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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Wendy~I don't watch Amazing Race but I do watch Survivor (Julie got me hooked, lol). And it is nice to have some crochet projects going at once but not all big ghans, it drives me nuts. I will finish one soon or atleast I hope to. :D Good luck on with your crocheting at tennis. :hook

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Well Tabby, I got 3 granny squares done at tennis. Kelly won her doubles and her singles although they lost overall. Everyone kept asking me what I was making, so I explained that I was doing the charity thing.


Now I am home, have done some washing, given the girls some lunch and now want to get back into crocheting again..what a life huh.


When I tell the girls at work that I cant wait to get home and crochet they look at me strangely and say "geez Wendy you need to get a life". They just dont understand crocheters do they.

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Morning Wendy ~

Sorry, I didnt get much of a chance to be on here yesterday. It looks like you and Tabby were keeping the boat afloat yesterday !

I have been pouring on the steam trying to get that second big granny done to mail to my son in law . I need to have it in the mail by the 1st , so it's a rush project .

Then it's back to the good old PS ---


What to do after that, I'm not yet sure . I may go with a nine patch yet ( another one I have wanted to do for a long time ) ,or something totally different.


Anyhow, it's nice to find another Survivor and Amazing Race fan. I can't comment too much on them since we are a few shows ahead of you. I don't want to ruin it for you by telling you what is happening .


Nothing wrong with you liking to come home and crochet. The majority of my immediate family thinks the same --- my mom and sister think it is just plain stupid to waste your time on stuff like that . ( Their words, not mine )

I guess different strokes for different folks ,huh ?



Hidey-ho, Tabby-O

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Hey there Julie, good morning to you. Im sure you will get the granny done by the 1st, try not to stress too much.

I want to do the 9 patch too I will probably join you with that.

Well I have spent all afternoon and night watching movies and making squares, its nearly my bedtime here.

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Hi Wendy

Yea, those giant grannies are probably one of the fastest afghans to make . I'm already on my 3rd skein of yarn ,so it's going well . The bigger it gets the longer it takes to go around, but that's ok. I think I'll have it done in plenty of time .

Have a good night's sleep and we'll chat later on ! :)

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Wendy~Yeah, my sister says I have a boring life & need to act my age instead of a grandma because I crochet & cross-stitch. But I just look at it as she's just jealous because her man looks at her like why can't you do that, lol. Sisters, aren't they wonderful? Anyways the rest of my family thinks it's cool & are glad that I have something to keep me busy. Glad to hear you got something done at tennis. Sorry to hear they lost the game. Have a good night.

Julie~Well, good morning sunshine. I thought I was going to have to send out the troops looking for you. Glad to hear you got some crocheting done. It sounds like you're coming right along. I worked a little on my PS yesterday, I was able to finish my white sections. Hopefully, i'll get some color added today. I also want to do the nine patch so maybe next we can all work on it together. We'll see, I may find something else that catches my eye. :blush I'll talk to ya later. Have a good day! :manyheart

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Hey Ho Tabby

Nope, I'm still out here, it's just been one of them weeks where I spend most of my time wandering around like a chicken with my head cut off .


I have been pouring on the steam to get that big granny moving and spending lots of time on it and not much on here .


I made the fatal mistake of going in to look at that new purse-along . DOGGONE -- should NOT have done that. I am sunk now .


I was not going to join into any more of these til I got a handle on the ones I started, but DANG ---


What do I do NOW ? Need a HANDLE for the PURSE-ALONG .

GEEZ LOUISE, when will I EVER learn ? :think


The only way I can resist these CAL's is to toss my computer out the upstairs window and bust it all to shreds, THEN I'd be safe from signing up for anymore .:lol


The 9-patch still IS on my priority list, just floundering down there with half a dozen other things.

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Tabby - hello Im glad to see your getting some of your ps done. then you can join us with the 9 patch


Julie - Yes there are a lot of cals going on. I looked at the mystery cal and want to do that and also the nordstrom hobo bag cal.


The only problem I have with the nordstrom hobo bag is I dont have the hooks and the chunky wool needed. It would mean another trip to buy the stuff.


Im going to try and get some of my around the world done today.


Have a great Sunday or Saturday night.

Catch you all this arvo.

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Julie~I hear ya. I actually made the mistake of checking out the snowman CAL & i've checked out the purse one too. LOL! They are dangerous. I bought handles awhile back to make a bag but never did find a pattern that fit the handle. I haven't been able to find those round handles yet, but that's probably a good thing. :lol I have restrained myself from starting anything else yet but we'll see how long it last. :think

Wendy~Yep, i'll be right beside ya guys with the nine patch. :hook

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Hello everyone! How is everyone doing this cloudy Saturday?? We had a parade to go watch. My daughter marched in it. I got some great pictures of it. It was just a tad bit cold for me, but still had a nice time..


I am still working on my secret project. Taking just a little longer than I wanted. But I will get it done in plenty of time. So by time you gals start the 9 patch I should be ready to start the PS and get it made. I also want to do some snowmen for that cal!


How is everyone coming on their quiltghans? Cant wait to see pics of them all.


Well my dinner is just about done. So I will check in later!! Have a great nite all!!:manyheart

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Good Morning All! :manyheart

Brandy~I'm still chuggin away on my PS. It is really easy to do once you get the hang of the joining. I've started putting the colors around the white. :yay I'm doing one corner at a time instead of going around like I was because I think i'll get the placement confused at this point doing it that way. Make sense? Probably not but I get it, lol. :lol

Glad to hear the parade was good even with the chilly weather.

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Tabby, it sounds like you are doing really well on your PS! I can't wait to see an updated pic.


I still intend to make another one. But with moving in the next couple of weeks, it will probably be later than sooner.


Plus I have several knitting WIP's that I want to get completed, namely Lady Eleanor.


I was at my SIL's house the other day and saw the PS that I made in that week marathon last April... I found I really missed the pattern. I knew for sure then that I wanted to do another.

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Okay, here is a pic. of my PS so far. I'm sorry I haven't posted a pic. since the beginning star. I just hate the quality of my pics. I really need to get a digital cam & ditch this webcam crappolla. ;) Anyways, here it is. Thanks for looking.



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Sew Sew Sew my squares gently all last night


Around Around Around I go


Slowly round the world.



:lol Hehe this is my version of row row row your boat...

I sewed my squares last night because I just didnt want to do all that at the end.

I will post a pic soon


Have a great day everyone, its monday here which means I have to go to work.:(

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I just have to ask this of all of you who do the Around The World quilt afghan...how do you avoid the boredom factor with these?


I am seriously asking this because I like these 'ghans but I just know I would get fed up so quickly into the project that I don't start it. :blink

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Hi Gang

Sorry, I have been MIA today . Cam was here and we also put our outside Christmas lights up this afternoon ,so it's been another NO CROCHET day. Gotta get some major stitching done now, since i have been lagging behind lately .


I worked a TINY bit on my PS last night and still working away as time permits on the big granny .

It sounds like you are all still working away .


Tabby- yours is beautiful. I am so proud of the job you have done. You have REALLY been cranking out the afghans lately !


AJ- you'd certainly be welcome to hop back in here anytime you want, if you get the time after some of your other things are finished up .


I really do plan on the 9 patch next, so I'm kinda hoping that a group of us can all chip in at once and start it together if possible .


Darski - I never got tired of the Around the World, mainly because of using so MANY different colors. And it was kinda nice having such a simple square pattern to do, so you didnt have to keep following directions .

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