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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Hi Tab

Your center star is looking good ! Great job !

Yea, it's sometimes hard to see the difference in colors online, but I know claret is REALLY dark red and ranch red looks kinda like a light barn-color ( that's what it reminds me of )

It definitely would match better than the claret I think .

Will be watching for photos as you progress . :)

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Good Morning all!! It is a :rain and :wcold day here with a chance of :snow tonite. By Monday we may get to break out the old snowblower. :clap Ok yes I am a little weird but I love :snow exspecially getting close to Christmas:wreath . Makes me get in the mood.


We are taking a little :drive today up to Rockford. This means that I get to go to all of the good stores... Michaels, Hobby Lobby, Barnes & Nobles, and of course take the kids to the Mall. They have no School today and I figured it would be better to take them somewhere instead of listening to them :box .


Well I got a hold of the lady yesterday and she is letting me basically do want I want too with the PS. So while I am up in the big city I plan on getting the yarn to make it. I will either see if I can get the org. colors, which I dont think will happen, or I will be doing it in Americana colors. Not sure which ones yet. I will know when I see them. Wish me luck


So til later my friends!! I will definitely be back with some goodies :yarn of some kind.


:manyheart Have a great day!! :flake


PS Tabby I love both those colors, but I am partial to the barn red. I used burgandy when I did mine instead of the claret. That one is just too dark for my tastes. :hug

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Tabby - its looking good, cant wait to see more.


Brandy - I love your picture writing. Have fun on your drive today and hope you come home with lots of yarn.



I have put a picture of what I have done so far. Im not entirely sure the patterned squares look ok. Im also finding some wool are making the squares a little shorter and also this pattern does make the square not lay flat. I have to try and smooth it out. Also the squares do look big for this pattern(they are 4 inches).

Please tell me what you think before I go any further.


Here is my around the world quilt so far

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Hi Wendy

Looking good to me ! They will all fall into place once you put them together, so don't worry if they look a little ruffly on the edges . Nice colors, it will be very pretty . And the bigger the square, the less you'll have to make. It all depends on how big you want your finished afghan to be ! The sky's the limit !

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Tabby- so far so good I like the red one better as well


Aussie- I agree with Julie I think once you put them together all will work out just fine.


Brandy- Can't wait to see what you got shopping. Knowing your lightening fast hands youll be caught up to me by tonite lol.

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Tabby - your going well there. Im glad your finding it so easy:D

I cant wait to do that one. Wow you have a long list of works in progresses so whats one more then.:lol


I will be going around the world for awhile I think:yes


I did a bit of housework then took Emma to gym now Im back and yes I have a crochet hook in my hand.. hehe


Its overcast here and was just thundering awhile ago, we had a few drops of rain but then it stopped.


back to the around the world in how many days will it take:think

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Prairie Star:


Is anyone else needing to use a size J hook for this? The size I came out way too tight. I've joined two motifs so far and they seem to fit together, so I think it's going to be okay.

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I'm using an H . I think everyone crochets so differently ,some tight, some loose, so usually with afghans at least ,where the gauge isn't as important as it would be ,say in a sweater, that you can usually use whatever hook and yarn combo works for you . I almost ALWAYS use H for all my afghans, so the I feels too big . I will sometimes use the G if I'm using the softer yarn .


Tabby - don't give up ! :eek You'll get the hang of it . Just mark off on your chart when you place one diamond. I think that's where the PATIENCE REQUIRED comes in -- remember the little doohickey at the top of the pattern ?

I am ALMOST done with my 3rd color. I think I have 4 diamonds yet to put on . That row almost mixed me up, because you actually put them in order like this - 2-1-2-1-2-1 .. I THINK I have it going right. Next row is the color with just the 2 diamonds before the point-- now that will take some good eye-work to make sure I put them on the sides of the right diamond .:yes

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:sun Good Morning Gang!



Yesterday was sort of a bust. When we got to Rockford we stopped to have lunch first. That was pretty good. We never went to Chilis before, so nice for a change.


After lunch Mary and I hit Michaels and hubby and son hit Petco.:catI didnt find much. I picked up a couple of :yarn of Patons SWS in the Natural Pink. That was all they had cause the sale that was going on. I also got a couple pairs of circular knitting needles for something that I will be working on in the future.


Next on the list was Hobby Lobby. Here I was very disappointed. :sigh They use to carry just about all of the Red Heart yarn and now they have next to nothing for it. Mary did find some :artist that she wanted, so maybe not a total bust.


Barnes and Noble didnt really have any new magazines or books in it. But the hubby did find something that he wanted.


We even did the mall scene, but by then it was really :storm and I about had enough for the day. I didnt even get to do any crocheting on my secret project cause I promised hubby I would :drive . But I did manage to talk him into :drive back home cause of the :rain .


Then after all of the :manyheart of the afternoon and Mary definitely loves to go to Rockford. She decided it would be a really good time to tell me she was having some serious pain in the right side. So I did get some crocheting time in at the hospital. Dont worry it wasnt her appendix, just a bad bladder infection. She is feeling better already this am.


So my friends I hope you enjoyed my little :shop excursion with me. Today may involve more driving and more shopping in another little town. We will see.


:manyheart Have a great day everyone!



