years ago) and sew a fabric back on it...I suppose now, I could just make it a really big afghan since I no longer have the duvet and don't really have the money to buy another. :lol


I even ran out of some of the colors and had to order them online because I couldn't find them in the stores anymore.


You're killing me! You're reminding me of the afghan-monkey on my back! :lol


Ok, that's it! When I finish the Christmas present graph-ghan (that I'll never have done in time), I'll pull out the ol' crochet/quilt/thingy. :hook


:lol :lol :lol :lol

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dsabol...I'll be with you after Christmas! I started this cal with good intentions and got about a third of the way done with mine. Now I have too much on my plate (or should I say hooks) at the moment. But after Christmas this will get done...this will get done!

I've been following along here though lately and I want to say how pretty all of the quilt ghans are! So expect to see more of me after the holidays!

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Welcome in ( or back ) to Dsabol and Theresa . Might as well jump on in and get re-started on your quilt-ghans. We seem to have a never -ending list of people signing up and many have finished theirs and are on to another, so it's been a pretty successful CAL , I'd say !


I am working hard on a new PS and plan on the 9 patch after that, so I have a couple things in the works waiting for me too !

It's always good to have a new idea in the back of your head so you don't run out ~

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Welcome Dsabol & Theresa! I'm sure we'll be here after Christmas, see ya then.

Julie~Let's not plan too many ghans before you get your first PS done, lol. Think if you would've just stuck with the first one you could've had 5 done by now. :nahnah Ya know ya love me & if I don't tease ya who will? :hug

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