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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Good Morning Brandy! I have been working on my PS. I have 4 sections of the white done. I haven't worked on it yet today but my hubby is home and he's getting on my last nerve. :thair I make alot of mistakes if i'm aggravated & he is just having that effect on me today. :bang I did do a couple rounds on my granny ghan this a.m. since it doesn't take much concentration. I'm hoping later I can get more white done on my PS.

Stop talking about the dang snowmen, lol. It is soooo tempting. :2snowman I love snowmen. :manyheart

Hello Goofy & welcome. Good Luck on your ghan. :cheer

Julie?? Hellooooooooooo......are you out there?? :heehee Hope all is okay. How is your ghan coming along? Have ya had time to work on it? :yarn

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Howdy gang

Yea, I'm still out here, Tab. Today I had to watch Cam, so I hadn't had a whole lot of time to be on here .

As far as the PS-- it is sitting in the corner again. I always get stalled at this point . I don't know what it is, maybe I get tired of making all them diamonds ,but it hasn't progressed any farther .

I havent really had much of a progressive crochet day at all today, but maybe this afternoon I can pull something out and get a little done on it .

Good for you, though , you are just a crocheting machine ! :)

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Brandy - Hello, my around the world is slowly going round... hehe I have done a fair bit, now Im on the 5th color. I have been looking at the snowman cal and am wondering whether to join, I really like the melting snowman.


Tabby - Im glad your getting some crochet done.


Goofy - Welcome back. Hope to see some pics of your crochet soon.


Julie - You know that diamonds are a girls best friend:D I am going to do the ps next and I will probably be drowning when I get to the point you are upto now. Have a break from the diamonds and do something else and then go back to it later, You will work it out.:yes

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Julie~Come on you can do it. :cheer Just pick it up & crochet like a mad woman. :hook It goes fast once you get the hang of how to join them. You have to give yourself time to figure it out, atleast finish the first white section. :think Then you can throw it out the window for all I care but just give it a go first, please. :tryme I'm not gonna give up on you. :devil:manyheart

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Thank you, Tabby , you HERO OF THE CAL's .


Whenever I get WEAK, you get STRONG . :yes


Let that bat fly- I'll see what I can do to pull up my bootstraps and get a grip here .


****By the way, does anyone KNOW what that means ?

Pull up your bootstraps ?



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Boot straps are straps on the sides of boots that enable you to pull them on. Especially of value to soldiers in days gone by.


No young woman was ever allowed to see a soldier in his full dress regimentals - too dangerous.


I have no idea why I said that. life is just more interesting when your brain is on vacation.

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Hey Wendy ... glad to hear you are going around the world with it..:hook I love the melting snowman too and I have already printed out the pattern.



:cheer Come on Julie.. dont throw it to the sidelines yet! :cheer It really does fly by once you get the hang of it!! :clap I have faith that you will finish her this time!!!:cheer Now let see some hooks a smokin!:hook


Tabby sorry to hear that your husband is driving you nuts. I go through that alot too. Just do what I do and send him on some errands for you! It always works in my case... LOL


As for me I havent done any crocheting at all today. But I have however cleaned all but 2 rooms in my house. And when I say clean I mean CLEAN!! I have dusted, vac, put stuff away, and moved things around. It looks heavenly in the front part of my house. I didnt get the carpets cleaned today but hopefully that will happen sometime this weekend.


I also decided since Mary would not clean her room again that I would give her a little nudge in the right direction. So while she was at school today I went in the diaster area and pulled everything out from under her bed and desk and dresser. Then I proceeded to dump everything out of all the drawers that were open and even the ones that were closed. I placed it all in one big pile in the middle of her room. Since she has been home from school she has been working on it non stop and doing it the way I want it cleaned and put away... Does this make me an evil mom??? :devil I think not. I just got tired of telling her for a month to clean it and she never did. I even took away tv, stereo, computer and cell and still she didnt clean.


Well I have to go check on her. But I will be doing some crocheting tonite on my secret project. I really hate doing secret projects, cause I cant share with anyone what it looks like right now and it makes me look like I am doing nothing at all.. :no Soon I will get to share my crocheting/knitting goodness with my friends. :hug


Have a good nite all! :manyheart

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Julie~It's a dirty job but someone has to do it. ;):lol We're too much alike that I know what ya need. :kick

Brandy~You are truly evil. :devil No wonder we're friends. :lol I know you do nothing so there's no reason to explain. :P:hug

Wendy~Glad to hear your ATW is coming along. Can't wait to see pics. :cheer

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Julie- :cheer come on girl you can do it there is no reason why you cant, just take it slowwwwww.


Brandy- No I am no closer I didnt work on it monday and tuesday I did a few of the other painted desert ones but I am almost done with that part. Today I left at 8am for work and got home at 815pm so havnt done anything at all yet, I may work on it a bit here soon.

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Thanks for the bootstrap info. I'm just wondering about my brain being on vacation . Do you mean that if your brain isn't THINKING ... it's on vacation ? Or if your brain THINKS A LOT ABOUT WEIRD STUFF, it's on vacation ?

I'm trying to decide which one I'm doing - :lol


Thanks for my cheerleaders out there -- I'll pick it back up again , you'll see !


Brandy- I had to laugh when you made the comment about sending your husband on an errand to get him outta your hair .

Tell your husband you REALLY need a special item for your Thanksgiving dinner next week .

If they want that world famous green bean casserole recipe that's on tv every year on the holiday commercials, that they have those canned fried onions on sale at our Walmart -- ONLY AVAILABLE here in OUR WALMART , so he'd have quite a few hours' journey wrapped up in his search for the perfect green-bean ingredients .