PS for anyone who is looking for the fiesta colors that was used in the org. PS pattern take a look here at Herrschners. They dont have the lite sage used but they do have the wheat. Thought you would like to know.

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Hi Brandy

I'm sorry to hear Mary was sick, but glad you got her to the Dr and she is already feeling better. The medecine will probably get her patched up within a couple days and she'll be as good as new .


I hope you are able to find the yarn you were looking for today when you go out .


Good luck and keep us updated. Tell Mary to get better so she's back to her funny self soon . She is such a hoot ! :manyheart

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Okay, I started on this last night. I should have the center star done and ready for pictures by mid-morning tomorrow if I keep it up at this rate. The colors really look great together, I think. It's funny, Tricia and I had totally different wedding color schemes but they blend together really well! Of course, they're all blue tones, so that may be why.


On a side note, I have to rave about this yarn: I'm using Bernat Satin because it had the colors I needed and I read a review that said Simply Soft users will love it. Boy, are they right! It's just as soft, also "shiny", and IMO the strands stick together better than with SS. I don't think I've split my yarn once yet! :D I really love this yarn. I'll post pics tomorrow!


Brandy - Sorry to hear about Mary, but it's good to hear she's doing better! I've been hospitalized with bad bladder infections in the past - they aren't fun. :(


Darski, I love that pattern; I wonder how hard it would be to convert it for yarn and a big hook. Maybe do 8" squares instead of the 4" depicted?

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Hi gang late start on here for me tonite, sad to say that my ps wont be done by tomorrow, cuz well i just havnt had much time to work on it at all, I do however have all the white parts done that took me the longest and then I have all the claret part done so im almost there and hope to be able to border it by monday though. I think I am gonna have the border explained in english with the peaks and valleys and the inc and dec in those areas. It shouldnt take to long to finish up, but I still dont think I did so bad considering I only started it last Sunday night. Ill post more pics soon. Cant wait to see everyone's pics.


Brandy- I hope Mary starts to feel better soon.

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Thank you Tabby and Julie. Mary is feeling much better. She is taking her meds like a good little girl that we know shes not...:devil and trying to drink the cranberry juice that I told her she had to drink. But I am afraid hubby went to the store for it and got the wrong kind. If you dont like cranberries then you wouldnt like it. Me on the other hand love the stuff so it wont go to waste. Yes I am a little weird...:blush



Good news on the yarn situation. I found a lovely shade of TLC yarn that I will be using for the PS and I am ordering a couple of colors online from Herrschners. The rest I should be able to pick up at Wal-Mart. I have one thing that I am thinking about and not sure if it would look right or not. Since I am doing this more Americana than the org. colors, I am thinking about not using the painted desert and using this varg. blue from the TLC yarn line. What do you gals think??? Should I keep the painted desert or switch it to the varg blue. I am ordering the Fiesta Wheat. Think it will look good or should I just order both and try it and see which one I like best??? Any and all suggestions are welcome!!


Well I am going to get off here and go finish watching The Polar Express with my kids and work on my secret project a little more.


:manyheart Have a great nite ladies!!!:manyheart

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Thanks Adrienne and Andrea. She is feeling lots better tonite. Tummy just a little upset from the meds.


Adrienne I cant wait to see a pic of the start of your PS. I'm sorry I dont remember what colors you are using. So hurry up and post pics soon. I really dont like SS that well because of the splitting, but I havent seen the one you are using. So now I have something else to look for... :hook



Andrea... I am soo Proud!:cheer of you for doing this afghan. I knew you could do it. You almost got it done in a week. EXCELLENT JOB!! :hug Cant wait to see your completed ghan!! :manyheart

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Hi all. I am finally checking in and am stunned at the progress many of you have made on your PS. Wonderful progress. Bravo everyone! :clap


I spent yesterday tidying my house and setting exam papers. I reorganised my yarn.... I think I was too shocked for words yesterday. My yarn stash is no longer a delight... it is making me feel as if I have lost the plot. May have to consider a storage shed:blush I swore that I will not buy any yarn for at least 6 months. I will use what I have ...make that I will force myself to be good.


Today I started the skull caps for my students. I have a soft spot for these girls as we have come a long way from the beginning of the year when I was new to the school. It was a learning experience for all involved as they were used to teachers who basically made them do translation after translation and in I come expecting them to speak Italian. I am a great one for setting situations where they have to use the language. I was almost knocked over by their resistence at the beginning but I am pleased to say they eventually came to the party. I now have 2 of these students who will be leaving to spend one year in Italy to improve their proficiency. One is going to Palermo, Sicily and the other will be in Rome. So I am on a hat mission... 9 hats in total before Wednesday.

As usual I left it to the last minute!!!


Brandy, sorry to hear that Mary is unwell. I was very prone to the same condition when I was young and my eldest, Emma, seems to come down with it. She swears by the cranberry juice. I hope Mary is brighter today and hopefully the medication will kill those nasty bugs before too long.


About my PS ... after yesterday's tidy I am seriously considering putting it on hold although I really enjoy working along with the rest of the group. I do have another WIP that would qualify as a crochet quilt so I should attack this one before starting a new one. Yes, my house at the moment "overunneth over" with yarn and WIPS and I intend to do something about it.:yes

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