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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Afternoon Ladies....


Tabby that is looking mighty fine!! You are doing a beautiful job on it. You will get it done in no time flat now.:cheer


Andrea... Cant wait to see yours. I know it is gorgeous!! :manyheart



Aussie... Good Morning! I hope you have a great day at work. I will try to wait patiently to see your around the world!!



Darski... I didnt do an around the world but I have done several afghans with little bitty squares. The first one I joined as I crocheted the last row. The second one I had to make ind. squares and do an irish chain stitch to join them. I didnt think I would ever get done with those. The one on the left has something like 588 squares and the other ones has 380 squares.


th_IM001495.jpg th_IM001502.jpg


*Note I finished these a couple of years ago.



As for me... I am still waiting on the yarn. :blush Well maybe I will get it ordered this week sometime. I am still chugging along on my secret project. There is a couple of parts that is taking longer than I remember. Geez I always get into these little fixes.. :devil But I am sure my partner will love em!


AJ... By time I get the other stuff done you should be ready to work on the PS with me huh??? :hook:devil:manyheart


Have a great nite all!

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Hi Julie... I bet you had a blast with Cam today. I am going to get my Christmas lites up sometime this week. And then come Friday up goes the Christmas Trees!!!:clap:ctree:wreath:2snowman



Ok back to basting some hens!:hug

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Hello Julie & Brandy!

Brandy~Thanks a bunch! I'm happy with it so far. I love your 2 ghans there. Beautiful! Good Luck with your secret project.

Julie~Thank you so much! I'm glad to hear you worked on yours a tad bit. I bet your x-mas lights look beautiful. :hbulb

Darski~I did my first quilt ghan in little squares. They were 2 1/2" & yes I got mighty tired of them. :lol It took me approx. 3 months to complete it.



It was a total of 380 something squares I believe. :eek It was well worth the work though. You should do one. Although I probably won't do another anytime soon myself. :lol

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I'm guessing that this is where several WIPs would help to keep you going. You work some mindless squares for whichever quilt-y thing you have for a while then do something more challenging and when you aren't looking you have all those mindless squares completed - I'm still looking at my Jacob's Ladder and I think that would be one of those.

I appreciate the feedback. Needs prayerful consideration fer shure.

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Go Tabby ! You'll have that ripple finished off within another day or two if you get the free time . Good for you ~ :)


Wow, Brandy- those 2 afghans are gorgeous ! They are both from one of the little pattern booklets, right ? I've seen them before, and my gosh, you have the patience of a saint to do those ! Did you keep them or give them away ?


Tabby- yep, our lights look pretty, but they need a little tweaking . I am going to go in the morning and hunt up some garland or ribbon or something. I decided to go with all blue this year for something different . Last year was red and green, the year before was all green.

I may add some silver in with it, I'm not sure, but I like the blues. Me and Cam were singing Blue Christmas today . Pretty funny !

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Julie... I kept both of them. The green and white one stays on my bed and the kitties use it to sleep on. The other one stays in the living room and everyone fights over it. They came from Leisure Arts little books Granny's Delight Afghans. This book has some really pretty patterns in it. 7 other ones beside the 2 I did.


Thank you!!:manyheart

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:devil AJ they are not allowed to touch those afghans! :devil


Now both kids have their own afghans too!! :hook I really need to make them some new ones one day. Plus you know my daughter can :hook her own...:devil:manyheart

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Darski, I am currently working on the AW. I find it useful to work on more than one WIP. And then I set a goal of getting so many squares done in a day/week. It also helps to get support on here.:)

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Brandy - I love your afghans... wow so many squares and I was whinging about the amount I had to do in the around the world. I bet you were proud of yourself when you had finally finished them and yes after all that work I wouldnt have wanted to give them away either.


Darski - Im doing the around the world and havent got bored with it yet but then I have several wips. But I have started sewing them together as I dont want to be left with that huge job at the end.


Here is a pic of how far I am at the moment. I have nearly finished the 5th color.


Around the world so far

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Wendy yours is coming along beautifully. I have had several people beg me for them. Hubby told them all that would be 200 if they wanted them.:hook:devil His sister must not have wanted them that bad. There is a few he makes me keep cause of the time and love that I put into them.:manyheart

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Wendy, yours is going to be so pretty if that is just your beginning.


I loved this in my quilting days but, well, we shall see. the PS is still at the top of my list so it would be a while...

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Oh give me a home

Where the yarn fairy roams


Where a blind person picks out my yarn


I hate to tell you what I've done

But I'm probably not the first one


I had my PS off to a good start

Took a good look and just didn't have the heart


To continue something that had no POP -

I'm sure you all have started things , then decided to STOP


Due to colors, or pattern or lack of FLAIR .

Well, the last is what MINE was lacking --- it was restful, but no color was there .

It kinda looked like colors the prisoners in San Quentin may wear .


SO .... rather than totally chuck the whole plan


I decided to start one all over again .

This time ,my new colors won't be announced til I have each one of them on

To see if THEY look like an outfit for a CON


So, dear PS, you are off all afloat on your little boat

To the IOMP ( Island of Misfit Projects )


You can join others there that wait

That have had the same fate


My ISLAND has now grown to about the size of IDAHO

But where ELSE are these projects supposed to go ?


Maybe Santa will stop there with Rudolph this year .

And while he's picking up the Elephant with the polka dot ears

The gun that shoots jelly and the Charlie in the Box

Maybe Santa will be in a hurry and he'll forget his extra socks.


He'll see my unfinished PS laying there

and use it to keep off the cold air . :D

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Julie... the little square ones you join almost like you do the ps. Only you are doing granny squares instead of diamonds.


Good luck with the next set of colors. I know you will find some colors that you love for the PS!!!:cheer:manyheart:hug

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That's ok, Andrea . I do that with LOTS of my projects. If the colors just aren't suiting me, then i know I won't finish it, so it's better to start fresh with new colors. It's ok, I can get to that same point again without much trouble . It's when I get to the white-colored sections that it becomes more of a challenge . I'll be back to that point soon, because the beginning first few rounds go pretty quick and easy . :)

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Everyone is working so hard on their crocheted quilts it makes me feel like I'm working at a snails pase.:eek hehe I finished three more squares in my AW. I'm getting there. Might actually have it done in time for christmas.:cheer:yay

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