THAT oughta give you at least a 24 hour rest .

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Hi everyone hows it going.


Well the weather is being really weird downunder. This week its still a drought here in South Australia:sun , in Melbourne its snowing in the mountains:snow , NSW has bushfires and Queensland has had Hail. I think that covers just about everything.


Well a wonderful person:hug has mailed me the magazine which featured the around the world quilt. This magazine has lots of stuff in it, after looking at the around the world quilt I am frogging my squares and starting again. :( Yes I am starting again after already doing 20 squares.:yes

The square was just not sitting right and so I am doing the square that is stated in the pattern.


I hate starting over but Im determined to get around the world:lol


Well in the meantime Im doing the 6day charity cal, so gotta go do more squares while I watch the amazing race.

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Good luck on the frogging -- believe me, I know where you're coming from. I have done that SO many times. It usually takes me a long time to settle on a pattern and colors, and I spend a lot of time taking stuff apart that I spent a lot of time putting together ( if that makes any sense ) :lol

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Good Afternoon All! I had pre-school with Jaden this a.m. so I didn't have time to check in this morning. I'm soooo tired today that I don't know how much i'll really get done. I didn't work on my PS at all yesterday. I just didn't feel like it, good reason huh? :lol

Julie~I think i'll send my hubby after some of those ingredients too. :D Although he did apoplogize for being a smarty pants which didn't sit well with me for some reason. Of course he only apologized because I made him & when I told him to give me a kiss to say sorry, he gave me a kiss & said "I accept your apology". :eek Does he think he's funny? :lol I couldn't help but to laugh at him because he's just being himself. Its just sometimes i'm not in the mood for him to act like himself, lol. :yes

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Hi Gang

Boy, this area is like a tomb this week ! Where's all the action ? Maybe we have a little too much competition -- there are about 78 active CAL's going on. Every time I come in here, there are new ones. :eek


A litte hard to stay on task with all the temptations out there .


Anyhow, I WILL get back to my PS, I promise, but just decided today to make my son in law a big camo granny for the holiday --- need to have it mailed by Dec 1st, so I'd better get on the stick . :hook

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Hi Julie - Hows it going?


There are a lot of cals arent there. I was going to join the snowman cal but now I see the mystery cal starting next week and that looks exciting. I havent done one of those. I have been busy with the 6 day charity squares and also sending raoks.


Julie I think I have changed my mind. After doing the square in the pattern for the around the world I think I like my original squares. I know I said they dont sit properly but maybe once they are sewn they will be ok.

What a turnaround huh.:blush


With all this going on my giant granny is on the backburner.. You can only do so much cant you.


I think I need to quit work so I have more time for crocheting. :yes

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Yea Wendy


I know what you mean - It's ok if you change your mind about the pattern or colors . I do that all the time ! You have to LIKE what you are working on or it may never get finished .


Yes, there are so many of these CAL's now, it's a little hard to keep them all straight. I need to make sure and focus on the ones I started or they will never be completed .


How are you liking Amazing Race and Survivor ? Got any favorites so far ?

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Julie~I'm lingering here. I didn't crochet at all yesterday, I had all I could do to keep my eyes open after the neighbors fighting the night before. Grrrrr.......I so need to get out of this dump. Anyways, i'm better today. :D I'm off to pre-school in a few but will crochet when I return. I to have been working on my granny ghan instead of the PS. :lol We think alike even when we don't know it or mean to. ;) It's that great minds thing. :yes I also want to get another square done for my monet. We'll see when I get home what I can accomplish. Talk to ya later! :D

Wendy~It sounds like we're quite a bit ahead on our programming. Glad to hear you didn't give up on your AW. I'm sure it'll be beautiful. :cheer

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Hey Tabby - I'm here :)


I have not done any more work on my PS recently (still trying to finish those Christmas gifts). I did pull out the yarn and did a practice square for the Jewel Box I'm planning to start next just to figure out hook size to get the proper square size.


While browsing online I came across this at Annie's Attic: http://www.anniesattic.com/crochet/detail.html?prod_id=4660. I don't recall seeing this listed on their Club/Series page before, but maybe I just missed it. Has anyone subscribed to this before? I'm thinking I might try it and and see what it's like. If anyone else has done any series with Annie's Attic before, is it fairly easy to cancel if you aren't happy with it, or do they keep bugging you?


How's everyone else coming along on their quilts?

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Hi everyone:waving

I have just woken up.

:yay yah its saturday. Im taking my crochet with me to tennis so while Kelly plays I can crochet.


Tiffany - I havent tried that club so cant help you. Sounds great though.


Tabby - Yes we are always a bit behind with the shows. The amazing race this time looks like they are not going overseas but just round America. I guess with little kids it would be hard to take them overseas.


The one good thing with having so many projects on the go is that we will never be bored or frustrated. If any project gives us grief we can pick up another one.:yes

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Tiffany~Hello, glad i'm not alone in here. I have a binder started with the quilt club pages. My Mom gave it to me because she thought i'de get more use out of them but I do think she kept some that she loved. I like alot of the patterns but some are just outdated looking. That's just my personal opinion because i'm sure some people would love the ones I don't. Since I don't have all of them I just signed up for it. :yay And as far as cancelling, you should have no problems. They're really good about that & there's no harassment involved.

I did pick up my PS today for a bit. I finished another white section & hope to get the last one done later. I can't wait to finish atleast one of my projects. :yes

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